Spill The Ginger Tea Podcast

Integrated Energy Therapy (IET) - Laura

Amy and Lila Season 1 Episode 3

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Laura Edelman of One Light Holistic Healing joins us to discuss Integrated Energy Therapy, and energy healing and how that can empower your body's own healing wisdom.

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You have the power to heal and change your life. You might not have found it yet, but it's out there and it exists for you. Our intention is to have a little fun while introducing you to various new ways of healing. Welcome to the spill ginger tea podcast. Hi, I'm Angela Amy, in angelic life coach in the psychic medium. I work with people who are looking to strengthen the life they have, or to manifest the life they want. Hi, I'm Lila and I began my alternative healing journey looking for relief from my physical body. I've realized you can't separate the mind body and spirit and have become something of a connoisseur of techniques trying to improve myself. We're going to be discussing alternative health techniques or modalities. So if you're someone looking to heal the physical, mental or spiritual parts of yourselves, and you're wondering what to try what may help you live your best life, you are absolutely in the right place. So welcome. Yes, welcome. Today we have the beautiful Laura Adelman in iy. T practitioner, which stands for Integrated energy therapy. Hi, Laura. Thanks for being here. Hi, there. Thank you so much for having me. Well, Laura, why don't you start off by explaining who you are? Well, I'm someone who dabbled with energy therapies back in 2001. And then I kind of got away from it, I sold wine and had kids and kind of lost myself. And I found in 2016, that I wasn't happy and needed to make some changes. So I began to see a polarity therapist regularly. And then that just kind of opened up doors for me, I found my teacher that taught me Reiki and it just kind of went from there. I just kept on learning new things. And I felt like anything that worked for me, I wanted to share with other people. I'm a firm believer of just sharing your story. So that there's somebody out there that you're going to help. So that's that's how I got into it. Beautiful Lara. So I've actually had the experience of having a session with you, Laura. And Laura has this amazing yard in her backyard. So for those of you that don't know what a year it is, let's just start there. Because it's super peaceful. So for decades, I wanted a yard I, when I would tell people, they would ask me, Laura, why do you want a yard it didn't make any sense. It really didn't make any sense to me either. Until a couple years ago, or maybe five years ago, I knew what that year was going to be for. So I had my eyes on the freedom your cabin for some time. And I was fortunate enough to be able to build it in 2020. I was running my practice out of my home in a small room, which worked just fine. It was a great way to start off. But after the pandemic hit, my husband was home working my kids were home all year, so I would not have had a business and that's so beautiful. So I have been a healer since 2012. But I grew up in downtown more city. So I actually didn't know what a year it was until you got yours. Like I didn't know I had seen one but I didn't know. La. Lila devolve Al's. Do you have Do you know what a year it is? I do know what it is. But does yours have like electricity in your year? And does it does it has a pellet stove to keep us warm in the winter. So when the snow is falling? It's It's perfect. It's a great little It's nestled in the woods. But it's not little. It's not like she could have like, I don't know. 15 yoga 490 square feet. Oh my God. Isn't that cool? Very cool. And she's in the woods. It's like super peaceful. And I have to tell you, I had never stepped foot in a year until mine was built. It's only to your year. It's the only year that I've ever been in. One. So when I had my session with you, as you know, I'm a big fan of the angels I channel angels and I've worked with angels since I was a little girl. And my interpretation of IE tea is similar to Reiki where it is you In energy based healing modality or healing, I'm gonna say therapy or session. However, instead of universal energy, so pulling from the universe or source, I felt it was heavy angelically charged. So maybe you could tell us a little bit about the angelic connection and really what this is, yes. Okay, so integrated energy therapy was, it started with a man named Steven Thayer back in the 1990s. And he began channeling messages from Archangel Ariel. And that's where he found the the, the, it's alright, Ariel's the angel of Earth. Right of of nature. Yeah, animals in nature. And what was his name again? Stephen Thayer. Okay, he found the cellular memory areas on the body and these integration points. So that's what we're using in a session. But what makes it so powerful is that we're calling in the angelic realm with their energy. Yeah. So in the session, it's actually quite peaceful, where it is hands on healing. So Lara does channel the energy through her hands. But what I loved about it was there is an intertwines in with the emotional component, where I, you know, we had chatted a little bit at the end, especially where large amounts of anger came out of my right side of liver, oh, my liver, right to be yummy. So we How's anger in order or negative emotions in the, in our organs? Right? And so how does i et work to remove that? Well, I really, really tell my students and because I do teach it as well, I am I let my students and especially my clients know that they are the ones doing the releasing, that I'm not forcing anything. When there's an imprint when there's a block that's ready to move. It's, it's them there, they're doing the healing. I'm a conduit of the of the angelic energy. But it actually, it we call it a heart link. And anything that's ready to move will go. We have like little secondary chakras in our palms, and they work as a vacuum cleaner. And it just the block, you can feel it, just go into your hand and it goes up the heart link. So it goes up your arms into your heart, through your throat chakra through your crown and up into the angelic realm. And that's where they transmute the energy. So if anyone's listening, listening to this, and you're like, What the heck is this, like, what's really going on? So I'm gonna give you the, the, the reality version. Basically, you go see Olara or you go see a practitioner, and you're fully clothed. I particularly like that. Not that I don't like massage I do. But I do this something that feels very safe with keeping your clothes on. And you lay on the massage table, right? Or the healing table. And you go into a very quiet, peaceful state. And then why don't you pick up from there? What happens? Well, first, I love this part, just putting the blanket on somebody. Oh, how often do we get pampered Lila? Don't you want to snuggle in? When the you're like blanket, the heater. It's like you're a child again, being tech right? And I put a nice warm blanket on you. And then I really like to talk my clients into a meditative state. I just have them focus on their breath. I have my little singing bowl going just to get them into that, that state that really in that present moment. And then I call in the healing angels I asked for them to work with me and through me to keep us in a safe bubble loving life. You know, I say a little prayer out loud, a little affirmation. And then I begin there's nine cellular cellular memory areas on our body in our energy field that we touch upon and I just go through all nine of those and there's integration points which they're on this integration channel. They're similar to acupuncture but not not the meridians that you know extra acupuncturist use. But you can actually the energy is so palpable when you feel these integration plants, they're like the size of a quarter. And this is where the energy is integrated. This is where there's a transfer of energy and you can feel it. So could I just ask, do you ask someone before they start, like, what is bothering you? Or what are you here for? Yeah, you know, that's a great question. I think it's important. I think that's the beginning of healing when people talk about it, but it's not necessary. Sometimes people don't tell me a thing. And that's okay. We'll get it out of you know, that's where the intuition kicks in. When you go I know what's really going on with you. You might not know but I do. I'll tell you at the end. So like a physical pain, could somebody come with chronic headaches or a chronic condition? Yes. Yeah. It it really touches upon the physical the emotional, the mental and even the karmic were able to witness and and see and feel blocks, even from the karmic layer. So, you know, if you believe in past lives, which I do, I've seen so many beautiful things happen and people heal in that realm. But yeah, for instance, my husband he, he likes massage, but he prefers having an IEP session with me, he's gonna walk back and it really helps. I've had clients with concussions. migraine. Yes, come to me for I saw you've because of my herniated disc. Yeah. So, so helpful. So yeah, I mean, I really am a firm believer that the afflictions that we have in our physical body can, you know, can start on our emotional layer and our mental layer, the things we tell ourselves, the emotions that we feel, or don't feel, actually the ones that we suppressed and stuck down into our energy field. And, and, you know, we need to feel those and release them. So, you know, how long would it take to be cared? For the individual, it's up to up to each client. So do most people go more than once? Yeah, you know, I have some people that will come once, and I never see them again. And that's okay. Maybe it wasn't for them. And maybe I'll see the months from now. But um, yeah, normally, I recommend if somebody's going through, you know, a really emotional time or traumatic situation, you know, once every couple of weeks once a week is great, once a month is great for maintenance. But really, I mean, it's a great way to pamper yourself to feel balanced and relaxed afterwards. Yep. It's super relaxing. It has it's more relaxing than any Yeah. Any modality, I let her know that I may snore on your table. I am a snorer. Almost everybody does know and I am yeah. Once you hit a certain age, you know, maintenance is hugely important. Yeah. So I, my experience was very relaxing and in really, you know, thinking about anyone that may have a theme in their life. Like if anyone listening listening to this knows what a theme means, like, themes could be like, I attract this same kind of guy in dating situations over and over again, and I'm sick and tired of dating this person. Or I What else could be a common theme? Well, there's a million of them self sabotage. Yeah, right. Like any kind of self sabotaging or so or it's great for if you battle any kind of addiction, we could talk about that. Right. So any kind of themes and you know, I feel that talk therapy has its place, but it moves people very slowly. And I first started to get into energy work for myself through EFT, which we know is emotional freedom technique, and I couldn't believe how fast I moved. So if you're listening to this and it's I'm not saying it's a quick fix there is you know, a healing journey is like Laura had said is different for everyone. But it does energy work does move you quite quicker. Because the physical body which is an energetic source, is able to release will release what it is ready to release. So yeah, exactly. Yeah. Whole that whole you know, those patterns that you're saying that you know, we work with that and it a lot it's really a karmic piece are it's it's our souls way of, you know, getting another chance to make a different choice like that. You see those same things happening. To you, you know, I, I for one, I've seen it happen with me. And you know, in order to make that change, you have to do something differently. You can't do the same thing over and over again. Yeah. So can we do quick Storytime with Angel? Amy. So you said something. You love it. I love storytime. Lila. So you Olara I'm looking at are saying you, you Lara, you mentioned about past lives. And I didn't always teach about past lives, I do believe in them now. But when I had Julia, my daughter, I got my proof about past lives. And I had emergency CDC section. And they handed her to me. And I didn't see her face right away. I actually had a psychic flash that showed back when God created the earth all the way till 2007, the year she was born. All her past lives, like went really quick in a linear timeline. I saw her as female, a male everything, all different, like country, Western Egyptian, you name it. And I looked at her and said, You are so old, she was brand new. So old. I was like, this kid is so old. But the reason why I'm bringing this up is because in that moment, I was actually feeling things that Julia that's my daughter had mastered. So she had mastered themes in those past lives. And then there were a couple things that came in, that she was going to learn from me. And I could see that what she mastered I actually struggled with in this lifetime. Wow. Yeah, she's your teacher. She's my teacher. And as I feel that I am for her as well. So when you had mentioned about past lives, if you're listening to this, and you've tried a bunch of different things, in maybe it's worked, you know, a certain percentage, but you're not fully where you want to be thinking about having a practitioner like Laura go in to see if there's some past life energy energetics in start to assist you in removing them, right. Yeah, that's so beautiful. And you know, a way that I like to present it to people too, and I'm seeing a lot of generational wounds being lifted and clearing, which is so important. A lot of people don't realize that we're walking around with baggage from our you know, great grandparents, you think on the money, we all have a story we all our family, where they came from the struggles. I mean, it was difficult 300 400 years ago when people were fleeing their countries. And so we all have this past. And, you know, I like to tell my students that aren't really sure whether they might be on the fence whether or not they believe in past lives or Karma. But if you look at it at a genetic standpoint, like you believe that we pass down traits, genes, so those struggles, we have memory in our body, we have memory in ourselves. So we're carrying around burdens of our great grandparents, we don't need that, right. So this is a great tool, it is a great way to release those people feel lighter, people feel so light, when they get off the table they do in this is the best time to be alive because it's for the first time here on Earth. We as humans have the ability to heal our lineage. And what that means, in plain terms is that if you release some energies, or themes or negative emotions that are not serving you, well, your children, your bloodline, actually benefits. So if you have kids, your children benefit from your own healing just organically, and then your parents or siblings benefit as well. If your parents or sibling or even a child has passed on before you they actually you're helping them reach a higher realm of the other side or heaven. In this is the first time that this energetics has been in play here on Earth. We're usually the only way that you can upgrade your your soul is to come into a human body and do healing and usually it only benefits you as a sovereign being. But now, the linear It is all starting to work as a team. And it's so beautiful. So this work that you do is so like the ripple effect, like I see it like, like putting a stone in water and then like, right. That's how I see it. Yeah. Isn't that cool? Very cool. And that's why it's so important for us to take care of ourselves. I think that old feeling of I'm being selfish, because I'm taking time to work on myself when I have kids and I should be doing this or that. This is permission to take care of yourself, because in essence, you're taking care of yourself. And like you said, with the ripple effect, we're bringing more joy and love into the world. Yeah. So Lila, you you haven't particularly or specifically done this modality, but or experienced this modality, that would be the correct word, Amy. And what is something similar that you've done? Well, I've done tapping, and I've done Reiki. So Reiki would be the most similar, only because meaning it's on a table, and you're fully clothed in its hands on healing, when the hands get warm, were tappings a lot of processing, which I do love. That's why I'm not a practitioner. So I wanted to explain to anyone listening to this, like, why you would go see an IE T practitioner, over Reiki, or tapping or something else. And my own professional opinion is that we as humans are all a energetic recipe, and we're all very different. And how we process through or move through energy is very, very different. And anyone that is comfortable with making connections on with using the emotional component, I would say is a candidate for tapping, or that would be EFT. Anyone that is, maybe you're listening to this, and you feel very private, or you feel very introverted, and it's, it's a little harder for you to express or make connections. It's not that tapping wouldn't be the right thing for you. But I would suggest as a healer, sending you to Lara to lay on that table and really receive from her in after receiving it may then open you up for other avenues, healing avenues. And this is why when people see, you know, make an appointment with me, I'm not so quick just to take everybody because I feel as a healer, we need to be true to the person's energetic recipe and what they are ready for. Right? So yeah, so thank you for sending people my way. My pleasure. So what sort of things do people come to you? And say, you know, I mean, especially right now, obviously, everybody's got a lot of anxiety, you know, regarding pandemic health concerns, things like that. Anxiety, is that something somebody could come? I would say, that's the number one Oh, thing that people just want to feel good. Yeah. They want to find, you know, things that make them happy. But anxiety, I would definitely say that's, that's the kicker these days. I feel like everybody that gets on my table, there's a cellular memory area on our adrenals Yep. And that's where we feel powerlessness stress. And how's something moving? There's always something blocked in there. I would say 99% of the people that get on the table and so when you're doing it, like what I feel that released as it's happening, yeah, you know, it varies from person to person. That's a good question. Some people just feel very relaxed, but people that are really in tune with energy and in tune with their field. You know, they'll feel twinges sometimes people will twitch. Sometimes people will cry. Sometimes people will giggle or see colors holler I love when people send to color yellow the energy people radial Some people report feeling very heavy on the table. Not in a bad way but just like, like, unable to move in a good way. Just know where to go. Just sitting here receiving healing. I felt like I was levitating with you. What's that song buddy allowed to sing that levitating? Probably. Yeah. I thought I was levitating Laura, it's different for everyone. And you know, it's different for every client, every time a client comes, it's different, even though I'm touching upon the same areas. I don't consider myself a psychic by any means, but I'm certainly intuitive. I would say that it has really helped with my intuition greatly and healing sessions. So throughout, you know, I typically do 90 minutes for it. And during those 90 minutes, I do receive messages from spirit that I'm able to pass along to my clients and you know, they're always encouraging and people appreciate it. Absolutely. Yeah, I can tell you where, yeah, where I felt things leave. You know, oh, that anger that I know what the situation is. So, Laura, so Lila, you're gonna love this. So Laura saw a dragon breathing fire out of my sack, my throat chakra. So that's the throat if for anyone that doesn't know the chakras, and I am a triple Aries fire in my chart. You nailed that on the money and I talk for a living. I basically I'm a professional talker. So when you said that, I was like, Oh, this is on the money? Sometimes it is. And sometimes it isn't. I mean, sometimes I'll I'll pass along messages. And it might not make sense. But it could a year later. Yeah, I'd say just remember it. Yeah, I help people because I feel like whatever I'm sensing or seeing or feeling. I feel like it has a message for them. So it would be it would be wrong for me to not mention it. Yeah. Good girl, and people might think I'm a little crazy. All right. I'm gonna fight it. Yeah, I welcome it. Yeah. So I, I always say to, there aren't a ton of like psychics in the world, like professionally there are but they're not. Because when you look at people and tell them something and it hasn't happened yet, they go No. Right? Which is fine. That's human nature. But when you realize this work and how important it is, you choose to lean into that that heart centered love, unconditional love for humans. And it's okay when they reject our you dragon like way. I love that you said heart heart centered because with it, I feel the reason it's so potent. It's so powerful and gentle is because it has so many components to it and one of the components being heart centered, feeling that gratitude when we feel gratitude for life, or the things that we have, we attract more of that. So it's really you know, we're heart linking to the angels it's very heart centered energy healing that's one of the components and then the angels of course that love that whole different level. Do you have a story about working on someone without obviously giving any name right so you know a favorite story of something and experience on the table or Does anything come to mind? That came to mind? Yeah, because you know, I see mainly women Yeah, I have more women clients and men I do have a handful of men and you know what I what I teach my students and my clients before they get on the table is that you know we're human we're we're here on Earth in this three dimensional reality we we don't think to ask for help you know we have freewill Hells Angels are right there all along the air and I you know, I was blind to it just five years ago right thinking why would they want to help me how can they help everybody in the world but once you realize they're this energy I say they really aimed angelic energy. I say they do and they're a big they're like my posse Laura. I know but I just you know, I feel like they're all one right? It's yeah, one Oh, like a collective consciousness one angel with many personalities. So yeah, Michael, you got you know, yeah, you're tight. But the he comes still sexy for me. He goes into sessions a lot, because there's a lot of fear, actually, the he's my sexy Angel about too much right now. But I have to say once, you know, I tell my clients, invite them in, invite them to help you. And that's when healing really occurs. That's when miracles can happen. Small miracles big miracles. I think probably the healing session that comes to mind when you asked, you know, is there anything spectacular yeah to mind. I had a client come to me a couple of weeks ago, maybe a month ago. And it was his first time ever having a healing session. He had no idea what to expect he had never experienced remke. So awesome. I love when newbies calm the newbie. Yeah, I love that. He didn't know what to expect. But I did explain to him just that about welcoming the angels in so he did Welcome to angels in in his head as I was welcoming the angels. And he had the most magical experience. It was raining. It was it was just it was beautiful. And, you know, he came back again. And this is somebody that normally wouldn't try Reiki or healing modality. And it made it very powerful for him to call in angels. He was giving them permission to help me release blocks. So was he seeing thing or feeling anything like yeah, he gives you some feedback as he got new with it. All the things that I sensed like, you know, the heart wounds, the anger, the resentment, he was feeling like twinges and pain, a little bit of pain, liver. You know, like palpate, like palpitations heart as we're lifting, you know, not in an uncomfortable way, but definitely noticeable. So, yeah, I love I loved that. Because usually you get that kind of feedback from somebody like you that's had, yeah, energy work, right to getting on my table. That's amazing. Yeah, I thought your session was very powerful and so beautiful. Yeah, I have to say I, when I first started with it, I felt like I was cheating on Reiki. And I didn't, you know, I liked it. And I felt drawn to and I just kept on taking next class next class. And yeah, my master instructor so I could teach it. And it wasn't until after I did that, did I really, really fall in love? The more I used it, yeah, I kind of I kind of did a combination of all the modalities that I've learned. But I would say for the last year, I've been using it with, you know, a little bit of other things here or there, but mainly it. And I've noticed noticing a huge difference in how my clients feel like the proof is in the pudding. Yeah, like, why go back? I did, right. I love it so much. Yeah, I just remember feeling lighter, and feeling clearer. And you really can't put a price tag on that. You know, I'm someone that's pretty grounded naturally, well, since I've tapped all my crap for a long time, that really, I wasn't always as grounded. But definitely it It reminds me of a car that needs to go in and get serviced and aligned, like your wheels get aligned. You gotta grease, whatever oil change. And that's how I felt after Yeah, I have to say, I don't know, if I am allowed to say this, you can cut it. But I have to say out of, I teach Reiki and I teach it and out of my students that have taken both. And a lot of my clients that have received both people tell me that it is their favorite. Oh. And you know, I don't like to tell people that that's how I feel because I honestly feel that, that you know, there's yoga for some people there, you know, all these different modalities are like different vehicles to get to the same place. We all just want to feel good. And what's good for one person might not be good for another. So I would never say that IUD is more powerful than Reiki. But I can say through experience that people are liking it, feeling it more. So Laura, what can you say? So you're you're five years into this career path now? Or is it been longer, but five years? So what can you say to people? You know, I know I hope I'm not aging you. You and I are both in our 40s Yeah. So what could you say that that? Yeah, right. I think I got a few couple of years on yet. But what can you say to people that are thinking about going down this path that potentially being a practitioner and studying something like this? That might just feel like too old to switch gears or are too old? Yeah. I honestly, I feel like a lot of people will take at classes and I tell people, you know, you don't have to take it And then go and charge for sessions. It doesn't have to be a career, right? When you learn it, you're able to use these techniques on yourself. Use them on your children, your pets, your husband, right on, right? Anybody or for anybody, just but most importantly, you're able to heal yourself. Yeah. And that, to me, that was a game changer for me when I didn't stop seeing practitioners. But I learned Reiki and I was giving myself treatments. And that is so empowering to be able to make yourself feel good. That's beautiful outside of yourself. Yeah. I always say to like, if it feels in alignment with your True authenticity, you can't put a price tag no matter how old or young you are, to just live an authentic life. Right? So whether you're listening to this, and you're 4050 6080, I had a woman come to me once she was 88. And she said, I I used to go to spiritual groups in Salem, Massachusetts, underground in the 70s, when no one and she said, I am so into this work, but I live in a nursing home. And I know I'm a medium. She says, I know I can connect to people with loved ones. And I just want to use it before I pass on. And I said to her, like she was my girl. I said, you are going to use us and I coached her a little bit. And then she started to do readings all around the nursing home. And right because it's loaded with people that have lost. Yeah. And she wrote me the biggest, best testimony about that. And she was she was definitely this is a I don't I'm not even sure if she's still alive. So anyways, but again, yeah, you gave to her and that she if you are those people that Yeah, yeah. So if you're thinking about learning something like this, too, it's never too late. I mean, I'm, I reinvent myself every other day. I mean, I'm not someone, once I figured out my life path actually isn't medium. mediumship. Right. So we're allowed to shift gears, and you know, in in really walk in to what is authentic to us. And when you found the IEP with the angels, you're like, wow, this really aligns race. Oh, yes. Absolutely. Yeah. Yeah. Something led led me to it. You know, I started when I was meditating, and I was teaching Reiki Angels kept on coming to me. Angel Raphael was the first one I remember coming to me. And something just told me I didn't really know much about it. But I saw a class being advertised on Facebook or you know, somewhere, and I went not really knowing what to expect. Yeah. But I was led there for a reason. Yeah. And it felt right to you, Dad. Yeah, I just, yeah, I think you're drawn to the things that you need to have in your life. Yeah, it's like a magnetic force. You can't deny I know. So you just have to follow that when you feel your little nudges. And just go for I love the breadcrumbs. Right. And don't worry about feeling a little bit crazy. Right. That we're a little cray. Let's be really amatory here. Yeah. We're allowed to Yeah, you know, we're not actually in Salem, hundreds of years. Right. And you can write the witch hunts. I know, I definitely was burned at the stake. Yeah, we hadn't released that. Probably in my session, Lara. Yeah, they may have been a little anger. They're so beautiful. So if someone wants to book a session with you, or if they want to take classes with you, where do they find you? So my business is one light, holistic healing. I'm located in Kingston, New Hampshire. And I have a website. It's www one light. H h.com. You can find me on Facebook. I'm also on Instagram. And I love answering questions and talking about this. So if anybody ever wants to reach out Yeah, message, Laura. She'd love it. Right. And my talk, she loves talking about it. Well, thank you so much, Laura. I've got great information. And yeah, thank you all for listening. We hope that you found this enlightening. I know I did. Right. Lila Yes. Be sure to subscribe to Are our podcasts. We can be found wherever you get your podcasts. And we're on Instagram at spill the ginger tea podcast. If you have any questions or ideas for future shows, please message us there. Thank you for joining us and until next time be well be well

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