Spill The Ginger Tea Podcast

Functional StrengthTraining - Alex Foote

Amy and Lila Season 1 Episode 8

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Alex Foote, Amy's strength trainer chats with us about keeping and getting physically healthy. It’s not all about getting ripped with big muscles-personal training can help identify imbalances to keep you injury free doing your daily thing!

Alex Foote - email: Afoote336@gmail.com

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Hi there. I'm Angela. Amy. Hi, I'm Lila. We're going to be discussing alternative health techniques. So if you're looking to heal the physical, mental or spiritual parts of yourselves, or if you're just curious about what to try, or what could help you live your best life, you're absolutely in the right place. So welcome, welcome. So today we have a special guest. We are going to chat a little bit with my personal trainer and behavioral coach. Alex Foote. So thanks for being here today, Alex. Thanks, guys for having me. I appreciate it. Yeah. So Alex, why don't we start by you telling us why you decided to be a personal trainer. I got into it when I was, I got into working out when I was 1415 really noticed that I needed to make a change in my life. Because I was my, my father had died when I was younger, that perpetuated a behavior of eating and trying to compensate for terrible feelings, right. And using food as well as inactivity and trying to, you know, space out into the TV and let life kind of just passed by I wouldn't know anything about that. We just have been through the pandemic, right. Yeah. Everyone just taken and stuff. Yeah. So that transformed into sports, but more sports that were independent. I didn't play a lot of teams. I tried team sports. Yeah, I was always very heavy. So the consistency made it tough to keep up with everybody. Okay. Yeah. So then that kind of pushed me away. So I started skateboarding, doing martial arts. And these independent sports kind of taught me consistency and discipline. And if you keep up with something, you can get better at it, and incrementally get there. So that then turned into let's be a janitor to Jim. And it's so then cleaning up people's crap all the time. You go, Okay, well, this is nice, but I've ended free membership is nice. But can I help people with what I know, and you know, make a living at it. And like I have something to offer, I maybe have something of value that I could give to somebody else. Right. And that kind of started my journey of fitness. And then that from there. I've been doing it for 15 years now. So has perpetuated into learning a lot more about behaviors of people and their knowledge of their own bodies and their cell themselves. That which is also brought me to you guys and right. Yeah, I've been doing it ever since and love it. Awesome. So Lila, you also have a strong background in like group fitness and doing all kinds of I will suggest kind of runs where we call these marathons. I don't know, talk to you a little bit about how you relate with any of this? Well, I mean, obviously, I would start by saying like, kind of like an endurance athlete is how I would sort of see myself. So yeah, definitely, I mean, anything to get you stronger, anything to get you faster Can I do it longer was definitely my mindset for a very long period of time, you know, sometimes great, sometimes, not always so great, I think, you know, almost to the reverse of what you're saying, like you can sit for a long period of time to sort of escape things and you can also run for very right to escape things. So I'm kind of the odd man out today where I'm like the, if you're listening to this, and you really just need to get your butt off the couch. I can relate with you. But I think we can all find like there's an undercurrent and just you know, let me go here when I first was introduced to Alex, I remember saying to you, I have the spiritual and the emotional piece pretty much under wraps, but I struggle with the physical and I do so more with like motivation. I love your cameras in here because So yeah, just really with like motivation. In or I guess what I'm trying to say is I don't lump myself in with athletes. I don't even lock myself in with someone that really should be in a gym. But I do it. So if you're listening to this, and you don't think you're the molds for the gym, I definitely think we need to rethink thing. Yeah, what do we have to say about that, we all need to get in tune with our bodies, because we have to use them daily. And they're a machine that should be well oiled, greased and ready to go at a moment's notice. Because you never know, when you're going to encounter some ice have to pick up a heavy bag, right. And all these things. Any injuries or compensations can be avoided if you do the work prior to that event, and try to be aware of what muscles to turn on and what muscles to turn off. That way you write, you always stay in the best of health, and that helps with the consistency and all those great things. I think that most of us, we, we get distracted with all with the abundance of distractions. And we lose in the distractions, we lose that connection with our body, our physical body, and we go through the bad habit or the motion. And that can lead to a negative consequence. It doesn't have to, but it can, right so right. So really thinking about like there's something deeper going, there's something deeper. And, and just the preparedness of being used to using your body and how to use it appropriately, I think can lead you to enjoying your family, right? Like instead of having a back injury that you constantly think about, or pain. So I think what sets you apart from other trainers, because I have a lot of different trainers and fitness instructors in my life is that you tend to meet the person where they are. And I feel like you have a deeper understanding that like we this, you know is Earth and this is life. And our lives move on and different things happen. And so there are some days we push a little harder. And then there's some days we have a herniated disc. And we're not pushing as hard. And I think it there is our whether you're a personal trainer, or a teacher, or any kind of leader, we really need to, as a society start to look at meeting people where they are instead of just going in and assuming that there they are. Yep. And yeah, so talk to me a little bit about that. So, like you said, everyone's coming at fitness, nutrition, their job, they're all in different stages of each one. So you have to take all the information in and develop a plan based on that individual and what they're facing on a hourly basis. So they sit for long periods of time, which most people do you manage that person differently than the construction worker who is constantly compressing their body in different in different ways. And they're active, but they may need to just, instead of a lot of compound movements, they might need to just isolate different areas of their body, and then be pulled apart, do a little decompression, whereas the the person that's sitting still needs the decompression, but they're not moving. And because of that, then you need to teach them how to move their body appropriately. You may need to teach that to the construction worker to but to there, so they have been moving, right, like kind of balance to Lila Have you have you worked with a personal trainer? I have I have worked a long time. Lots of times, what do you feel you've learned about yourself? Um, you know, I think it would be hard but one of the things that definitely helped me with personal training was that you there's this sense of accomplishment, right? So if you decide, you know, whatever, I'm gonna try push ups or you're working on upper body strength or something and you know, you can do the first one maybe you struggle with that first push up, but if you stick with it, and you keep going, eventually you're gonna be able to do that push up and there is a satisfaction there that can be for for anyone and it doesn't necessarily have to be like heavy duty weights not Not everybody wants to look just showing up as showing up and when I show, yeah, repetitively I'm like I'm winning. And then you feel like you notice a change, right? Yeah. So if you do similar, and then you start to think like, wow, okay, yeah, exactly difference. So I didn't realize how much it helps me until I injured my spine, which is completely unrelated to Alex with anything I do with Alex. And I really started to feel from the lack of movement. And, like, the difference was unreal to me. That's really, right. So as we do these things, whether it's weight training, cardio, all of the above, it's doing a lot more than you think. And it's also helping you release energy. So like, the emotional piece and the spiritual piece. I know like, I call you Dear Diary, I can't tell you, like, I go home. And I'm like, Oh, just roll it off. I can't believe I just told them all that. But I just because it's so vulnerable. And I trust you. Like, I trust you like a protector? Like a protector that like you're not gonna let me get hurt. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, that is my main is do not get hurt, if anything come out of here better than you came in. Right? So I think what I'm, what I'm saying is, because there's the there's the groundwork of the base of that, then like, you start to do you know, like the stair climber, even for like five minutes, all his shit comes up. And then all you should comes up and you Alex is standing there, and you trust him. So it's like telling you girlfriend, your deepest. Love this. What we do? He's saying, right, yeah, definitely, definitely. And I think it's, you know, important to kind of keep in mind, like we were saying, when you hurt your back, and I would say, Alex, I'm sure. You know, that's the time, it's most important that you see somebody who knows what it is you're doing. Because even though you may know your workouts, or you may download whatever from Instagram, if someone isn't watching you, right, like you could potentially be I know, in my own workouts, if I'm not even watching myself in the mirror, I can get out of control. So, right. Somebody looking from an outside perspective definitely can give you with knowledge of symmetry and, and body weight. And body mechanics can give you a much better situation then you could possibly get on your own and then along with the motivation of them standing there and going, am I doing this right? Perfect, you are doing perfectly, right? Just that reinforcement that you are doing it correctly, then solidifies okay, this is what I'm supposed to be feeling that that then transfers into, you know exactly what you should do. And hopefully next time, right, so I kind of think of it like teaching someone to fish right. So that that next time they can get that same feeling, I can identify that that is what they should be feeling. And then from there, it's yours. Now you run for the rest of your life. And hopefully you can attain that several more times that same burn or that same feeling. Honestly, I can't believe how patient you are. Because I've worked out with you for at least four years. And I don't get anything right ever Lila like oh my god, I'm the same way so I'll uncoordinated if it's more than one thing. I'm like, Alright, wait, stop, do the whole thing over your feet. How is your feet? In like, I'm never in my head, the heel. So you know, you kind of learn as you go along? Well, you're really patient, I just have to tell you. Thank you very much. So I think that's another thing is like really finding a trainer that has like core values that resonate for you. Yeah, is huge. Yes. Right. And then like actually like liking the person like who they are. Because you're kind of in each other's energy. You got to mix and mingle, right? Yeah, right. There's no way you can't if, if you're not connected with the person and how they're right. If you're not personally connected, you cannot I find it's very hard to connect with the other person's muscles because they're not letting you in. They're not letting you right. Some people come to me and they have an idea of what exercise is supposed to be is what you see in the magazines or you see on TV, you see a Gatorade commercial where someone's pushing the sled as hard as they can sweat and everywhere. And that could be something you do someday. I'm not against it, but for the most because most people don't need that. They don't know it's not one size fits all. Exactly. Yeah, they, but they, they think they need that. Yeah. So it's my job then to remind them that hey, maybe we start by feeling your hamstring and then developing your quad and then and then we can start to put the whole chain together in with a sled eventually. Right right. So but most people will come to me going I'm ready sweat I'm gonna get after it right yeah, like like what? Why are you I was a sweater. I say that like as a compliment because you know all about the body just releasing. Yeah. Lots and lots of sweater too. I'm right there with you. So not I wish I was now going to drink more. I do more you drink the more you sweat. Right right. Yeah, so I know I think that every it's everyone's different and it's finding your own recipe. Absolutely talked about Lila secret sauce. So what Alex might do with me is very different than what he would do with you. Yes, and we know this because I share him with a woman that could pretty much jump in a CrossFit Yeah, I would never in my life even walk like put a big toe in they're very in tune with their muscles knows how to manipulate them well and yeah, has that mind muscle connection that that one would hope to attain over years of working with your body right? But never once have you made me feel inferior to her? Like we don't have it's just Vita needs this and Amy needs this and then if we can ever meet in the middle we will we will wake at the end or something. Yeah I know so well and Alex I would assume you do try to find things that people enjoy doing right so you know if you hate pushing the sled, you could hate that and most of the time I find I don't even have enough time to do the I try to incorporate some fun stuff but most of the time it's great business as usual with but I encourage people to go find their own fun activities that they enjoy. And then we can we can mix in some training exercises or maybe right if it was a sport some dynamic stretching or something that would make their sport more enjoyable. So I I tend to take on the boring piece of exercise where it's like the stuff people don't want to work like their rear delts are right like I can't even see it back there. Why the hell do I need it Right exactly. So you want the show we must Yeah, Hollywood Hollywood stuff. Biceps triceps. Stuff People can see I actually one time speaking of fun things we flipped like massive truck tires. Yeah, I felt like like I could do anything after I did that. It was like I told you guys I was a badass it's a it's a weird feeling like when you first do it you're like this is so awkward and stranger that afterwards. It's amazing. You're like oh my god. Like 200 pounds. That have you done that recently? Um, you know before the pandemic Yeah, stupid pandemic just ruined low down fitness for Oh yeah, I'm sure and I'm sure it's impacted your ability to train people. I had to shut it down for three months go get another job and then slowly get get everyone comfortable back with getting to the gym and being with other people and I guess you're still not quite back to its its, you know, regularly scheduled program but it's definitely it's a different environment for sure. In the gym itself, as well as just meeting people that are just coming back right just there. Right there are people out there they're just going been kind of cruising their house and their job and that's about it. And then they're like, Hey, if you guys been here you guys been doing stuff? Yeah. Yeah, come on in. Let's see. So it's it's different. But it's it's evening itself out right? It's we're getting back to a normal. What's your favorite activity? My favorite activity? Is do you mean in the gym outside of the gym? Let's Let's talk in the gym. My favorite activity in the gym would have to be I think I prefer boxing. As far as a as an activity that I would go do Um, my least favorite. Yeah. It doesn't you don't like any? It's tough. I learned muscles. i It's it. There's something inside of me. That can't connect to it. It's not that I don't like the word can't. It's almost like, I don't have enough of something to strum it up. Yeah. Anger, maybe. But I just smashed pumpkins on my shoe. Wait, wait. So this wasn't my angel Amy storytime but maybe we tell this one. So I my friend lives like 15 minutes away. And her and her husband are both trainers. Okay. Okay. So because everyone in my life is and they so she said, can we come to your house Smashing Pumpkins? Because I basically live like in the woods in the middle of nowhere, and the deer and coyotes will just come eat them. So recycling, right, like composting with other combos. So they came I had two pretty big pumpkins they had to and we and I took it over my head and just gave it all my mind. Hit the mic. Rash you got you guys got the sound effects. Yeah. And so and yeah, just it's the Have you ever done this? I hadn't. And I was like, I need you guys in my life more is what I told them. Not something breakable. I haven't but like a medicine. Okay, yeah. Break open or anything exciting. You just got to pick it up. Yeah. That was my first reaction. It broke open and then I go look at all the seed. Like you're gonna pump into everywhere in your yard. By the way next week. We did it on the I live on conservation land. So I live right across the street from conservation land, so we did it on the conservation. So you wouldn't have a pumpkin patch you know, so yeah, we did some Smashing Pumpkins. Where was I going with this? That was like a really fun activity. Oh, we're fighting Russian. Oh, because I don't like boxing. I just can't strum that up. Do you? Have you thought of why you don't you just my arms are too weak. Is that just what you're like? Actually, what's exhausting? I find it okay. I didn't mind the punching part of it. But I was like, it will take me years to be able to do this. Five whole minutes. Like I don't have time for this. So when all everyone was getting into like the boxing craze, I, I tried it. And then the instructor made a very inappropriate comment. And I was just like done yet. You would just proof that this isn't for me. Yeah, so I'm like, no. Yeah, there's I mean, there's some hurdles definitely this smelly gloves right. Oh, man, that's the worst. And then it's exhausted. Let's say yeah, that's that's a good part I think depending on get too exhausted, but definitely. So what's your yard? Because I want to start to talk about an internal connection that you and I have chatted about how to take people inside their bodies and actually observe what they're doing when they're working out in what they're feeling and what like what what's really going on on the inside what what took me to this was for you to relate with the boxing or be able to have some kind of love or passion or whatever the right words are there there has to be some kind of connection Do you know what it is? The connection to the what what to boxing? Yeah, like what do you trudging up? When you when I box yeah I think it's for me it this may be a male thing. I don't know. But it could or could just be a me thing. I'm trying to go there but it's it when I go in there to hit the bag. I it's it's a way for me to get my energy out on something. And when I started boxing, it was more about defending myself and the end they'll go hard mentality of just work yourself into the ground like like Rocky basically you go watch a rocky montage and you basically see what's in it. I'm not in my head when I'm eating a bag. But now it's it's about when I see a bag because I'm more in tune with my body mechanics. Yeah, it becomes an energy release and how I like a drug that pees. Well, kinda like, right? What if you listen back at this? That's totally what he just described. I mark my turn. Yeah, right. You just said in the beginning, like I, I release my energy, but you're actually making contact with some things. Yes. Kind of like a dog that mark territory. I see my connection. I can see why say it. It's male. Right? Yeah, I got it. Right. I know, intuitively, it's, it's right. Just listen to you guys. Right? Like, I know that it's something. Right? It's like, you know, it goes wild with this because I can, in a way in a feminine way. Tell me. All right, so I'm gonna drag this audience you either relate or you don't, and there's no right or wrong. So when I get like really dressed up, and no matter what size my body is, because I've been all different sizes, I I really can like tune into my goddess, and like, spread it out into the room. But I'm not looking for anything in return. I'm not looking for compliments. I'm not. It's just something inside of me. I can access that and like, feel it. That's what he's describing in his own way. This Lila, Baby, do you ever get dressed up and you feel that goddess see? Like, do you know how to access that most women don't? I don't know. I need to teach a class on this Lila. Yeah, no, I don't see. And it's funny because I think more about like boxing, especially if you're talking like a bag or something like that. Rhythmic. You know what I mean? Like for me, so like, I used to do a lot of swimming. And the thing I liked about swimming was a it was quiet. But it was it was very rhythmic. So I never really thought like I wasn't thinking anything at all. Besides the rhythm of that. So kind of that's where I would connect to like the boxing like, oh, like rhythm of like the hand. That's endurance. Yeah. Yeah, it's just like, it's like, you know, calming you fall into like a pattern of like the right like running. And yeah, that was running as well. Yeah, but can you see that? Like I'm saying the same thing. This is when I make Lila think so deep, is like, like when you enter a room, and you just feeling like that female confidence. And you have to hold it for like a duration. That's endurance. Then you go home, I'm in my sweats and my hands and I bought that AMI to I post that on Instagram a lot. I'll be like, This is real me no makeup. No, this is really what I look like, which is one of the things that we were actually talking about before we started was this idea of kind of real people at the gym. Like, not everybody looking like a fitness. Kardashian. I don't mean to pick on her. But she's beautiful. Right? But is that real? I don't know. I mean, to her, it is, like me. Yeah, that I mean, you have, you know, kids, I know she has kids, whatever, but I'm sure she has some help, you know, you probably have kids, you have a house, maybe you keep clean or, you know, whatever, you have to live your life, like, you know, for her that is her whole life. So she can look as fit as she wants to. She's gotta keep it up for promotional purposes. So, you know, it becomes a you know, your motivation leads to right the the end result if you're motivated, if you have enough motivation you will probably attend but you know, action does spark motivation as well. Right? All right, so let's talk about how moving the body or exercise can then lead to healing. So my interpretation of this is that the physical body is energy, the emotions are energy, then this spiritual energy and it's possible that the that the physical body is kind of like the vehicle or some people use the word temple, but it's a little dramatic. To to really house or bring all these different areas together, so that you can be healthy whole whatever. This is making sense. Yeah, the physical is a piece of the puzzle. Absolutely. That can then lead to the emotional and spiritual right right right. So when someone goes to see Alex because they're feeling what why would someone come see you Alex? They're feeling uncomfortable with themselves. They have fear of some sort and inside and they and they want to get rid of that fear. They want to talk to somebody else they want motivation to overcome, said Fear and in that I then become their soundpost for anything that is, and then I can reassure them that what they're feeling is very normal, and really start to take away some of that fear so that they can understand that the more fear you have, that's what's driven you to where you are, is fear. And if we can take you out of that fear, we can then start to establish new habits that will, and slowly, incrementally benefit you over time. Right? So Alex is going to do it from the physical, physical, where if you come see Angel, Amy, because I never really talked about on this podcast what I do, there's a there's a big emotional piece to what I do. I mean, you can see even when we chit chat, I dragged the emotion out. I can't even help myself. And I would say like, for a lot of people, myself included, I think it's much easier to begin at the physical place. Yes, it's nowhere near as intimidating. It's, it's, it's somewhat easier to walk in and say to Alex, like, I feel lousy, I've gained weight I haven't been moving. And then see where it goes from there. As you start working, you might realize I'm fearful of this or I'm anxious around the world. Yeah, exactly. If someone's looking to change their life, and they're, they really don't know where to begin, I would actually tell them to start they're, like, start to go for walks, yes. And just observe, observe what you're drawn to. Like, I'm now I'm talking outside the body. Like if you see a bird that you like, are you saying hello to the same, that real mindful walking, right? But then we're going to start to talk about how to observe inside your body? Like, like, how do you physically feel when you walk. So I teach a lot about how in the land of energy, the front side of the body is actually the female side of the body. And it's, it has to do with present day or future. And so now I'm talking about how you feel like any aches and pains. The back, your back side of the body is the masculine side of the body. And it's all about the past. The The right side is the masculine side, the left side is the feminine side. And so you can start to really learn about your body and who you are and what's going on with you deeper by looking at what parts of your body on What side do you feel really good? And what parts of your body in where do you not feel so good? That's so interesting, because Wouldn't you say a lot of women have a kind of weaker posterior chain, like, I know, it's a posterior chain. You see, that's your masculine? Exactly, that's your masculine? Yes, no, I definitely see a lot of women with a weaker posterior side. Actually, a lot of people, that's probably their number one, and as far as left and right, masculine, right, people tend to have a weaker, feminine side, the left side versus masculine, right. So what does that mean? I struggle on the left. So what it means is that what if you got masculine in the back and feminine on the left, so masculine on the, like, You're weak in the masculine on the back, and the feminine, feminine on the left? That's a lot of people's Yeah. So if we were in an angel, Amy session, I would start to either get, you know, connect and figure out things that happened to you, or we would talk about things that happen to you in childhood to do with Father, is that back is is masculine. Yep. And then we would start to talk about what you do for a living and who you are in your home and how much you give, because the left side is receiving. Oh, and it's a female side, but it's also receiving. So we just have a bunch of like daddy issues with with a lot of minds on the front. But yeah, yeah. Well, I have I have herniated discs. Well, no, I lie. I just show up at the gym. Everybody. I just show. Alex does the rest, right. Yeah. We monitor progress. Yeah. So there's that benefit, too, if you're someone who just wants to show up? Yeah. Personal Training could be for you. Yes. And then yes, hopefully, we can set you up with Yeah, over time getting more consistent on your own and totally, definitely. Yeah, so Did that answer your question? Thanks. Yeah, that's that's just interesting, really interesting, I think. Thanks, Lila. Yeah, trying to think what else? I honestly, energetically the feet are kind of like the root of all things. So like the feet tell you like the way you stand. Who else Alex and I have talked about this or the like, not only the way, so the way you stand when you're not thinking about it, like, where do you shift your, your body weight? Where do you you shift your energy? So weight is energy. So where are you shifting it? You know, and so that tells you usually, like, if, if you lean to one side, we have some work to do and some balance on some area, to to really help balance you back into neutral. And Alex would probably say something similar, like we need to work on your balance. Yes, I need to bring you back to the right. Nice square pelvis. Right. One side is dipping a little lower than the other. Same with the shoulders. And what's what's going on as far as like scapula tipping or any left side left trap versus right trap elevation. That all very similar to what I would exactly what I would be assessing on someone the first time that I meet him, or even every time after that, consistently a war on gravity. Yeah. So I'm someone that doesn't believe any more in diets? Yeah. Like, I don't think it's one size fits all, like with nutrition. And are like, what's your take on this? So I have a certification in nutrition, and I studied it a little bit in college and have my opinion is probably going to be that parroted of textbooks more than anything. And other books I've read most. Like your diet is just anything you put in your mouth, right? So. So everything's a diet, there is no one diet for any person, because everyone has different genes and different allergies. And so nutrient deficiencies. Yeah. So there's, there's no one person that should be mirroring another person's food or lifestyle, do it all the time, all the time. You hear somebody said, Oh, my God, like all I ate was great for whatever one grape and green tea and right, it's like, Oh, great. Yeah. Or like someone loses like 50 pounds. And how did you do that? Well, and I think, you know, just the word itself. Diet is so loaded, especially, you know, I say, especially for women, but I'm sure it's loaded with men as well. Because it's it signifies so many things beyond what you're saying, which is it's really just the food you're putting in your mouth. It has all these other like, is it a good diet? Is it a bad diet? Am I losing weight on this diet? Exactly? I prefer to talk in terms of right deficit and surplus, right? So are you in a deficit or a surplus? Are you at your baseline, your resting metabolic rate? Or what whatever you want to think of as the mean, median ground? Somewhere, we're not losing weight, we're not gaining weight, you're just normal. Right? And hopefully, most people can be normal for as long as they can. Right? That's an there's cycles, there's trends, right? And we just, that's where you kind of have to go inward and understand. Am I consuming too much right now? And my is this based on that emotion, a habit? Or is this right? Am I hungry? Am I actually hungry? Yeah, and most of the time, I think it's a little bit of everything. Yeah. And but the hunger part, doesn't it? Kind of, it's there. But I think it gets dis. If you if you put off the hunger and go for food in that doesn't satisfy what the body is looking for. You will continuously be hungry and the emotional and habitual part will take over to compensate for the low recognition of hunger right so you'll go through a negative feedback loop consistently because you you're you don't know you're low on potassium or magnesium or something right and you keep putting whatever right you could put in good stuff and still be missing the mark right missing like the nutrient nutrients then right maybe even right you bought low grade food and the nutrients just aren't good enough in that particular thing and just you that that plus stressors at work times, daily night nor daily. Each night eating habits right equal five pounds that year. I don't know. I just did. Dinner challenge for a month where I didn't make the same recipe. Oh, that's tough. Yeah. But I loved Oh, yeah. What happened to me? I loved it. Yeah, like I this this is new for me. Something shifted. See Something shifted. I've made some pretty insane things that I'm proud of. That's awesome. Yeah in so, but the whole thing is I haven't repeated. Yeah, there's no repeat that's hard because you get into a rut right like something Yeah, like my two that I live with. I'm like no more TAGOs Turkey tacos. I taught all the turkey tacos. Julie, when we bring him back the tacos mother 30 days of no tacos. That's all I know. I used to say tacos. Does that mean you're going out? Yeah. You could just leave it on the stove. So I've discovered and I hope this helps somebody. I don't like to cook at night. I like to cook in the morning or at noon anytime before too. So I've done crock pot. I've I've put in the crock pot head end turn it on. Like I'm just figuring me out. That's awesome later on in life. And I'm loving this little dinnertime lifestyle. Like, yeah, so you know, we're gonna start repeating. So I was gonna say what what would you repeat out of the 30 days of well, I need the best French onion porkchop like, I don't even eat pork chops. Right, rarely. Okay. Me too. But this was so good. Like, so good. Where'd you get the recipes? So I have the little websites I'll share with you offline because I don't know. You know, they're gonna like, do you want it? Do you want me to highlight you or not? I wish I will. We're taking spots this so anyways, I yeah, there's I just have now these certain, you know, they went they happen to be women. YouTube is great. I'm loving the videos. And yeah, I'm just That's great. So my whole thing is I don't tell them. Like I'm not. I'm not telling Andy and Julia what I'm making. Because then you get the I'm never gonna eat. Right? So it's almost like if you you have me like, if I come in and he's like, Okay, we're gonna run a mile. But if I knew the night before my elbow, I kind of like the jogging. I miss it because of my back. But insert whatever, you know, when you like, oh, yeah, you know, you get there and you're just kind of your Yeah, your adrenaline kicks in. You're like, okay, we're just doing this now we're gonna. Yeah, same thing. Some put in front of you. Just, we're just gonna, you know, the chef made it for you. That's what I always say. Like, I make like, what's for dinner? And I'm like food? Yeah. Because I know no matter what, like you can't play, you're not gonna win. No way. All right. So I've one more Angelina storytime before we go. This is such a fun way to end this. So I recently taught a class to teens. And I basically put a bunch of stressed out anxious teens in a room. fight it out. It was like Fight Club. Yeah, no. So they had like all these like really old souls. And it was four weeks. And I was like, my intention was connection, and comfort. So creating a safe space where they could be whoever they are, and then interact eventually with each other. So on the last week, I had these index cards. And I told them, I would do it too. And I had them put their name on it. And number the amount of kids that were in the class and pass it to the child to the left. And they had to write a positive adjective that they felt about the person's name on the card. So at the end, they actually read their own card out loud. And so my 15 Almost 16 year old female, she says to on mine, she wrote she described me so most people wrote like, you know, leader or would make a great leader. For me, she wrote cinnamon roll. So right, so she was easily me. You I like the ultimate breakfast food. Your warmth and your sugary she said this to me on TV. She's like describing me. We were all crying. I'm like that is the best compliment I've ever received a warm she wrote warm cinnamon roll. I told her I'm keeping that forever. Memory. Right. So yeah, I haven't had the same cinnamon roll and yours. Have you? I mean, I've made them for Julia. And we don't want them. No, I try not to eat wheat. I feel like I'm on this lifetime of gut healing for me. Oh, yeah, it's important. Yeah, it's not it's so much better than last year, but I'm getting close to having I can identify with that. Yeah, yeah. But I think redheads naturally struggle with gut. I have this theory. Yeah, in pain. We feel more pain in our body. I thought it was less pain but I thought it was more No, I think we had like a higher pain tolerance. I asked for one and childbirth. Oh, God, I was like, I was a hot math now. My first one I had the world's best epidural because I literally could feel nothing. No sir. And on the second one when it wasn't like that I was like wait he shows up he's the man total in there for to put that thing in my head. Yeah. And I would have been so I used to joke you know, when you do your birth plan and everybody's and I remember thinking like a needle in my spine. Oh, dear God, like no, I'm never gonna do that. When that taking he could have put it in my I was like, whatever you might have heard though, for redheads that that they have they do because of it. It's like the when you take meds, you don't absorb the meds as well. And you can feel the pain more than Yeah, so I when when I had my C section, I had a double dose of Well, I had a double dose of anesthesia. Like the anesthesiologist was like, I gave you enough. I don't even know how you're awake. Me. Yeah, you have enough for like a 375 pound man. He's in the fact that you're like happy and like talking to me. I'm like, because I'm not in pain. Yeah. I was afraid of five passed out. The pain would come back. Yeah, like, wake up and it's just all pain. But you're right, Alex. So yeah, redheads are like a whole different animal. Yeah, yeah. Spine there. Yeah. Their nervous system are one big recessive gene. You're special in air quotes. And we both have redhead? Yes. Extra. Oh, yeah. Extra Extra. So Alex, this was so fun. Thank you. Yeah, it's fun chatting up. How can someone find you if they want to reach out via services? Well, if they want to reach out they can find me at my email address is a is an Alex foot fo te 336 at gmail.com. And if you want to get something going, we could definitely figure out what your body needs and see if we can come up with a plan that would give you long term support and in your in your health needs and your behavioral habits. Perfect and you can always reach out to me. Yeah, if you know how to get me I know how to get Alex. So feel free to reach out to me. And so we just want to thank you everyone for listening. And we hope you found this enlightening. So please be sure to subscribe to our podcast. We can be found wherever you get your podcasts. And we're on Instagram at Spin spilled the ginger tea podcast. If you have questions, comments, you want to get a hold of Alex. Any ideas for future shows? Please message us there. Thank you for joining us and until next time, be well

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