Spill The Ginger Tea Podcast

Past Life Regression with Peyton Pugmire

Angel Amy and Lila Season 1 Episode 23

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We talk with Peyton Pugmire about past life regression. Have you ever wondered who you were in a past life and how that affects who you are today? We learn how past life regression works and how can it can help you to live your best life!

Peyton can be found at https://www.creativespiritma.com/home
and on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/creativespiritma/

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Hi, I'm Angel Amy and Hi, I'm Lila. So today we are going to talk to Payton pugmire, who is a spiritual intuitive regression hypnotherapist, an artist, and he is the owner of creative spirit. So we would like to welcome you here today. We are so excited to have you pain in discuss past life regression. Lila and I are super, super interested in this. So welcome. Thank you so much. I'm happy to be here. So great to have you. So why don't you tell us a little bit about what a past life regression is? Sure. So first of all, it's It's magical. The first word that comes to my mind today because we're going on this magical serial journey through regression. And yeah, but we'll start with, let's start with hypnotherapy. So past life regression hypnotherapy that is the healing modality through which we are going on the past life journey. And while I'm not a therapist or psychotherapist, I do really appreciate that word therapy contained within the word hypnotherapy because this work does have great healing potential, right. And that's, that's why I'm in this field and doing this beautiful, deep work. So a past life regression, in theory is taking a journey back in time and reconnecting through our subconscious with the memories of our past lives. Now, when we're talking about past lives, we always have to talk about reincarnation and reincarnation theory and the theories of karma or the laws of karma. So many clients come to me with very strong beliefs. In reincarnation, they come with the belief that when we die, our soul moves up and it evolves and continues to reincarnate in physical human form to continue to evolve and grow as a soul in a heart, right? I also have clients that come to me that aren't sure right? They just don't know yet what they believe about reincarnation theory. And those are really tied very understandably, to one's religious and spiritual beliefs. Right. And that's not my realm to teach or preach, right? But the really cool thing about regression hypnotherapy or past life regression hypnotherapy is that I am finding that it can be incredibly powerful, enjoyable, and entertaining and healing. Even if one does not subscribe to reincarnation theory, if a client comes in simply with the belief that our subconscious, which we all possess, contains what I call soul data, right? That is going to bubble up while we are under hypnosis. And within that soul data from the subconscious if we believe that there's helpful stuff and fodder within that information that we can apply to our current life for transformation. And that's the name of the game. So there are many onboarding points to this work, which is great, right? So again, you don't have to you don't have to believe in reincarnation. So, yeah, yeah, it really, it's an equal opportunity lender, right? So it's really cool in that way. What happens during the session as a client will come in and actually spend the first hour doing an intake interview, which I really love. It's pretty much coaching, it feels like you know, life coaching or spiritual counseling, which I love, but essentially, the client is the star of that conversation. And it's really a full hour for them to really go in depth about what is the specific topic that pertains to their current life that they would like to explore through the past life? Right. And that's my hope is that a client comes with a current life issue topic concern, that is just dumping them, you know, or causing challenge that they want to really get to the root of and ask you, what sort of thing would that be is that, you know, does that look like anxiety, depression? Are people in physical pain? What what, what do you see as people being drawn to past life regression therapy? All the above? That's a great question. And it's all the above. It's like whatever current life issues and challenges whatever they are emotional, physical, mental, spiritual, bring them right. Because what I believe Even the works, the work supports the belief that karmically. All of the challenges that we experience in our life from the mundane to really heavy duty complex stuff. It most likely has karmic roots in a past life. And most likely not just one, but many, many, many. And if we don't resolve and heal those challenges in our current life, then magnetically currently, we're going to re experience those challenges. In the next slide, right? It's like, it's like, The School of Life, right? Learn the lesson. Yeah, right. And so it's very helpful. You know, if you're listening to this, and you have a theme or pattern in your life that you're noticing, you may want to go check out painting, to then go through, you know, into your past lives to see maybe where it originated. And that's when the healing and the magic really takes place, is when you heal it from that original place. It kind of knocks out everything that happened after. And it's it's, you know, a beautiful, beautiful modality that you offer to give people a chance in this lifetime to go back and do the healing, which then leads to peace, right? Yes. And what comes to mind when you say that AMI is the work that then can happen in the regression during the hypnosis, which is the releasing in the reframing of the trauma, the sensations, the pain, the mental agony, etc, that the client can re revisit through the regression. In its so it's in, that's where the therapeutic work comes in. Right? It's, and I'm holding space and using all of my skills to help that client. You know, release the feelings, through tears through whatever however they need to release in the moment. And then also reframe any thought patterns, right, that may be holding them back from connecting with that higher level of love in their current life and himself or another person. So the intake interview, you sit with people you said for an hour before you even begin, is that correct? Yeah. Oh, so how long is the whole appointment? Three hours, three hours? Wow, three hours of painting everybody. That's amazing. All right. So tell us more. So after the first hour, what what happens then? We take a potty break. Yeah, we go to the bathroom. And you know, can you stand up, stretch and, and then we go into the healing room. So the client is lying on a massage table that's been, you know, set up with clean linens and blankets and pillows. Like a comfy cozy bed, and room is darkened. And I have some soft meditative music playing. Because when we begin the the next stage really is called the induction. And during the induction, which is you know, it's an interesting sounding word. It's actually a lovely portion of experience, because that is when I am helping the client to deeply relax. So that's about 30 to 40 minutes in which I am speaking scripts to the client to help the client to physically and mentally and emotionally relax. And then what is happening, technically during the induction is that the client hopefully is dropping down into the lower levels of consciousness that hypnosis, right? Speaking about hypnosis, I love him. Yeah, we'll get a little lost in hypnosis and still think it's like, you know, the clock going back and forth ticking. But really, it's like a deeper meditation, in which a seasoned practitioner like painting can create a safe space for you to go there. And it's super relaxing, right? Yeah, and I like to say that this work is it's it's two things it's deep relaxation paired with focused concentration. So the deep relaxation comes during the induction and that's the hypnosis part. And I like to say to that, some clients will ask you know, how, how relaxed will I get and I like to say you will become as relaxed as you wish to go. So I like you know, I like to I like to share that is you know, so arrive willing, and, and open to really allow yourself that gift of relaxation. The focus concentration comes during the day are nice after the induction and we move into the past life regression, which behaves like an interview. Because once you are under hypnosis, you then experience your past life memory, or memories through all of your inner senses. So everything you see, think, feel, hear, taste and smell. While you're under hypnosis, that is how you're going to experience the memories. And that is what you're then focusing on. That's what you're concentrating on during the journey. And then I am interviewing you so that I understand what's happening, what it is that you are experiencing internally, through that inner imagery. I am a very visual person. So as a psychic, you know, I receive all of spirits messages visually, primarily. And it works the same way. Whenever I'm myself and I'm undergoing past life regression, I see my past life like a movie, right. And it's like, I liken it sometimes to looking at two movie screens, you know, between which I can toggle, I can go between the movie screen, which is the past and the present. And I can, I can go to the past screen in the presence screen and remain under hypnosis. But that's universal for everyone is that, under hypnosis, you're still aware of the present, right? We're still alive, we still have that egoic element of our of our consciousness, which is always going to be turned on, which keeps us safely grounded in the present. However, because of hypnosis, we are so deep in that relaxation and the lower levels of consciousness that we are able to really settle into and sink into the past life, subconscious imagery, which is the journey. That's amazing. Oh, that's beautiful. And so is it a visual journey for everyone? It's not and during the intake interview, that's what I'm tuning in to to assess. I've regressed clients that are really kinesthetic, or clairsentient. And so they're really going to feel physically and emotionally, their journey as opposed to visual. So when I learn what your strength is, in regards to your inner imagery and your inner sensory perception, I then can tweak my vernacular and vocab. So instead of saying, what are you seeing right now, I might say, what are you feeling right now? Right. Interesting. Yeah. So then do you address that the issue or the underlying issue, at that time under hypnosis? Or is that something you address afterwards? If that makes sense? So if you if you, you know, there's a scenario, a past life scenario that you're bringing forward kind of this energy of whatever it was, say, a betrayal? Are you doing the healing work on that betrayal that's come forward, then? Or is that something that happens after? Hmm, great question. It's both. So what I want to share first and foremost is that the client is leading the way, I am not leading the experience. This is a client based healing modality, like all, I believe all healing modalities should be right, the client is steering that ship. We are our own greatest healers. So it's the same while journey, hypnotically in past life regression. So if the client experiences, you know, those those those adverse reactions and those moments of trauma and challenge in the past life, which mostly happens, what I what my goal is, is to really hold loving space for that client to feel all the feels, and to through all of their inner senses, re experienced those memories, not to relive the trauma in the pain, right, that's not the point. Because these are memories after all, and we have that safety right, but to re experience them, so that there is an immersive re reintroduction to it so that we can see all the fields have the AB reaction, which is the release of the old energy through tears, yelling whatever needs to be said or done. And then once that AB reaction in that release has taken place, what I'll do is I'll then invite the client to do a couple of things. I love to invite the client, their higher self to join them and then I invite the client to merge with their higher self and then to look at that seen through the eyes of their higher selves for some reframing and what usually happens during that is that they are looking At that crappy situation through a higher perspective, right? And the reframing begins to happen, the greater lessons, the more loving point of view and compassion, that's when that stuff can really start to come in. I will also invite the client to do some Gestalt therapy technique like role reversal in roleplay. And I will literally say, now imagine that that perpetrator is now sitting before you, and they are there to listen to anything and everything that you say to them now. So what do you need to say to them now about blink? So then the client under hypnosis will say something, you know, like, all the Fu, why did you do this? And then I'll say, Great, now reverse, how do you respond? How do they respond? And then we'll get a conversation going? Forward pain? Yeah, that was great. I do that with the tapping while people tap. And it's, it's powerful. When someone steps through that, and allows themselves to feel what to feel. So you help put people back in their own personal power to thank you. Yes, I that's, that's the basis of all of my work through my business. Creative Spirit is all about empowering people to live their best lives to live their fully embodied, authentic life. Yeah. Because we didn't come here to struggle. We, we actually all came here to thrive. And even if you were born into some of the worse situations, so some of the brightest most shiniest souls were born into struggle, and born into, you know, some traumatic childhoods, but it just means that your soul is is strong and resilient. And you're able you have the capability to move through that we all have the capability to move through that. Just sometimes we need some support, right? Yes. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. I want to go back to my list, great question about Windows, the healing stuff happened during the regression. So what I just outlined, it is the first step right, it happens in the moment during during the journey, and then at the end of the journey. So throughout the regression, I am moving the client through that lifetime. So we begin in the initial memory. After we explore that, I then move them to the next moment or a significant moment in their life, and I move them forward twice, I finally towards the end of the session, move them into the few hours leading up to the death, and that life will process that. And then I move them to the moment of deaths in that life. And that's a really juicy moment, right? Because at our moment of dying, and death, that's where we also have our final thoughts in reflection to that lice, and in those final thoughts that actually creates the karma for the next life. So if we, if our final thought on our deathbed is, wow, that was an amazing life filled with love. In that final site is setting ourselves up to be a magnet for more loving abundance in the next life. However, if we are on our deathbed, let's say you just have this medieval you know, life. And you know, you were this peasants that was always being pursued by you know, the Royal Army. And you're on your deathbed, in your hut on a bed of straw, you know. And your final thought is, you know, Darn you, I will get revenge, right? And then you kick the bucket, right? Your next life, the most likely there's gonna be some revenge and anger issues that we will continue to stand on. Right? So the moment of death as always, is a powerful moment in the regression. After the death, I guide the the soul up to a place where the soul then can look down and examine both the past life and the client's present life. And that's a really beautiful, important stage of the regression because I'm asking the client questions to assess, okay, what has emerged and what are you going to take away? So what was the greatest thing you learned in that life? Who did you recognize in that lifetime that may be someone that has showed up in your present life, right, which is, which is a soulmate thing that can happen? We can also do more role reversal and dialoguing. And we can do more clearing of stuff So that's, that's more the therapeutic stage of the regression. I actually remember to one of my past lives, I've told Lila this, right? I remember the last one before I came in to be Angel Ami. And then I remember one from a long time ago, like long like, you say that Amy, like when you say remember it, like you remember little bits and pieces or big moments from those lines, I don't remember the whole thing, right? I remember, not the whole thing. I actually don't remember the childhood parts of either one. I remember the themes. So the theme, there's there's certain themes in both that that have come up in this lifetime. So this mirrors the work that painting does. In the last one, it has to do with me going against authority, or a big, massive infrastructure, where I was choosing peace, harmony, love, and I was actually killed for it. So in this lifetime, I'm building community in a peaceful way. But I'm also going against, you know, when we think about it in society, not not everyone understands all the spiritual energetic ways. And in this lifetime, I am, I've made peace with this very unique life path and I am I am committed to this work, no matter whatever it takes, even if I get taken down again. That makes sense. So I do remember both. Yes. Yeah. And what you said really resonates me because, you know, I, I tracked clients who are healers themselves. And so you know, they're choosing this as a way for some of their own self care and transformation. And it's that I believe, through my work, I've experienced the wounded healer, archetype, right? Comes from past life. residue, right. And I've had, I've had a handful of clients who are healers themselves, go back into their past lives, to discover that they were persecuted for their spiritual, magical, pagan skills, beliefs, etc. Right. And so here we are, in our present life, still having to work through, you know, our own fears and self judgment. In order to do our job, which, you know, is now a career. Thank God. We can do it without being persecuted and burned at the stake or Hey. I've definitely been been taken down and prosecuted quite a few times. Yeah. And I do I struggle with fear of pain, like physical pain. I, that is a pattern theme of mine. Like even in workouts, I noticed I, I, you know, I have to be mindful to keep going, and then discern when it's like, okay to keep going versus me getting harmed. So you can learn a lot about yourself from this work. It's beautiful. Yes, certainly is. So then do people do it more than once? peyten? Do you need to do like multiple regressions? Generally, the people need one. You know, I have yet to do a double. I think that people come in and they get, they get a lot from it. I've certainly had clients say I'm coming back and it'll be you know, a matter of months or a year. And I think that that's, I think that's wonderful. Because these regressions can bring up a lot of stuff. And so I'm a really big fan of after the regression really encouraging my clients to then go do the homework, right? Go home, and work with what has emerged today. Whether you believe that it was an actual past life, and these were memories you're experiencing, or, or if you just believe that this was sold data from your subconscious. Regardless, work with it, because the story emerged from within you. And there's a reason why that story came through today in all of its symbolism, emotions, et cetera. So go work with it, right. decode it, write about it, dance it out, paint it, talk about it. Pay attention to your dreams, and ask yourself, Okay, why why did that story emerge? And what can I take from it? Right? That's so beautiful. Don't you lie? I do. Yeah, they can journal. about it. I love that you just covered all that. I love the dance about it. Draw about it. Yeah. Go see it, talk to a spiritual teacher about it. Talk to your best friend. That is so so so beautiful. Yeah. Really cool thing is when we are under hypnosis and we've got in we're we're tapping into our subconscious and that that doorway is open. It is my belief that the story that has been shared in that journey. It is pure guidance, it is pure guidance. And it's been ours to, to really ask ourselves, okay, again, regardless of whether that was a memory or a story that I just told, why did I tell that story? Right, right. Why are you today? You know, right? And does it? Does it represent or reflect something in my current day life? Right? Yes. Yes. Why? Why do I not like it? What you know? And if not, what do I want to change? Exactly. I want to quickly touch upon this. Through my work, I find that Gen Z, which is typically anyone around 10, to say 2526. They typically remember a lot of their past lives, and a very profound experience. When I had Giulia where I had a psychic flash of all her past lives. It almost made me feel like she was wiped from them. Like her soul was wiped, karmically in some way where some energetic upgrade took place. But as the Gen Z and alpha generation, become older and older, you're going to get busier and busier. Because they remember their past lives and want to talk about it with someone and want to work through it. And it's just beautiful. I love that. Thank you. It's exciting. Yeah, it is. It is really exciting. So do you have any? Do you have a favorite story or anything that you want to share about what you've learned about doing past life regression? Yeah, I would love to share something that I say to my clients before they get on the table and get cozy, and we relax and go into the journey, which is I say to them, just allow, allow, allow, allow, allow whatever wishes to emerge today to do so without criticism, judgment, fear, rejection. That's the work. That's the name of this the name of the game with this particular healing modality. And to me, that's the magic, right? How many moments in our daily lives do we have the time and space and the safety to simply allow our souls language to bubble up, come to the surface, you know, to be honored. And that's, that's what's happening and past life regression, is we are going inward, we are going on a interior roller coaster right into our heart and soul. And that's one of the that's one of the benefits of this work apart from the actual reconnection with memory. It's having three hours to go inside, right? And to into examine what is there in depth. And I know I'm just sitting here thinking like, giving yourself three hours of time, like it's even just hearing you said, I'm like, Oh my God, how would I ever find that? out which is very true. And I think now more than ever, given the political state of our country in the world, and the challenges that we're facing more and more as a race of humans, the more that we can go with in to see what is there within ourselves, The Good, the Bad, and The Ugly, the more equipped, I believe we will be to love ourselves, love others. And I mean, past life regression alone, we're connecting with past lives. Some of our past lives aren't beautiful, they're not nice, you know, and they're challenging. And we find that oh my gosh, I'm a person of color. You know, and here I am in my present life. You know, a white person so we're putting ourselves in the shoes of other humans, you know, and so we get to come out and remember potentially that we're all one we are all the same. And we've been Everyone, we've been oppressed. So let's get with the program. Right? Yes. So the first life I remember as I was Middle Eastern. And then my last life I was World War Two, not that long ago, a man in a concentration camp in Poland. And I ended up in this lifetime marrying my Polish man, My last name's Winiarski. And it didn't click until a few years ago, and I went, Wow, look at that connection. Like, I'm not Polish, but he has my daughter is. And it's just so neat. So you all need to give yourself a gift and go see peyten Because I feel it just provides, if anything, a deeper understanding of who you are. And it's as beautiful like self exploration that we all deserve to experience because that just connects to self love. And we can't truly love another person until we love ourselves. So you can give yourself the gift of love with Peyton. That's really me. Thank you. You. So Peyton, how do people get a hold of you if they want to book an appointment? Please go to my website, which is creative spirit am a.com. And I have a page filled with all of my holistic therapies. And one of them is past life regression. So you can click that button and you can look at my calendar and book your appointment through the website. Easy peasy. Peyton has an awesome website, everybody. I went on it and check them out. It's great. I love your website and you're on social media two. Is that correct? follow you. Yes. Instagram, which is creative spirit in a I used to have a Facebook page, but I think it got hacked and I'm totally blocked out of my own creative spirit page. But I'm like, Okay, Thank you universe. Yes, I will stay off Facebook. Thank you. Yeah, people can find you on Instagram or go visit your website. Yeah, amazing. Yeah. Great. So thank you so much for coming, Paden. Thank you both. This has been fun and an honor. Thank you. Thank you, Peyton. Thank you for giving us the gift of your knowledge and time. I truly appreciate you. Yeah, thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you, everyone, for listening. We hope that you found this enlightening, please be sure to subscribe to our podcast. And if you have a moment to review it, we would appreciate it. We can be found wherever you get your podcasts. And we're on Instagram at spill the ginger tea podcast. So if you have any questions, comments or ideas for future shows, please message us there. We'd love to hear from you. You can follow me Angel AMI on social media at Angel Amy 1123. And you can follow any of my ongoing events on my website, my angel ami.com. So thank you all for joining joining us and until next time, be well

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