Spill The Ginger Tea Podcast

Emotion Code and Shamanic Energy Healing - Laura Dillon

Angel Amy and Lila Season 1 Episode 9

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Laura Dillon, founder of Holistic Life Community in Wakefield MA joins Angel Amy and Lila to discuss Emotion Code and Shamanic Healing. We discuss what Emotion Code is how it works and how it can help you to heal. Also how trapped negative emotions in the body can manifest as physical pain.

Laura Dillon: https://www.holisticlifecommunity.com and
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Hey everybody. I'm Angela, Amy. And hi, I'm Lila. We're going to be discussing alternative health techniques. So if you are looking to heal the physical, mental or spiritual parts of yourself, or curious about what to try, or what could help you live your best life, you're absolutely in the right place. So welcome, everyone for being here today. And for tuning in. Today I have this very special guest. I'm so excited. Her name is Lara Dillon, and she is the founder of Holistic Life community located in Wakefield, Massachusetts. She is a shamanic energy healer. And Lila and I are just so excited to dive in. So excited to hear all about all this good stuff. So thank you, Laura. Thank you so much. I'm so excited to be here. Awesome. So why don't we just begin with you explaining how you or why you started your center. Okay. So I'm in 2017, I left the corporate world, I was struggling, I was 30 pounds over overweight, I was having panic attacks, four to five panic, panic attacks a day. And I needed to do something different. I had been in the accounting world for a long time. So I ended up leaving in 2017. And around the same time my kids got into this allergy Release Technique program that really opened up my world to the power of alternative and holistic medicine. So they had severe food allergies to pretty much everything. milk egg, peanuts, tree nuts, like severe when lorises, severe people listening to this, like severe allergy. Yeah, they have a they have both anaphylaxis multiple times, oh, I'd say my oldest four times and my youngest, probably twice. And so it this program lasted for about three and a half years. When they were about six months into going after I had left converse, the founder approached me and said, Hey, would you be interested in becoming a practitioner? And I actually said no, because I'm like, What do I know? I am an accountant. I mean, I was director of accounting at Converse, right. And I had worked at Deloitte and Touche public accounting. So this was not my world. I'm like, What do I know about working with people, but I knew a lot about food allergies because of my kids. And meanwhile, you pretty much curd your children. Yeah, right. Yeah, right. Definitely my my youngest struggles a little bit, but we're working on some stuff. But my oldest is absolutely eating everything. And, you know, when we were going through the program, you you're giving them these small doses of whatever the allergen food is that the you know, and you're desensitizing them using this modality, but a big piece of it is energy work. And so I ended up ended up getting trained and, and there's something a process called the Emotion Code, which, when you think about these kids who have anaphylaxis from a peanut and had been stabbed by an epi pen have been hospitalized, there's PTSD related, right, right. And so I started getting into energy work, Reiki and motion code. And I just started working on myself initially. And so basically, I ended up not doing allergy Release Technique anymore after about 18 months, because right away, I knew the energy work was for me, you felt a chi could feel and sense things that I know that wasn't normal for for even other practitioners that I was working with. And so I really started to get into the energy work and I had actually seen Angel Amy, in a session, you were in like an awakening when you so basically, Lara had worked on done energy work on herself, so you can do this on yourself. And she forged a deeper connection between her physical body, her mind in her soul, her spirit in your spirit vibrates 1000 times quicker or higher than the mind in the physical body. So the soul will then lead and that's when you enter into an awakening. And that's when a lot of people come to me and find me and they say what is happening to me? Yeah, like what am I experiencing? No, you are telling me things that I just couldn't I didn't really understand because you are like you're so powerful, you have no idea what you're going to be doing. And you know, I had always struggled with future law. You know, I had struggled with depression and anxiety, severe depression, anxiety my entire life, I was on medication and stuff. And so anyway, to get back to the original question of why I opened the center, so my kids now go through this program, I have now gone off my antidepressant medication that I've been on for over 20 years, and I'm starting to heal myself. And I and I was like, I need to create a community and a resource for people to find out about these powerful, powerful healing modalities that exist that have changed people's lives. You know, in a lot of times, people are using it in combination with, they're going through cancer treatment, and then they're doing this energy work, right. It doesn't have to be one side or the other. But what what this center is really about is to let people know that these modalities exist. And so I created Holistic Life Community in August of 2020, in the middle of a pandemic, with really the philosophy to bring together powerful, powerful healers that are really passionate about what they do, and are really good at it. And so, at our center, we have an herbalist who's amazing. She does a lot of intuitive and energy work working with the plants. We have a hypnotherapist we have life, a life coach. We have a massage therapist, and then myself, what I do is a lot of energy, shamanic type healing. And the center we provide so many amazing events. Lots of events. So Lila, out of all those modalities. She just listed off. What have you tried? Well, I definitely heard massage. So we might Yeah, but before we started, Laura mentioned that she has a chi gong. Am I saying that correctly? practitioner in you just started this? Yes. Yeah, really cool. super interesting. We'll see how it turns out. But yeah, so far, what has your experience been, like, you know, very basic at this point. But as you know, I've been doing a lot of meditation, and just kind of as myself, I like to move some times, you know, so like, you know, yoga, but I felt like I need something different. So decided to try Chi Gong, right. I've tried Tai Chi, it's a little bit not my thing. So before we get into talking about Emotion Code, because that's really why we have Laura here. I just want to talk to Lila a little bit about something because someone may hear this and it may resonate. So while you're doing Chi Gong, your body is in motion. Yes. Is that correct? Yes. Okay, so we did something similar before we started with Lara to ground and and it was so beautiful. And I, I really felt my energy body shift, and really grounded in, in so when you're in this fluid moment, movement, Lila, do you start to notice that you draw your you draw your energy inside your body like an observation? Are you there yet? I don't know about an observation that I definitely focus on, you know, trying to feel that chi or that you know, lifeforce energy sort of moving. One of the things I think for myself is that my chi is kind of stagnant right now. Right needs to really be moving. And so that's really where I'm focused on it is trying to feel that starting to flow more easily for me, so if you start to feel it from within, like, so meaning like, come in, go inside your body, and see how it feels while you're moving. And then move, move your observation outside your body. Am I saying this correctly? Trying to help people be able to feel the energy more is my point here? Yeah, yeah. Well, the practice that we did was more shamanic based. I don't know much about Qigong. But one of our practitioners Angela, SoCal SoCal ova. She's amazing. She's amazing. And she's doing a free class in February February 4, and then February 11, and 18 some of the fun events that we're doing, but I mean, I know that Qigong like she has done some things with us. It's very much about breathing and movement and getting the flow, right. Like a combo like a combination is What I was explaining to Lila because some people listening to this will just get so much more out of the activity, if they kind of understand where to go inside their body. Yeah, yeah. So let's dive into Emotion Code. Yeah. So listen, everybody, I've tried a lot of different things in Emotion Code is up there for me with the tapping, you know, I love the tapping. That's why I'm an EFT practitioner. But I just love the Emotion Code. So I'm going to let Laura just tell us a little bit about what it is. We'll dive in. And then maybe I get to tell you the difference between the two. And why I love it so much. Okay. Yeah, so Emotion Code is one of them. Various things that I do in a session, I say, I have my tools in my toolbox. And I intuitively will kind of know just what's going to be better for some people versus others. Because some people can be really sensitive to things. I also do tuning forks and do shamanic energy clearing. The Emotion Code was developed by a chiropractor. And after working with his patients for over 20 years, what he discovered is that people's back issues and their joint issues had these underlying emotional components to them. So it's a process basically, where you're using kinesiology or muscle testing, which is pretty common in this alternative therapy world. And you basically have this chart. So if somebody has a physical shoulder pain, or a headache, or problems with their feet, you're basically doing muscle testing. And you're using this chart, and you're saying, okay, related to this pain in your foot, is there an underlying distorted energy that's causing this pain in your foot and so you muscle test this chart, and you're and you know, you might get frustration or creative insecurity, which is creative insecurity is basically feeling unsafe or unstable with change, right. And so then you're working with the meridian system. So your governing Meridian goes from the your forehead all the way down your spine, and you're sending energy when you're working with the client, down their spine using a magnet. And most people feel it, they'll feel tingling in their hands or their feet, or they could feel like pressure in their chest or kind of movement in their stomach. And it's really, really powerful. And for me, what it opened up was, how much of our stuff is actually not ours. It's inherited. Right? So when I work with clients, I tell them, I say it's about 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 of the stuff SARS. 1/3 is from our mother and the ancestral line, and 1/3 is from the Father and then yes, so before we get into all the ancestors, because I love that piece, let's, I'm going to explain to everyone because I've actually done this with Laura, and I love it. And so you basically go see her, you're fully clothed, yeah, right, we have to say that a lot of people know what massage is. And you meet with Lara and she basically uses kinesiology and I'm going to explain what that is. To determine what emotions which are energy, your body is ready to release. So Kinesiology is basically the study of like, energy within the muscles. Yes. So that's how practitioners get yeses and noes through your body. So when I saw her, I forget what topic we were on at that point. I don't know if it was herniated disk at that point. I think it was herniated. Okay. Yeah. But I remember we you tested me for needing to release a lot of shame. And so which is on the money. So when she tests she looks at the chart or this point, you know, the chart and says, okay, this person has shame from the age of 13 Is it in this lifetime? Yes or no? Right? Yeah. And then you want to pick it up from there what you do, and given them a play by play? Yeah. So you want to interject, Lila? I just wanted to say but you if you had a herniated disc like you're approaching Laura saying like my back hurts, right and then you go and figure out doing the Kinesiology testing afterwards like then you're looking at the chart right? Are you person venting with the pain like, am I saying My feet are killing me or my back hurts my neck hurt. Most people that are coming to see me have some type of ailment, whether it's depression, anxiety, physical issues, they all have underlying emotional energetic pieces to them. Okay, so using muscle testing you can like if you come in and phobias are a huge one that I work huge, like this little 11 year old boy, the sweetest thing, his mother is a psychiatrist, and she had tried everything. And she, she had heard about me through somebody else, she brought him to me. And after three sessions of clearing his energy, basically, he woke up one day, I mean, he was so afraid of bees that he would basically in January, when he would start thinking about the springtime and the grass and the bees coming out, and he would start talking to his mom, like the weather, the weather is going to be getting warmer, and then you know, I'm not going to be able to go out for lunch for school and all this. Yeah, it's crazy. And after three sessions, he basically won't woke up one day, and the mom texted me and was like, yeah, he said, he's just not afraid of bees. And so it's just a matter of shifting and moving the energy, it can really, really be anything, it could be a trauma that somebody's going through a divorce, it could be losing a loved one a parent, it doesn't have to be a physical issue, it can really be anything. So remember, negative emotions contribute to pain inside the physical body, in the emotional body. And so in our very first episode, the introductory episode, I do explain in depth about I relate the emotions, the negative emotions back to the physical body. So if, if you're listening to this, and you need, like that piece of it, just go back and, and listen to that, again. Because what happens is the negative emotions live inside the cells inside your body, which then live in the fascia. And when the cells get tired, the energy spills over, and causes dis ease. And dis ease could be a disease, or it could just be a herniated disc, or headaches or whatever it is, or it could be a phobia, that's when we get into the mental piece. Or it could get into like a spiritual piece. And so this is why Emotion Code really encompasses everything as a whole you know, Laura doesn't need to know all your background so if your private in you don't want to get into it, like I'm gonna dig it out of you. So yeah, I am annually and he's going there. But if you you know, if you're ready to go there and get it out, you're gonna you know, want to talk about it and do energy work, you see me if you really just kind of want to, like, you know, you want to get it out, but maybe not dive into it as much and process. That's when you're gonna go see Laura, what are we thinking about this Lila? So it through that process? Do you then say, you know, for example, let's go back to the herniated disc? And do you say there is there is shame here in your past or in your or you don't even have to do that part of it? No, I would I would muscle test so like for Angel Amy, she came in for a herniated disc I muscle tested to see what the underlying vibration and emotion is that is causing us because, again, to what Amy said, any type of illness or physical issue manifests in our energetic body first, we don't deal with it. And then maybe we get a soreness or a pain in our knee. We don't deal with it, it gets worse. And then if we keep pushing it off, that's where it becomes a lot more serious. And so you you stand and you face this beautiful lake Yeah, that she that she's on in her office if she can you do to this over zoom to do we can do a remote? Yeah. Which is what really? Yeah. Because we do have some out of state listener. Yes. And other country too. Yes. So she will work with you if you're out of the country. And you basically then do what? So then basically, I am figuring out what underlying emotions right? So in a typical session, all usually release eight to 12 for people and 12 a motion. Okay. All right. So again, let's say you come in because you have a shoulder pain and And I'll always start out the session, I'll have them stand up looking out at the lake, because I'm going to be working on their back, I usually have my eyes closed as I'm tuning into the energy. And I'm basically going to muscle test and I and I always start out every session with asking what can be released for this person's highest and best good because sometimes what they're coming in for may not be a priority for their overall, well, you know, highest, highest and best good. So I'll usually release a couple of those emotions, and then we'll get specific to why the person is here. So again, if you have this shoulder pain, you know, and I'm gonna get what the emotion is, I'm gonna get Okay, whose is it? Is it yours? Is it inherited from your mother or your father? How many generations does it go back? I can also figure out where on the body it's actually located. Right? Like, is it in your chest area? Is it in your legs, and then I'm using the magnet, and I'm going from, like, the top of your neck, the top of your neck down your spine, and I'm going to send energy down showing us every day we get a live demo. It's good. And so, so again, people, will you I'd say probably 60% of people feel it, they'll feel it as sensations and tingling in different parts of their body. It could be in their arms and their legs. For me specifically, when I work on myself, I usually feel it on my left side, and my leg because I've had multiple knee surgeries. So it's almost like, the energy gets released. And it's now flowing better, if that makes sense. Yeah. So you would go see Laura, if you're maybe more introverted, or maybe even at a very traumatic place with whatever this is, or even meaning, like, if you just want Laurie to just go in and get it, then you're gonna go see her. It's such an easier thing. Yeah. Some people like me love the process, love. Like, we love to go into the tapping and go into make connections. And this is just a little bit different. But all roads lead to Rome, right? Yeah. It's really cool. Yeah. And so a couple of things I've added since you saw me last, I also use tuning forks now. So I have a massage table in my office. Again, everybody's fully clothed, right. And so I'll have people lay down. And so I'll do the Emotion Code in the beginning. And then I may be doing some sound healing, or I will usually have my client's eyes closed, and I'm just kind of sensing where there could be distorted energy for whatever it is that the person is struggling with, right? If it's like their Sacral Chakra, if they're having issues with shame, fight financial issues, creativities down their sexual issues, right? Then I'll work in and it's, it's kind of like Reiki on the table. Super peaceful. It's super peaceful, and I'm not touching them. But I use a lot of crystals to crystals are powerful, because you think of an LCD screen your TV, it's liquid crystal technology. So crystals magnify any frequency. And so a lot of times I'll be placing crystals on on people, or I'll have them hold things as, as I'm walking them through st something's like I'm choosing to let go and to release this vibration and emotion of shame, right. And so I can usually find on the body where where it's located, which is really cool. So when it during my session, I kept seeing a Black Panther. And Lara is a shaman. So do you mind just explaining to everyone what that mean? Yeah. So I'm like this black panther. Lara is breathing on me and you're like, that's good. Love this world. So I started I took a shamanic program because I kept going to these different energy healers that knew nothing about me had never met them. I had gone to three or four of them and every single one of them was like, Oh, you are a shaman in your previous life. What does that mean? That means and so I ended up taking when COVID hit the universe threw in my lap, this man who was down in Mexico and I'm Mexican. So my mom's parents are from Mexico. So really resonated with me and he used to work with a really good friend of mine, and he's actually from the Netherlands but lived down in Mexico. cuz he married this Mexican woman. And he had really gotten into like he was doing tours in Peru and gotten into the shamanic stuff. So basically, shamanism is really about working with the energy of Mother Nature. And we use a lot of animals, right? So when I have somebody on the table, a lot of times I'm seeing or sensing, I'm seeing images of different things, or I'm pulling in the energy of maybe different animals or different plants from from nature and Mother Earth, right, like I'll see. And I'll see an image of a dandelion. And I'm like, Oh, that's interesting, right? Because that's all about digestion, or I'll see an image of it like you were saying the Panther. Right. So Black Panther. But let's let everybody know the elements that you work with. So it's fire ether, air. Water. Yeah. And one more Earth Earth. I see. I didn't get trained with that, specifically, yeah, I work with more the directions. So I work with the North. So you always start out in the east, the east, the South, the west and the north. So I work with the energies of that. And there's certain animals that are replicated for each of those for each of those directions. So which is the Panther? Am I like in the North Pole? Well, too cold up there. In the shamanic world, there's three different worlds. So you have the upper world, the Middle World, and the lower world and the Catholic in me, you know, it doesn't correlate with heaven and hell, it's, it's just how they view different energies. Right? So the upper world correlates with the eagle. It's about clarity, seeing things with new perspective, clear vision. A lot of people who have passed and crossover are up in that world. And then the Middle World is correlates with the Panther. And that's Earth, right? And nettles, my people, that people, the Panther is such a powerful animal, because it's the highest on the food chain. So it approaches things from a curiosity perspective, right? It it. You think about its ability to hear its ability to see it's able to mulch dense energy. And so that's where the Panther comes in. And then in the lower world is the snake, which is about the ability to sense and feel you you think of a snake going down a path. It's not so no, no, no, it's not a Catholic. Yeah, no, I was I was born and raised to. It's not it's not for snake. Okay, so let's talk about the snake. So I've learned a lot about snake energy from hanging out with different shamans, as in this career as Angel AMI, and let's start here. In Roman Catholicism, when we see Mother Mary statues, she is basically has her foot on a snake, where they're both shaking their heads at me. Yes. So we automatically grow up as little girls and cute little dresses and pigtails. And look at a woman standing on a snake. And we're taught we you know, glorify her, which I do think we should because I'm really big into Mother Mary. But she It looks like she's telling the snake you're bad. It's slithering away. Right? Well, because Adam and Eve, right? Have a snake. Yes. So Right. So he has I know, do you want to jump into this? Well, so the first time I did a shamanic journey, which is just really a guided meditation, for anyone that knows what it is. I knew nothing about any of the animals nothing. And two animals came to me in that meditation, a panther and a snake. And, and then I told people after and they're like, Wow, those are, those are shamanic, really powerful animals. And I had no idea what it really meant. And that snake in that meditation was literally taking off its skin. It was shedding. So it can be very symbolic of birth and and rebirth, you know, or death and rebirth like like, this is the old you and this new you're you're literally shedding your skin so it's not necessarily a negative thing. They do that in my garage. Oh gee. South, you know how he's talking about the directions of South can correlate with the snake about letting go of the past? Yeah shedding that skin. And just to complete my mother Mary thought is, you know she is a goddess in as she stands, you know, on her podium standing on the snake it just represents her power of such gracefulness that that there isn't anything she can't handle or withstand. Right? So I think that's where the snake just get gets used in relation to her her strong, strong power. If I could just do a quick Storytime with Angel he is allowed by law. Absolutely. Okay. So I love that you said the snakes shed in your garage? Does it happen a lot? Yeah, we have like a really big snake. So somewhere in the foundation, they can get in and my husband was out of town and I was like, Oh my God, there's a huge steak in the garage. And I took a picture of it and everything. And he came back and he looked around, he couldn't find it. But then he pulls out of the corner, that thing that's huge snakeskin and he's like, Well, I don't know where he is. But here's the snakeskin know when New England, Massachusetts, everybody. So we're not like we don't see a ton of snakes. I'm not afraid of them. Okay, storytime ready. So early on in my angel Ami. Career like doing this publicly. I started to have a reawakening of like, a very strong spiritual magnitude. And there was this one night that I was in between sleep state, so I wasn't fully crossed over in sleep state, which I know when we sleep, we travel through the dimensions, right? But I also wasn't fully in my human body. So I was in between and fully aware, and I saw myself laying in bed. And this snake, that was the biggest thing I've ever seen in my life. It wasn't even humanly possible to be this big slithered. It was a you can't see my hands everybody, but it was like four feet thick. Like I'm five foot two. So it was like massive and it went all the way around my room all the way over the bed slow that over end than livid over me. So I came back in my body body and I was laid there and said to myself, Why did I feel this because I felt no fear, zero fear. And in that moment, I could feel the power of my goddess in my soul. Like that snake came to align me to who I truly am on my blueprint so if you don't know what a blueprint for it and I'll teach you, I'll teach you okay, but it really aligned me because it was the duality on some level, but I didn't take it as bad that the snake was bad. It was in its power on earth on an earth realm. And I It threw me into mine. Is this making sense? Says Lila is looking at me now. Laura's shaking her head. Yes. Okay, got my duality right in this room, everybody. Yeah, I wasn't freaking out. Lila I was just like, it's gonna be okay. I'll bring it right back down. I was like, I'm I'm now I'm standing in my physical body from a different perspective. And whatever this glorious light inside of me, I'm feeling I'm going to use this to help people. And that was a piece of my story that I know she had publicly. But this snake, I could see it as clear as I look at you ladies. That's yeah, that's powerful. A life path is not. So that's my snake. I'm backing you up on that. Just Olara Yeah, but I did. I felt this Black Panther breathing on me. If we're working, because I see as a psychic. And that's how I know you're legit. Because then I asked you what does this mean in shamanism and you rattled all that off and I'm like, great. We're gonna be okay. I'm in the middle realm. All my humans. Love that. Where do we go from here? I don't know. What questions do we have from his Lara? What about how long is the session how soon Oh, my sessions are an hour and 15 minutes. Oh, okay. Yeah. And, again, I usually so if it's a new client, you know, we'll spend 20 to 25 minutes, typically just talking about whatever it is that's ailing them. But again, they don't have to. I've seen a lot of teenagers lately. And you'll get some teenagers that come in there because their parents have forced them and don't want to talk about anything, literally. And that I have one of the totally okay. And even the process is still going to work right to me, because they're at least open for me to work on them. They're there, right, I would send my daughter to you in a heartbeat in a heartbeat. But we're vibing high right now. Yeah, I've I in the last year, I've started to see so many kids from, I'd say, the 11 year old boy all the way up to 25 year olds that are struggling with anxiety. So bad. Yeah. Well, they're Gen X. And Gen X is no Oh, Gen Z Gen Z. Sorry. What are we Gen X? Where do ya Oh, geez, I'm tired. Today. Gen Z is the highest vibrating generation right now. Because Alpha hasn't fully they're not all here yet. So Gen Gen Z, are made to do amazing things. And they are living in a world that right now that is broken. Yeah. Right. So they're going against the tide. And those of us that can see this, what's really happening in in those of us that can see all these kids beauty, we are basically like devoted to making sure that they're on the right path. And they're in alignment with their true soul, and releasing them of that anxiety because they did not come here to feel that. So if you have a team that's really struggling with anxiety, please, please please think about going to see Laura or Alright, some healer that can help them in some way. Because they do not need to stay in struggle, right? Between anxiety, panic, well, and what they've been through. And just I mean, the difference in their world regarding social media is in great learning. I mean, who would ever have thought of it? You know what I mean? Like what they have been through is, is pretty extraordinary. So hands down all three of my girls, I have three daughters. I have a sixth grader freshman in high school and a junior. The remote schooling was detrimental. It was really, really hard for them. And to the point they were so excited to just be back at school. I know. Yeah. Mine loved it. The remote learning. Yeah, mine is a homebody. She did. I had fun that didn't mind it. Yeah. My older ones. Julia, but my younger one who used to you know, when you'd get them up in the morning, she's like, why don't go to school. I don't want to go to school and after remote learning. She was like, ready to go like get me out the door. A little one needs to be in LA. She's gorgeous. She's a redhead. She needs to be she's your actress I love Yeah, she's she's your fire? Yeah, so it No, it really mine was not the norm. But a lot of kids have, you know, struggled so much so. So can we just take a second and talk for a little bit about so say somebody has a kid or whatever, it doesn't matter what age they are? What sort of things are they going to see in that kid? If they are suffering, maybe from anxiety or something else? Is there something we could give people to look for? I mean, what I see is people having fears of being in public places, fear of going to school. You know, just like different anxiety. It's almost like they have anxiety. I have one guy who he started having panic attacks and he starts getting panicky because he's about to have a panic attack. Right? You know what I mean? Yep. One of the big one of the big things that I'm really, really passionate about with all my clients, but specifically the teens, is I say, I teach them to fish. I'm literally when life happens because life happens, giving them the tools and giving them things that they can do that will help with whatever it is that they're going on. Right and so I work a lot with the energy of nature. So one thing that I I have people do I call it tree therapy. And this is again another shamanic technique that I learned. But if you literally, if you sit with your back against the tree, and I'll do it in all seasons, in the winter, I have my hat on my coat on, I do it with my oldest daughter will go out and we'll find a tree and we'll sit for at least 15 minutes. And I guarantee you by the time you leave there it like rate yourself on a scale of one to 10, you're at an eight, by the time you leave there, you'll be down at least three or four points, like you'll be down to a five or a four. Because you think of your breathing in the carbon dioxide, or I mean, you're breathing in the oxygen that the tree is giving off, right, and you're giving the tree the carbon dioxide. So there's this natural cycle that's happening. So that's like a real powerful thing that I do. I love that I say to if you notice that your child's light is dimmed. So that just means angry, sad, and I would let's give this percentages, like 80% of the time that needs some support. Yeah, if the light is dim, so if they have a lot of the negative emotions 80% of the time. That is when I would say to send your child to see a healer or seek some medical attention. Yeah, that's a good yeah, analysis, because I don't see many teens saying a lot having a lot of words to sort of identify a lot of those feelings around anxiety. Yeah, can we go there? So listen, I, I always say that the biggest epidemic in this country right now is the lack of knowledge to do with the emotional component. So emotional, like unintelligence. And so like most humans know, sad, angry and love. But there's like, if you study the emotions is like 80 something human emotions, right? So I'll say to my husband sometimes, like, how does this make you feel? He's like, I have no idea. Yeah, we need to really think about this end married to the emotion lady. Right and gentle with it. But then he's like, I never thought of it that way. It's really hard for adults to figure out shame. Like when they feel shameful. They don't really know what that feels like. They just think that the other person makes them feel bad. But what you're feeling, you're feeling shame, right? And so it's it's runs, it starts with adults, and then run trickles right down that lineage into the kids. And this is why it's it's so amazing to start to maybe do a little research on this. There's lots of beautiful books you can read that teach about the emotional component. And it really helps make you a better parent. If you're a parent listening to this. Upset isn't an actual know what they say like I'm just upset. So when when adults say that to me, I say upset, sad or upset. Angry. Right? You love upset? Frustrated? Right? Upset? Hey, you got it, sir. So I have a good book recommendation. Oh, great. Comment. Yeah. It's by Dr. Joan Rosenberg. She is a psychologist and professor, I think at Pepperdine University, and the title of the book. It's something like 90 seconds to a life you love or something like that. But the premise of it is that physiologically in your body, when you are experiencing an emotion, it actually only lasts for 90 seconds. So if you are experiencing anger or shame, the chemicals and hormones that your body is producing, dissipates after about 90 seconds. And she has a lot of really cool exercises and charts in her book where she she talks about eight specific emotions. And she basically says that, if you can start paying attention to when you experience certain trigger emotions, one of these eight or maybe have multiple and start enduring and know that it's only going to last for 90 seconds. It's going to really help you to not avoid certain situations, right? Like let's say your emotion is humiliation. You're going to you're going to avoid certain things where you're not going to feel humiliation, but if you learn how to endure that and know that it's only going to last for 90 seconds, right? You can do anything really powerful. It's so powerful. Yeah. To really tune in. There's another book I'd like to add to it's Dr. Mark Brackett permission to feel is a really good book to really is to really get to know about the emotions, and it's an easy read. So I thought I'd throw that in the mix too. So this was amazing. Lara, it was so nice to have you today. Yeah. How does everybody find you? So I have a website. It's www Holistic Life Community all one.com You can also find me on Instagram and Facebook, both the same at Holistic Life Community. So I have started to do cool videos and little tips for people to help with, you know, anxiety, just the different events that we have going on at the center and stuff. That's great. Perfect. Thank you so much for being here. Laura. This was so interesting. And thank you for listening. We hope you found this enlightening. Please be sure to subscribe to our podcast. We can be found wherever you get your podcasts. And don't forget that we are on Instagram at spill the ginger tea podcast. So if you have any questions or ideas for upcoming shows, please please message us because we will write you back. So thank you all for joining us. Until we meet again. Be well

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