Spill The Ginger Tea Podcast

Introductory Episode

Lila Season 1 Episode 0

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Find out what Spill The Ginger Tea Podcast is all about - who Amy and Lila are and what's coming up! Our intention is to have some fun and  introduce alternative healing practitioners and discuss with them how people an heal their mind, body and soul.

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Hi, welcome to the introductory episode of spill the ginger tea Podcast. I'm Angel Amy, and I'm excited to be here today. Hi, I'm Lila, and welcome to the podcast. We are living through such an extraordinary time. And people are really feeling the transition of the world as a whole, and looking for answers about health or healing, helping themselves to feel better. And so we thought that we would get together and introduce people to some other alternative methods of healing that they might not have heard of yet. Why don't we first begin by me telling all of you who I am and what I'm all about. So I was born in the mid 70s, with the ability to connect to the other side, connect to heaven. And I have used these abilities for the past decade. And I am able to see, feel and hear spirit, which means I can see hear and feel energy that is not on the human realm. And I work with angels. I work with spirit guides, and I work with your loved ones in heaven. However, although I am a psychic medium, I don't fully I use my abilities to do emotional healing. So my gifts allow me to see the root of all things. And my job on this podcast is to take the information and bring it into a level that is very relatable for the average person. I am a mom. So I know what mom life is like. I am married to a non spiritual man. So I know what that is like. And we are gonna go from there. Why don't you tell us a little bit about you, Iowa. So I'm Lila and I am also a mom, and I'm a little bit older than Amy. I am a triathlete, a fitness instructor. I'm becoming a meditation teacher. And I'm someone who's always looking to keep this somewhat older edition of my body healthy and going and feeling great. So Lila presented me with this amazing idea. She said, you know, Amy, I've tried 1000 different modalities. And you are ways to heal my mind, body and spirit. And this is your jam. So why don't we collaborate and do a podcast together? And that's how spill the ginger tea first started? And it's it's just been a beautiful collaboration. And we're excited to share all this with you. Yes, absolutely. So in the land of energy, your human body is made up of cells. And we know that cells are our energy. And within those cells, they're your cells in your in your human body are linked to your emotional component. So when you're a little girl or a little boy, or when you're small, usually between the ages of five to eight, your emotional component starts to develop. And when it develops, your cells in your body actually capture the emotions that you're feeling. And because we live in the manifesting realm, this is the here on Earth is the only place in relation to the other side that you can manifest through the law of attraction. And we do that our physical bodies draw things towards us in we draw these energies towards us through the emotional component from when you were little from a long time ago. So just know that you have the power to heal yourself. And we're going to open you up to new ideas in new ways that you might just not have thought of before. Yes, absolutely. And it's also important to remember that some of the energy that you are feeling when your body manifests itself and As you know, physical pain, physical discomfort, there's certainly plenty of people, both Amy and myself know, lots of people who have either undiagnosed or sort of diagnosis of exclusion conditions that are, you know, not treated by the medical world as a whole. You know, things, you know, autoimmune disorders, things like that we are, we're not going to suggest that we can cure anything like that with, right, but give you new ideas. So when the medical community is like, puts you under that umbrella, we don't know what the heck is wrong with you, or they just tell you that you have the flow, you know, there's something deeper going on, that they're not able to see. And that's what we're here to help you uncover is, let's really get to the root of what's going on with you. Exactly. So in my own experience, I was recently diagnosed with IBS. And really, the doctor just said to me, like there is, you know, there's, there's nothing you can do, we don't know what's causing it basically, like, for whatever reason, you just are having difficulty digesting food at this point. And I remember, you know, I had gone through so much, because, of course, when you're, you know, uncomfortable and things have suddenly changed, like, I was convinced there was something terribly wrong with me. So I kept going back to different doctors, I tried different things. And finally, after sitting with that, doctor that day, what I realized was, that this was it, I just had to accept that this is what it was, and you know, started really focusing on sort of accepting that, that this is the way it was going to be, I didn't need to worry about finding a diagnosis, I didn't need to worry about anything else, I just had to be okay with the idea that this is what I had. And this is what I was going to feel like. And I can say from my own experience, although I haven't exactly you know, cured my IBS and still have problems, I feel a lot better about not feeling great. And just through the process, you're you're getting to understand yourself deeper, and like, putting, like when I say put yourself back in your own personal power, you're in the driver's seat now, and informing deeper understanding about what's really going on. So through this healing process, whether it's through acupuncture, we're gonna we might talk about that, or massage, or if it's something or if it's like tapping, you just learn, you know, more about yourself as you go along, in take back the control for you, yes, so that you can make the own your own decisions on what's resonates for your own physical, emotional, spiritual body. Right, right. And I think, you know, as I said, like, right now being this absolutely kind of crazy, chaotic time that can be filled with, you know, all kinds of strange things. The the good part, the really positive part is, you know, the world has sort of paused for everybody to take a look at their lives, and people are making big decisions around like, maybe this isn't the way I want it to go, maybe I want to jump in an RV and live that way for a few years. And that's super positive. Now, not everybody you know, is gonna go down that road, that's not everybody's choice. And some people might not be feeling that way, they might be very afraid of the transition or feeling like they don't want to transition to this kind of new world that we're living in. But it's changed for everyone. It's a it's a definitely an experience that we've all had. And we've all had it together. So we can sort of come together and try and find our way in this new world. Right? And so whether you're in physical pain, or if you work with a boss you hate, or you're dating the same kind of person over and over again, it's all energy, and it's all related. So the Fit by the time. So let me explain how this works. Okay, please do so. When So I mentioned the cells in the beginning. And when you're little, let's say, you think the ice cream truck is going to come, you get really excited. And we know that joy and happiness feels very different than sadness and anger. So they have two very different vibrations. So when the ice cream truck comes, you start to feel really excited. Then when ice cream truck does Calm you in your little child, your you get sad, and you have either disappointment or sadness. And so the cells being energy, collect some of that energy, when you're little when you cry it out or you exercise and run around like, like a little person does, you actually Val the energy. But when you're little you actually capture and save some of the energy in your cells. So what happens is, when you go into your teen years in your 20s, in your 30s, and I'm in my 40s, you are actually living your life based on the energy from a long time ago. So when once the cell once the emotion lives inside the cell, for a long period of time the cell gets weak, and then it starts to ooze out into the physical. So Lila, you are experiencing IBS? So being a healer, I would look at you and say, and you don't have to answer this. But like, what, when you were little, were you holding on to like, think about like, what were wasn't maybe safe enough for you to release. And so that is related to the digestive system, right. And when you start to look at that parts of those parts of your life, you start to connect the dots. And that is what this podcast is about. Absolutely helping you connect the dots. Yes. And really taking that time for yourself and saying, like, I'm not feeling great. And that's okay. Like, you don't have to feel great all the time. And finding a way to kind of quiet yourself down and maybe thinking about some of these things, you know, do you does what Amy says resonate? Can you remember something from your childhood? Do you feel like something you're experiencing now is, is related to things in your past that you can see, and maybe you can't see them as well. And there are lots of healers that can help you with that. In terms of intuitive healing and helping you to find you know, what, that's where the psychic piece comes in, the angels would come in and say, okay, when you were seven, you blah, blah, blah, right? And you go, Oh, that feels about right, exactly right. Or maybe it doesn't, but that's where the intuitive piece comes in. Right to help release in overcome whatever energy is in there. Right. So I recently had a herniated disc, in my L, what's the really low on Lila? I think you're not as fine. L, I don't know is that it's a higher l but then it's like s one right is the one right under s one and the low L I have no idea. Maybe it's L seven. So you'd think I know, but I so don't. And I do see a chiropractor that I love. And so I realized I you know, I went through this herniated disk for like, I don't know, four or five, six months. And when I started to tune into it, it made me feel really helpless. And the helplessness led me to look at parts of my life in which I felt held back or the reverse would be not free. So in 2021, for myself, it's time to get free, like live like, very free. And so when I started to take action in my life, I recently purchased the house and started to free myself from things that were holding me back. My back is I very little back pain, which is awesome. Right? So it's crazy, right? So we're gonna talk a lot about in, in these podcasts about finding your recipe? Yes, because it's not one size fits all. Yes, and there's definitely going to be different people or different therapies, modalities, that you're going to feel drawn to something that you would want to try versus something that might not sound like your cup of tea, which is great because ultimately they all lead to the same path which really is about healing you know, every part of you not just the physical self and, you know, it's not really an end point, right? Like we're always you know, sort of striving and you know, life has happens, you know, yeah, hand damage happen and growing and expanding in, you know, we're always trying to move forward absolutely as humans. So I'm here to tell you, when you think you're stuck, you are not stuck, you think you're stuck and you're convinced you're stuck. But you're never stuck, right? So these, these new ideas that we're going to share will help you see that you're not stuck. We just need to find your recipe. Yes, the secret sauce, right, the secret sauce for how you tick. And it's a mind body soul connection. So to heal my back, for instance, I do see a spiritual woman that helps me connect the dots, right. And there's an emotional piece and a spiritual piece there. The physical piece is my personal trainer, that works me twice a week like PT. That's kind of fun. And then I have my chiropractor, that helps also the physical. And I would say spiritual piece there. And then looking at like nutrition for inflammation is another piece, right? So you could see it's like, it's like the secret sauce. I like that, like a secret recipe. Exactly. And everybody's is a little bit different. You know, everybody's gonna hear something different. They're gonna take away something different, which is great. That's exactly the point. Right? You know, we just want to share, we have both been through a lot. And we've found some great ways, you know, to help ourselves, and we just kind of want to share with everyone, you know, you see so many people struggling or feeling like they're struggling, but they really could be free. Yes. And then let's talk about this. So we are both moms. So yeah, you know, right. When you think you got your own secret sauce down your own recipe. It's learning your child's recipe too. And yeah, in in Lila is has multiples. I have a single. And we'll share about our own lives as we go along to Yeah, and a little people, they're not very little anymore. We have teens, but learning their their own recipe on what works for them is very, like, my daughter is Julia and her she's very different than I am. Which is a challenge. Right? So it's just learning their own. Absolutely. And then helping them to build sort of a lifelong, you know, toolbox of coping skills that they would have, because things are always going to happen. Yes. And you're always going to be trying to figure out how to how to deal with it, how to get through it, and how to feel good about getting through it. Yeah, we just had a situation with Julia and I said, Okay, which tool are we going to use? So I love that you said that. And they may say to you minus 13, almost 14, she calls me mother. She says mother remind me of the tools. And you can remind to so we are going to learn different tools as we go along and Absolutely. Good. So we are in a time of a pandemic, which is crazy. Yeah. And scary. It Right. And people are really struggling right now. Yes, they are in all different directions. And so let's talk a little bit about that. Okay, so there, you know, I find there are some people struggling, struggling, physically, yes. And then emotionally, and spiritually. But I'd like to explain a little bit about the spiritual piece. And then, you know, Lila is going to dial it back down. So, pretty much what happened when COVID came is we started something called the Great Awakening. Oh, I love that. Yeah. And because so this happened like the end of 2019. You know, obviously 2020 was the, the pandemic. And so what's happening is all the old souls are incarnating. That means they're being born. So, Gen Z, if you're listening to this, and you have a person, a child from the age of six to 24, that's Gen Z. And alphas are zero to six in the Alpha generation in my spiritual world. The Spirit guides are sending back spirit guides. And so we might use spirit guides, our energetic leadership that's attached to you that helps move you forward spiritually. And the same If you have some kind of belief system or religious background, the saints are actually reincarnating. And so you have like pretty powerful children and powerful beings walking around on Earth right now. And because I just explained their energy there, they're actually altering the vibration of planet Earth. And when we alter the vibration of planet Earth, what do you think about this, like, I'm gonna let you interject here, bring this back down? Well, so I think by bringing it back down, you know, this is obviously such a huge period of change and uncertainty for people. And truly the world kind of stood still for a period of time, which, you know, left a lot of people, you know, debating, like, were they doing what they wanted to do, were they living where they wanted to live, you know, giant exodus from cities and city life. And, you know, there was just a lot, you know, people making career changes, and then just the uncertainty of it all, you know, if you had the sadness of people being sick, or the fear of getting sick, or the fear of, you know, family members getting sick, so it was this huge transition time for everyone. I mean, I think everyone can, can readily identify with that, that had these overwhelming, sort of emotions of like sadness and fear attached to them, you know, and, and, you know, the other side hopefully, is going to be a, you know, an upbeat, hopeful that, you know, some of these changes that people have made are going to really make a huge difference in the world as a whole. Oh, there's totally a light at the end of the tunnel. So the alphas did it to us. Exactly what Lila So what So what happened was they they were born right the last six years. And it, it caused an energy upgrade, an uplift. So think about what happens. So we live in the land of duality, where duality means there's two opposite ends of a spectrum. There's light, dark, good, bad, right? We were heading in a very dark place. Believe it or not, we were going to end up darker than it feels right now. And when those those high vibrational babies were born, they actually started to cause the dark. So everything Lila just mentioned, come to the surface. So what looks like a terrible moment in your life is actually a beautiful thing. Because you're all releasing and purging. What is not serving you? Well, right. And so basically, that is all moving through the atmosphere with the crazy weather we have right now. And it is going to level out. Eventually, in 2023. I'm here to tell you, this is me predicting, I know this, that 2022 will be better, and then 2023 is going to be freaking awesome. But we have to get through this phase right now. Exactly what Lila just explained all of you that are struggling. It's because your physical body is purging the gunk. Right? Right, right. Yes, absolutely. And those babies forced it audio. Whether you like it or not, it happened to to help you write in. And I think, you know, there's going to be the period that we're sort of in now, which is like processing what's happened to us like putting it figuring out where we put it to have had your kids at home or working at home and changing maybe from working in an office to you know, working at your dining room table or wherever you ended up working, and how you know, you've made that work. And now is the time where I think the emotion of all of that kind of settles in for everybody. So whether you very sadly had someone pass away during the pandemic, and maybe you couldn't have any kind of service for them or memory for them. You know, now's really the time before Amy's 2023, where we kind of process all this. So we'll be ready. We'll be ready. We'll be in a great space, we'll be a little bit more hopefully connected to each other because we've all been through this really communal experience. I mean, no one escaped. What's happened to us in the last year? And so as we go along, just keep listening. Yes, we're gonna give you tools in your toolbox to get through this. If you're like, Well, what do we do? We will give you action steps exactly. Yes. So right now the action step until you listen to the next episodes. are to observe. Yes. Go inside yourself and observe how you feel. And if you're like Angel, Amy, I feel like piece of shit. Then you get a little notebook and you write down. I feel like a piece of shit Angel. Amy, I want you to observe how you feel because that is step one. Yes. In moving forward in trying to figure out what tool then to take from the toolbox. Absolutely. Yeah. And I think people might be surprised if you if you just sit quietly for a minute, and then observe yourself, see how you're feeling where you're feeling it like, I bet there's a lot more going on than people think. Right? I agree, Lila, and if you're listening to this and you feel like you just want to come out of your physical body, come out of your skin. That's when you go to nature. And take a walk off. I actually want you to take your shoes off. You can take dual aisles where you can take and breathe in the air. Yes, but if you can take your shoes off like you were 567 years old, and put your feet on the ground. You're going to get your what's it called? Our Katie UK rhythm. No circadian. Yeah. She's the brains doing big trouble. Katie IK? Yeah, I'll have you like staring at the Aurora Borealis. No. So you can do that too. Yeah, that if you're if you live somewhere near there, near where there's an aurora borealis. So if you can take those shoes off and do two points of contact from your physical body feeder, great. That is the circadian rhythm, which then it's called earthing, and grounding. And it will help bring you back into your body until we can give you a tool in your toolbox to release the anxiety and the stress that in the overwhelm that you're feeling. Okay, that's coming. It's coming. Right? I love Yep. You gotta be ready. You gotta be prepared. So, yeah, so thanks for listening. And we're gonna have some great people on they're going to be talking about all kinds of different ways to heal. They're a lot of fun. Experts in the field. We're bringing in the best, right? So keep listening, and we'll be back soon.

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