Spill The Ginger Tea Podcast

Emotional Freedom Technique E.F.T - Erin

Angel Amy and Lila Season 1 Episode 22

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Dr. Erin Taylor joins us to discuss Emotional Freedom Technique-E.F.T/Tapping. Erin wrote her PhD thesis about EFT for panic attacks.
Erin can be reached at Erintaylor05@gmail.com

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Hey everyone. I'm Angel Amy. And hi, I'm Lila. Today we are having a little chat with Dr. Aaron Taylor. And she is an EFT tapping practitioner. And we'd like to welcome you miss Erin Gill. Yeah. Thanks for being here. I'm excited to be here. So, today, I'm so excited because I just love to tell them a little bit of how a little bit about you and how you became an EFT practitioner. So Aaron is actually a doctorial prepared RN. Is that how I say it? That's correct. Okay. And she is an RN and has worked in the medical community for years for for a long time, almost 25 years. Yeah. And Aaron is someone that has struggled with panic disorder, in anxiety. And so she learned about tapping so many years ago, and decided that she would bring this to the medical community, because it helped her overcome her panic disorder, as you will learn it helped me with mine. And the medical community shut you down. Yeah, yeah. They they weren't interested in having it brought to the hospital. Okay. Yeah. And so we're gonna learn about why. Right? Yeah. But then what happened is plot twist, everybody, plot twist, Lila Aaron decides to become a doctor. She is a badass. She is like, listen, everybody. If I become a doctor, maybe they'll they'll take me serious. Right, right. Yeah. And so she went back to school, became a doctor says, Hey, Angel, Amy, I have to do a thesis. Can I use your office? And I was like, hell yeah. This is a really good cause. I believe in you. Mazarin. And you did your thesis, and it went really good. And then you became a doctor. And now Aaron speaks at symposium in some symposiums and nursing conferences in front of hundreds of nurses. Yeah. 1000s sometimes 1000s. So that Disney everybody, I went to Disney. That was that little company called Disney. Aaron talks in front of people at Disney. Yeah, that was fun. So if you can't if you're listening to this, and you think you can't do something, because Big Daddy Big Momma big whoever corporate America tells you know, there's always a way Right. Absolutely. Yeah, I mean, going from panic disorder to speaking in front of 1000s of people. You know, obviously, that EFT works for me. So it worked for me too. Yeah. So let's, let's start what is EFT? Okay, so EFT is an energy modality. And it is. If you think about all of the other complementary therapies, it's kind of a combination of acupressure, on the points that we would use acupuncture, cognitive behavioral therapy, regular talk therapy, or psychotherapy and exposure therapy. So what it is, is that it basically theorizes that the cause of all negative problems emotion, belief or thought is a disruption in the body's energy system. So as I know that people can't see what I'm doing, but I do it with my hands so I can explain it. So as you tap you open up your energy system and you release whatever it is that is causing that disruption, whether it's a thought or it's an emotion or it's something that happened to you when you were younger or even last week or a limiting belief a limiting belief. Yeah, absolutely. And so between that and you know, it has some some combination of Kinesiology as well so when I'm doing EFT on people I do I use muscle testing to figure out some answers if they don't know what that answer is. Yeah, so Aaron uses kinesiology which we talked about in a different episode. She'll, she'll test use your hands, I use my hand I use my fingers. Yeah. And I get yes or no questions answered. And I'm basically using the muscle energy of the client to figure out whether or not it's a yes or no. And I use the angels. So Aaron and I are both EFT practitioners. And this is why I wanted to bring you on because I thought it'd be so fun to hear two different viewpoints, but it's, you know, we both get to the root of the problem. So where Aaron does it through kinesiology, I use my psychic ability to get yeses and noes To the angels. Exactly. So there's always different ways to do it. Right. And we all need to stay true to us as practitioners. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So when you so we just talked about, really what EFT is? And why did you decide to choose panic disorder as your thesis? Was it because of your own story? Or? Oh, yeah. So this is a little bit long winded. So I suffered with panic disorder. Since I was 16 years old, I had my first panic attack at my sweet 16 party, right. And it came out of nowhere, just like it does for most people. And it scared the living daylights out of me. And from 16. And on, I just I suffered with panic disorder. I had tried medication, I had tried therapy. But yet, I continued to go and I continued to move on. And I continued to excel at school. And you would never know that I would be in front of you. And I would be having a panic attack. And it was it was the hardest thing to go through. So I had some, some personal I guess I had I had a boss right into around 2011 2012. And I had a really bad experience with this person. And my regular therapist wasn't there. She was on vacation. And they said, Well, if you're having an emergency call my my counterpart, here's her number. So I called and it was my friend Ellen Epstein, who is an EFT practitioner. So I had no, I had never met her. I didn't know her. She said, Come and see me tomorrow. So I went to see her. And she said, Okay, I'm going to do this thing on you. And it's going to be kind of weird, but I'm going to be tapping your face in your head. And I thought, first I thought, where's my phone? And in case I used to call the police, like, what is this what we're going to do today, and she started to tap. And all of a sudden, I've I felt relaxed, and my body started to relax. And I left her office that day. And it was the first time in years that I actually felt better. Wow. And I went and saw her a few more times that week. And, you know, so on and so forth. It completely changed my life, my plan a life changing my panic, completely dissipated. And, you know, over months of going learning it myself, but I thought this is this is what is this magic, like? And why have I not heard about it before. And if this can work for me, at that point, I was in my 30s. I was in my early 30s. And I thought if I could, this can work for me after having all of these years of panic and anxiety attacks. I want to share this with the world. So I then went to become a practitioner. And I became level one certified, then I became level two certified. And at that point, I was a nurse and I said I need to get this into hospitals. And I need to get this into nursing schools. And I need to teach this because this is not only a therapy that works, but it also works complementary with other with other, you know, therapies. And I said, I need to teach this to the world. So as Amy said, I went to got my doctorate. I started to see clients, I did a research study. And it was published in energy psychology journal, which was really exciting. Yeah. Which is really exciting. And I just feel like it's something that a lot of people don't know about, or they think it's you know, you don't have to believe in it for it to work. Right. It works, right. Yeah. And what I love about it, too, is it's a self help tool. So I also know Elena Epstein, and she's my mentor. And basically, I met her out of the blue. But when I did meet her, I had heard about tapping through another woman. And I had done some tapping with her. And after my I'd say, second session, I was like, I can't believe how different I feel in my body. That I have to learn how to do this and how to use it to help other people same thing. But as I got more seasoned with it, I start the real love for it was like oh, people don't have to always see me. I know that sounds crazy like a practitioner. But a big piece of Angel Amy and I know you Aaron feel the same way that we want to empower people and we want to empower people to be in their own personal power. And as healers we don't heal you. We are the tour guide for you to heal yourself. So you can actually take tapping and do it at home. Some things are nice to have support, especially when you tap on the elephant in the room, right? You know that from our own stories, right? But little day to day things, you could completely learn this and do it at home 100%. And that is the beauty of it, you can do it anywhere you can be in your car, you can be in the shower, the in, it's a basic recipe, so it's always going to be the same thing. I don't know, you know, our listeners may or may not know what it what it actually entails. When I say acupressure or, or you take your two fingers, either hand, and you start with what we call the karate chop. So you take, you actually take all four fingers, and you start to tap on the other side of your other hand, right. And that's going to be your psychological reversal. So if anything is going on with your polarity in your body, this reverses it back to normal. So that's always the first part of it, then we do is we take our two fingers, and you tap the top of your head. It's very light pressure, six or seven taps, then the inner eye, your outer eye. under your eye, you do under your nose, under your mouth, underneath the collarbone. You get to your I would say like your second rib, and then under Liqui abrasca. Yeah, kind of like Yeah. And then underneath your armpit. And those are the points that we use. And as you get further along in EFT as an EFT practitioner and you become a master, you can start using finger fingers too, you can tap the fingers. I don't typically do that just because I feel like the basic recipe that we use works anyways. Sometimes if somebody is holding something that's been traumatic for a very long time, I will go to the fingertips, I will go to the eye rolls. That's another part of EFT that we use when once you get past level two. But I find that the basic recipe works all the time. Yeah, yeah. So let's see if we can be a little bit more specific, like when you say that, that's what you're tapping on. So give me a night. So if I came to you, and I said that I was having panic attacks. Tell me what that looks like when you say I'm tapping on that. So first, I would ask what what it is right now. And we have to use a scale. So just like if you were at a hospital, and they asked you what your pain level is zero to 10. And what's called a sub scale, and it's the intensity that you feel when you're talking talking about that emotion or the topic that's bothering you. That's that's holding that disruption in your energy system. Zero is nothing and 10 is the worst intensity that you can feel. So first of all, ask, okay, let's talk about your panic. What is it that you're afraid of? Are you afraid of the symptoms? Are you afraid of? Are you afraid of having another one? Right? So my research study wasn't the fear of having the panic attack, the fear of the symptoms, it was the fear of having a recurring panic attack. And that's what sets a lot of people off. Okay, so I would ask kind of a random randomized questions about that, then we would just start, even though I have this feeling of dread, when I start to get anxious, you have to then say, I deeply, you know, and completely love and appreciate my exactly right. Because the difference between tapping isn't we're not we want to focus on what it is that's causing that disruption, right. So we don't want people to relive it, but we want them to say to their body to their energy, okay, this is okay, it's okay to get it out there to put it out there. We're going to talk about it and we're going to release it. So it's whatever that issue is. And you do that three times, then you go on to each point, and you're going to tap on whether it's a symptom, this stomach pain, this sweating, this feeling of nausea, and each point that you tap will bring something else will bring, you know, the next feeling and the next feeling. And you usually go to rounds, then we stop or an image or you may get an image, you may feel it in your stomach, you may feel it in your chest memories are huge. And then we'll stop after two rounds. And we'll regroup What's your intensity level. And Amy may say, Okay, now I'm thinking about the time where I got an elevator and I had my first panic attack. So if some so things are coming up, then we're going to focus on that. Alright, let's focus on that, that memory. What it What was it about being in that elevator that bothered you? That's harder to get you anxious? And, you know, many times when when I think of, if you came to me and said I have I have panic. It's a tabletop right? And then you have all these legs, and many times we're tapping and then and each time we tap, a leg will go away, then another leg then another like that. And sometimes we can do one round of tapping and the whole table, the whole table of issues goes away. Like you want that table top to drop to the ground. Exactly, yeah, exactly. Yeah. And so I love this because you can tap on anything. So it's not just for panic or anxiety. We're focusing on that today. But anything in your life that you want to change, you can tap on Yeah. Whether it's something you need a physical ailment, a way that you feel about yourself. Hating Your boss, hating your husband. My kids talk back to me, right? Yeah, anything, anything, anything. It's so neat the way it works. It could be you know, I'm used to to public speaking now. But when I first had to speaking in front of large crowds, I would tap on my way to there in the car, even though I'm, I feel this nervousness about speaking in front of all these people, I deeply and completely appreciate love myself, or whatever that recipe is, that feels good for you. And then I would just have and by the time I got there, I would feel better. Yeah. Right. Use the tool to go teach about the tool. Exactly. 100%. Right. Yeah. Well, that, you know, it works. Absolutely. I think the other thing is, you know, I was able, I was very, very blessed to be able to teach this at Regis College. I was, I was an adjunct professor for the nursing program there. And there was a class complementary and alternative therapies in nursing. And we were able to teach this modality in addition to acupuncture, acupressure, you know, Reiki yoga, so it's getting out there. It's just not 100% here yet. In Australia, the professional athletes use it before football games. So I didn't know that I, as you know, Amy taught me tapping. And I remember going back I had a group of friends all to triathlon, and I said, EFT and they all said, well, haven't you seen people doing that? They put their wetsuit on and they start. I was like, No, I never even noticed. But that was the first time that I had seen it was that people were getting ready to do an event. Yeah. And that's what they were doing to prepare for July was done to Ironman you had she's also about us. That's yeah, yeah. So that was our whole thing is tapping on a physical ailment. Before a big race? Yeah, yeah. Right. Yeah, definitely. And it helps. like Amy said, it works for I've had clients with panic. I've had clients with PTSD. I've had veterans. I've had people who wanted weight loss. I've had somebody who had tennis elbow, I've had tons of kids. I've had people who have had aversions to needles and vaccines. I mean, it works for everything. And some people say to me, Well, does it work for cancer? Well, it doesn't work for cancer, but it will work for the nausea that you may feel from the chemotherapy. So there are things that there's ways around, you know, if somebody has an ailment, I will always find a way that we can make them feel better. Exactly. Or it may create space inside your energetic body, where you then manifest or bring towards you. The the cure or the fix or something healing, or the the healing path. For your disease. Yeah, it can create space, right? Yeah. So I tell people that too. Now, let's talk about this. Lila knows. You're gonna see why we're laughing. Lila knows that my tapping the angels 100% take people into the inner child. Line, his least favorite word is inner child. My, the basis of my tapping work is all inner child. So how far into the inner child do you go? I don't that you affirm to me. I do. Yeah. I mean, sometimes we do. Sometimes we have to go all the way back. But I if if it's something that is their inner child, or something that happened in a previous lifetime, right, I send them to you. Yep. So I want to talk a little bit about this because it's two different paths that are super helpful. And it just depends on looking at the person and knowing that their recipe needs something else. So I've referred people to Aaron. So anyone that is maybe willing to go to look backwards and go into the inner child, like I'm your girl, we're gonna go in and we're gonna connect the 567 year old you with like, say the 40 year old you anyone that doesn't really necessarily love processing, or wants to try this, but wants to stay in the current timeframe. Have you Erin is amazing, right? And so there's no right or wrong. It's just that everyone needs something different. And different practitioners offer different skill set right or have different skill sets. I always think about the time when I first met you and Amy said, everybody has intuition. It's just like any other kind of exercise, the more you practice, the more you get better at it. And the more I've became good, really good at becoming an EFT practitioner, I started to get intuitive with clients. And I would, they would be tapping on something and it would take them back to their childhood. And I would I could all of a sudden, I could see, tell me, what happened to you when you were 12 years old, and you're on a swing in the backyard with that big rock next to it. It's like, all of a sudden, you see, and you can feel their energy because we are all energy. And so no matter what, when you're doing this, memories will come up. But the more you do it, whether you do it to yourself or for somebody else, you become more intuitive, because everybody has that gift. Amy is just, you know, more of a badass. So yeah, the more you it's like a muscle and the more you use it, the more the clearer it becomes. Yeah, right. So yeah. So I wanted to kind of like bridge the two things together. So I have a question for you then. Yeah, because I know that my tapping is very much by the book. So we use the basic recipe and we use the I use EFT that Gary Craig created. So EFT you're gonna go into this? Yeah. Okay. So EFT has been around forever. Okay. The first, I guess I should say, Dr. Roger Callahan was it was a physician who learned about energy through kinesiology and acupressure pressure and acupuncture. And he kind of put together what he called TFT thought field therapy. And what he did was he would test and research patients, and he would figure out that if you had a stomach issue, the tapping point would be underneath your eye. So each tapping point corresponded with an issue, whether it was nervousness, whether it was pain, whether it was nausea, okay. And you had to really memorize, remember, which point did did what, he charged a lot of money to learn TFT. And then Gary Craig, he came in the 90s. And he said, I'm gonna, I want to learn all about this. So he did, but he took TFT. And he made it EFT, where he took all of the points and said, If you tap on every point, you're going to get whatever ailment that is, and you're not going to have to worry about remembering stomach to under the eye, you know, pain under the nose. And he, like us, realized the magic of it, and said, I want to teach everybody about it. And he taught the world and there's videos on him. There's practice DVDs, I have everything. And that's kind of how I learned about it was through Gary Craig. And then I took a course a gentleman from ACP association of comprehensive energy psychology came to Marblehead from England. And we did a five day training session on EFT it was eight hours a day for five days. Yeah, it was crazy. It was awesome, though. And that's how I learned. But where was I going with us? You're gonna ask me a question. So I learned the book way, right. basic recipe, you say the same thing. So you tap on the point? Everything, the only thing that changes is your memories or what you're feeling at the time. Amy? taps on the points, but you use angels to guide you. i? i Yes, I say what the angels have me say. So it's a lot of feeling. It's a lot of knowing. So in psychic one on one, there's the seas. And one of the Seas is clairsentience. In Clairsentience is knowing in so the first place I go with a client that I'm tapping with is into that, that energy stream of just knowing. And so I take light notes, I listen. And then I begin the session where we go through the tapping points with the angels guiding it so it looks like I'm doing it but it's not really me. Gotcha. It's the angels. Right. So I I talk 1000s of tapping clients with no certification. And then I said this is kind of like I get I'd never go get certified. So I, I tested out of EFT one. I passed like the test without ever looking at the book because I had already had the experience. Yeah. And then I went into EFT too. And it was, I think it was eight hours for three days. It was like a weekend. And I got kicked out on the last day. But I got my certification. I pissed the instructors off. No, yeah, I triggered it was a man and a woman. And I triggered the female. What did you say? Teacher? It's not what I said. Sometimes, there's a presence, I think that I have that can create, bring up people stuff. And in the class, there were some students that were asking me questions, and they really and I was answering them. And because that's what a true teacher does, right? Even though I know my place in the classroom. And when they were talking, I would sit there and listen and take notes and do you know, be a student. But then I think she started to figure out that the the other students were taking a likeability to me, they wanted to team up with me to release their stuff, because we would practice on each other. When I did it. 100%. And this one woman came back the next day, and she's like, I don't even feel like the same person. And she was crying and thanking me. So it you know, when some people can handle that, in some people can't. And unfortunately, I was in I attracted that I attracted a female teacher, that whether we call her threatened, jealous, you know, her stuff came up, and I got removed. And I I said to her, when she kicked me out, I said, basically, like y'all learning from me. So all this anger, this is hilarious to me. I wasn't rude to her. I just looked at her lovingly and said, I'm actually getting your triggered. And this is what you're in there teaching all these people, all these students, and now you're back, you're kicking me out. I said, you know, maybe go back in there and tap it all out with them. Like, I don't know if I'm making sense. Her her. Her ego got in the way, right. She needs to, she probably needs to work on. I never in a million years thought I would tell the story on this podcast, but I just did. Yeah, it's okay. It's okay. I got kicked out of Level Two I got I made sure she was gonna give me my certification. Because I said, I'm not leaving, unless you're gonna give that to me. Because you know that I'm qualified. And she in she says, I'm gonna give it to you to get rid of you. Whereas our words, Amy Yeah. And I took that class with two other people, you know, and they witnessed it. Oh, yeah, I know. I know you do. I know you're doing this is when you say you're you're tough. You're tough man. Yeah, it's not. So I didn't study it. But I took the class to get the certification. Right. Right. So I love EFT it is life changing. Did I did we even answer your question? Yeah. No, 100%? Yeah, I got kicked out of class. So after that, I've taken no spiritual classes, no energy ever. That was really what I was supposed to get out of it. We were just you just needed to get the piece of paper that said, You knew I just wanted the piece of paper. So when I work with like, 10 year olds, and their parents are like, are you certified in this way? Yes, I am. Right. And that's important for for parents. And the tough thing is working. When you're working with the kids, I always have the parents come to the session so they can understand because they're probably like how I was like, Who's this crazy woman tapping on my kid's head? Yeah. But I think it's important to have those credentials. You need to have the credentials. Yeah. Unfortunately, you have to have the credentials for people to take you seriously. But on the same vein, you don't have to believe in EFT for it to work. It's going to work no matter what. And I can tell you an example about that. So I had a friend I call her my friend who didn't believe in it. She said this is this is no this is this is the devil work it hocus pocus. Yeah, this isn't right. This is this is devils where it says the devil. I said, Okay, I'm going to I'm going to do this with you. And we're going to do it very light. So I want you to think of a movie that bothers you think of a movie and something that gives you some intensity in your in your body. There said okay, I have the movie. And I said, Okay, I said What is it she said is the shining with Jack Nicholson. I said, Okay, let's, let's find the part of the movie that really bothers you. She said, Oh, it's when he sticks his head through the door and he says here is Johnny. She said it gives me a stomachache. I started to get nauseous. I said okay, We're gonna tap on that. So we're tapping, simple. Start with the karate chop, even though I get a stomachache when I see the part in the movie, where Jack Nicholson says here is Donnie, I deeply and completely accept myself she doesn't, she didn't want to say love and accept myself, she just wanted to say except myself fine, three times around, even though this part of the movie bothers me, when Jack Nicholson sticks his head, head through the door, I deeply and completely accept myself. So then we, you know, started with the tapping this part of the movie, sticking your head through the door, Jack Nicholson, scary acts, whatever it is these words. And all of a sudden, she's startled, she looked at me and she started to cry. And I go, what's, what's going on? Tell me what's going on. And she said, I know, this is a 60 plus year old woman. And she said, I just had a thought and a memory of something that I haven't thought of in years. And she said, I lived above my grandparents, who came from Italy. And they didn't speak English. And every day, my parents would make me go downstairs to open the door to see my grandparents, and say, Good morning. And my grandfather, who I loved, I always was startled, because he would always be there, behind the door, looking out the window. And even though I loved him, I was always scared when I saw him, his Johnny. And she said, in that part of the movie reminded me of that feeling that I got when I would open the door, and he would be right there. And so then we just we kept, you know, we did another session of the tapping. So we call that a trigger, everybody. Yes, that is a trigger. And after we finish, she said, Oh, my God, I feel so so much better. And a few I don't know, few weeks, a few months later, I asked her what she did she see the movie, and she said, doesn't even bother me anymore. So that Eve, so even though it was a good, good memory, right? It doesn't have to be a bad memory. It's a memory nonetheless. Because our limbic system is the part of our brain that holds flags, right, our amygdala holds flags. And whether it's a good or a bad memory, it's a sight, a visual, a smell, your, your brain, that part of your brain protects yourself. And so every time something that reminds you of that first time that that flag went up, comes into your world, the flag raises again. And depending on whether it was a good or a bad experience, you will continue to feel that and that's the disruption in your energy system unless you clear it. So you go to your grandmother's house, and you smell chocolate chip cookies, every time you sell chocolate chip cookies, you think of your grandmother, right? It's a wonderful trigger. But maybe something happens where it's not such a great trigger. But nonetheless, your body is remembering. So we have to clear that energy, we have to clear that I have cleared so many of my triggers. So many I actually have to sit and think what my triggers are now? I'm not sure. I did. The Personal Peace Procedure. Oh, yeah, tell people what that is, have you heard of this Lila, Have I ever told you. So the Personal Peace Procedure is a tapping procedure, where you would get a notebook, and you would write down the top five memories in which you feel unsafe. So you anything that is a trigger of feeling like fearful or I'm not going to be okay, right. And then underneath, you put an age with each memory. And you want to number them from the earliest to the oldest, the youngest to the oldest. And then you put every emotion you feel when you think about each memory, in you rate, every single emotion on a scale of zero to 10, with 10 being the highest. If anyone wants these directions, I will email them to you. Okay. So then what you do is you basically start with the first memory mine when I was when I was three years old. And you tap through all the tapping points your memory, so you say you basically would need to learn the tapping points, but you say something about the memory on each point. And then you start to move into the feeling. And you You stay with that feeling for a good, you know, few couple of minutes while you're feeling it. And then you basically tell yourself that you're releasing it in you know, you let it go. And then at the end when you feel like you're done, you would run rate, that one emotion with that one memory. And then you do three rounds of positive, positive tapping, we call it or truth tapping, right? And then you basically, you would wait. I did this every other day, for 16 weeks. And until I got through all five memories with every single emotion down to a zero or a one, most people don't stick with it. I was relentless. I'd sit on my bed, my I was at my rock bottom, I was in dark night of the soul. And that's when you feel really depressed and your life isn't going great. And so I did this for at least 16 weeks, and it completely changed my life. It took about, I'd say, eight 910 weeks for my life to start to change. And when you manifest the positive, you can put things that you want need desire, wish for. And all those things have come true for me. Absolutely. I'm sure you probably talked about this on your other podcasts about saying what you want out to the universe, you have to say Not really. Are you happy? Oh, no. But yeah, we need to people need to hear Yeah. So Amy, so Amy, you just said you manifested you manifested what you wanted. And I feel like I have gotten to where I am professionally. You know, emotionally, in the relationship that I want to because I have manifested it. And when I say manifest it, you think of what you want. But you also say it, you say it out loud, you say it out loud, so that the universe can hear it, you say it out loud, so that your body and your energy can hear it. And it will it will come to you. It may not be tomorrow. It may not be in a year. But time is not linear. And, you know, I know it's a little cliche, but things happen when they're they are supposed to happen. And I think back on my life where I was 10 years ago, 15 years ago. And if I if you were going to tell me that I you know, don't have panic anymore, that I can drive cross country by myself that I can speak in front of 1000s of people that I have the dream job that I've always wanted that our friend Elon told me 15 years ago I was gonna have, I would have told you you were crazy. But you do you have to say it, say it, say it, yell it, whatever. If you don't want to do it in front of people do it in your bedroom. I love that. But to say it because it will come through it will happen. That's the power of positivity. I think it's great to do it. When you get in the car alone. You just sit down, you plug in your seat belt, and then you say it out loud, and then you start to drive. Absolutely, absolutely. Yeah. What do you think about that? Yeah. I'm very much a person. I think that, you know, there's a flip side to positivity that I think gets sort of mixed up with it. And I think that sometimes people feel like then they can't have any negative emotions or thoughts about situations that are happening to them. And people get caught up in, like, oh, well, if I think and I'm gonna bring it upon myself, or I caused this What have I done to cause these, you know, situational things? Because as we know, you know, sometimes, you know, shit just have to absolutely, yeah, so I think that it's always there always has to be room in there to say to people like you don't have to feel great about that, because that is a shitty situation. So and it's not going to make it worse. If you acknowledge that it's a shitty situation, right? But, but this Yeah, and this is just something to do on a good day. Yeah. When you just get edia going to the beach and you just say I am a millionaire. Right? Or so like the big thing. I don't know if either of you on Tik Tok, but the big thing is manifesting and then material items, right? Like for me? Yeah, I don't even know how to use that. Like, I'm gonna manifest a Lamborghini or whatever, which I think is, you know, I mean, it's fine. You can go ahead and do it, but it probably kind of misses the point. Right. Some of the intention behind manifesting. Yeah, sort of things. But I will say though, I think that everything that happens to you, even at your worst, and even at your rock bottom, what you will eventually figure out why, why it happened. I think, at least for me, I had some, you know, really, really bad experiences. And I look back and I'm like, oh, that's why that happened. I would never be where I am right now. I would never have the strength that I have right now. If that didn't happen to me. I think it's a it is a blessing, but but at the time, it's the worst thing that could it's the worst Not gonna happen to you, right? I mean, I will tell you when I was younger, I was covered from head to toe with psoriasis covered, you would never know now because I walk around sleeveless and she, you know, who are just bikini and everything else. And I think about the years that I had to wear a cover up in that I didn't wear shorts, or I was always covered in the summertime. And I would wouldn't go to pool parties. And I remember those banana clips that you had to wear in your hair, I couldn't wear them because I had it all on my scalp. And for years and years and years. And then I thought, well, we finally found a medication that worked and, and I think about it, I never say the word because I was afraid it was gonna come back. And I never wanted to talk about it, because I thought it was going to come back. And now I can talk about it. But I also know that that made me strong, very, very much stronger, having that going through it, which I know it's just a skin condition. And people have a lot worse than me. But there's always a silver lining to everything that happens. Absolutely. And that's why we come here, where souls having a human experience spirits, having a human experience, in the only way that you can uplift your vibration, is to work through your staff, right, and to move through it and to make connections get on the other side of it, then it ages your soul a little more, and you get more access to all the higher realms in heaven or on the other side. So that's really why we come here. So it's not I see Lila is take is when you're in it. It's hard. Yeah. You just said that, too. It's really hard. And I've been there. I think that deep down inside, even the worst moment there is like a flame or a desire or a knowing that you can move through anything. And it's just like, I guess listening to that. And then that's why we became practitioners. We're, you know, to share this and to help people move through their struggles. Yeah, right. To also, I guess the reason why I talk about everything so much now is because everybody has something, everybody. And even if somebody looks like they have it all they don't know, and the fact that we can share, EFT and we can share healing and we can share things that worked for us. That's that's the way that it should be. And especially in this day and age COVID has made everybody crazy, the world has gone nuts. Our kids are struggling, my youngest doesn't see his friends, because he's used to being on this computer all the time. And it makes me crazy. And I think, okay, so what does this mean? So now, how are we going to work with these kids to get them back into society? Right? Or? Or do we even need to is the world going to be all computers and zoom? I mean, the fact that were a person together here, as is awesome, it's lovely. But even even now, at work, most of our meetings are via zoom. I mean, I don't know, what do you guys think about that? Well, I think as we get more disconnected, we're gonna get connected. So as technology, you know, ramps up the where, as humans really all have a deep desire for connection. So it's seeking out those social moments or finding your community that you you know, find your people, and everyone needs to find their people. And that's the whole thing is we, as moms and dads need to support our children and just finding the people that they feel comfortable connecting to. Right. Yeah. So you and I are on a big path with with kids right now, in helping Gen Z Yes. And I just feel really devoted to support the parents that are raising the changemakers. And there is a really unique parenting style with raising Gen Z and alpha. And so they want to be treated as equals. And I always say that the dictatorship does just it doesn't work with them. It's it's not the way to go. So, you know, we need to think of them as how would they feel. So when we play it out, or ask them to do something or deliver information to them, really delivering it from from empathy on how these kids feel? And then they listen, it's like magical. So let me ask you this because this is something that you are passionate about, and you know, a lot more than I do. Most of the Gen Z have Gen X parents most Yeah, but not all some have millennial Yep. Are there any baby boomers? Some, some, some have? It can go either way. So Gen Z is basically like we'll say it like eight 910 to 25. Oh, it goes all the way up to 25. Okay. And do you find that when you're working with them? It's, it's dependent on the generation that their parents were born into? I think that the that the generation, I'm seeing a trend with the generation that's raising the Gen Z, and relating it with with the issues that I'm seeing. Yes. Yes. So baby boomers tend to because that those were our parents. Right. Did you have baby boomer parents Lila? So baby boomer parents tend to pair parent through dictatorship like cars in, you know, cause and result? Like, either you do this? Or there's going to be a result? Yes. Right. Yes. And fear and blame and shame. And I love my baby boomer parents, everybody. I do. But the the blame and shame does not work with Gen Z at all. They will they they will lose respect for you. They will not listen. But if you say to them, you know, I'm not here to ruin your life. But I'm preparing you for your future. And so I really need you to take a shower every day. Because if something happens to me, Mommy needs to know that you're able to take a shower, when you when you just talk to them through like a broader lens of why they just get up miraculously off the bat and go do it. It's not Yeah. So it there's a presence that we need to hold when we speak to them. And if we want to be respected, we have to respect them. Like we can't just like basically punch a kid a 10 year old in the gut with our words, and then expect him to respect us back. It does not work that way. Yeah, totally different generations on Hold on. So Aaron, thank you so much for coming today. This was this was awesome. I love talking about EFT I could talk about it all day. How can someone find you if they'd like to schedule an appointment with you or know more about your work? Sure. So I do this kind of as a secondary job now. My main job is in the hospital. However, I absolutely love to teach people about EFT and sometimes you need one on one appointments. Sometimes you need multiple. But you can reach me via email. Yeah, and my email is Aaron Taylor 05 at gmail.com. That's great. Thank you, Erin. And thank you, everyone for listening. We hope you found this enlightening. Please be sure to subscribe to the podcast and if you could take a minute and review and rate it that helps get it in front of more people. Yes, and we're on Instagram at spill the ginger tea podcast. So if you have any questions, comments or ideas for future shows, just message us there. And you can follow me at Angel ami 1123 on all social media platforms. I have some new events on my website. Thank you for joining us. And until next time, be well. Did you know you can support our podcast through buy me a coffee. This will help us expand our mission to bring healing to the world. There's a support the show link in the show notes of each episode. Thank you everyone. We appreciate the support. Be well.

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