Spill The Ginger Tea Podcast

Energy Healing - Julie Humphreys

Angel Amy and Lila Season 1 Episode 20

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Julie Humphreys, a Shamanic practitioner and psychic medium joins us to discuss energy healing. Julie has a unique way of helping people by offering many types of energy healing, she can channel or read tarot cards or provide hands on healing. We have a fun discussion about who can be helped by energy healing and Angel Amy and Lila share their own experiences of a session with Julie.

Julie can be found at https://www.juliehumphreys.com/

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Hi, everyone. I'm Angel Amy, and Hi, I'm Lila. Today we are talking with Julie Humphries. She is a shamanic practitioner in psychic medium. So to pretty much sum that up, Julie is an energy healer. And she's amazing. And Lila and I are going to talk a little bit about why we know she's amazing. Because we actually both came to see you. Yes. So welcome, Julie, you. Thank you so much. Yeah. Thank you. So nice to have you here. And so Julie, why don't we just start with what you do? Sure. So as an energy healer, it's, it encompasses a lot of different things, right. So what happens is, when somebody comes to see me, I will know what to do to help them when they're in front of me. So it's like this. So I work as a shamanic practitioner. So I have a whole set of guides that I work with as a shamanic practitioner, and then I will also work as a psychic medium. So I have different guides that come with me, when I when psychic mediumship needs to come into the program. And then I work as an energy healer as well. So sometimes my guides will be like, put this person on the table and do some energy work on this part of their body. So then I that I do that. So anything that I do is always always always for the highest good and better of the person in front of me and for the for my highest good and better. And I act as I just act as like a channel for what the person is supposed to hear. And well, I don't know, you know, how they fit well, I know how they feel. But like, I just act as a channel. It's like, I'm a messenger, right? And then I can do all of these things to help that process along. My favorite part about it was, you know, you didn't know what you were gonna get, right until you were there. So you, you know, I came in and Julie said, I consulted my guides about what I was going to do for Lila today. And, and that's what I got. And I just love that. Because obviously, if we all knew what we needed, we would do it. Right, right or right or we wouldn't pay to go see Julio, right? It's nice to have this other opinion or, or this other, you know, energetic piece of the pie piece of the recipe, and it sort of allows you not to have to think through, you know what you need, you just say, right? Here's what's wrong, I'm, I'm struggling with anxiety, or I'm struggling with physical pain. Right, exactly. I don't know what I need, but I need know, anytime Do you know you need something right? And in shamanic healing, actually, like shamans feel that if there isn't something right in your body, physically, then that means that the energy is off, and the energy needs to be balanced, it needs to be healed. And there are so many different ways that that can that can be balanced. And also I think it's really important. It's like I named my, my work my place my, my cyberspace, and all of it is called the spiritual wellness center, right? Because we need to have, in my opinion, we need to be spiritually sound, as well as you know, emotionally, physically, mentally, it's all balanced. And it's all a combination, all of these things that need to happen. And, you know, a lot of us, you know, our culture doesn't really help promote living spiritually, even though I think that there's been a huge uptick in people taking an interest in their spiritual wellness, you know, and be like, I don't feel well, and I don't know, just like what you're saying, and I don't know why. So I feel off balance, and I'm cranky, or I'm barking at the people who love me the most, or I'm just, you know, I have brain fog, and I can't get out of it, and I can't get out of my own way. And I'm depressed and I feel blocked, and I feel stuck and all of this kind of thing. You know, it's like, whenever I felt like that, in my life, I always sought after some kind of energy healer, even without really understanding what it was I was doing. Right, right. Do you know so? It's really it's funny, it's, I was just speaking before we came on about, like, every time I say, I'm never going to do something, I always end up doing it. You know? Like, I remember years and years ago, I had an energy healer, say to me, you know, you're a born medium. You are a born medium, like, oh, blah, blah, blah. You know, but here we are. So, if that's the case, when did you or how did you figure out you were a medium? Um, I figured all that out. is like Hindsight is 2020 Right? So, there hasn't been any period of my life really where I haven't seen or sensed or felt something, but we just, you know, but I lived my life as like a young adults and, you know, did the career thing and went to college and then got, you know, went to grad school and you know, let's face the facts. I mean, where our ages and where were when we were little we didn't we didn't, you know, grow up to say, oh, I want to be a psychic medium. I know. Imagine Lila me looking at Paula. I want to be a psychic medium. Yeah, this is what I want to be right in the basement. You go. Yeah. Right. And so yeah. So it kind of finds you Right? Absolutely. I grew up next to it cemetery. So I grew up in this wooded area on a golf course, next to a cemetery. It was it was a dead end road as well. Yeah. So and I was always in that cemetery as a kid. And now I know that I had a lot of experiences with spirit. Because there's this, you know, this, this friend that I was that I would always see in the cemetery. And he was always sitting on the bench, I assume by his wife's grave or whatever. And I just kind of go over and you know how you can see the moon in the daytime. I remember I would sit on the bench with this guy and an old man, and we'd see the moon in the daytime. And he would tell me different stories about what the different craters on the Moon were just just stuffy made up. I don't even remember what it was. But I just remember that it was like, wow, being near this guy is just feels so nice. It's so you know, safe and loving and connecting and, and come to realize there wasn't ever really a guy on the bench, you know, because I went and, you know, told my mom about this when I was a kid. And then there was just like, Okay, you're not going into the cemetery anymore? Hey, yeah, you know, but it was, but I came to realize much later that that was spirit, right. And in all of the time that I spent in that cemetery, you know, I would feel like I could, you know, connect to the ground and, you know, hear the grass and feel the trees and just hear all kinds of, you know, just fun sounds and communication that I had with with nature, you know, and I think that was the beginning of like, the little shaman seed. Oh, absolutely. Yeah. So shamans do work with the nature elements. Is that correct? Yep. Compassionate spirit guides. There's a whole team that worked with shamans. And yes, and they're very connected with nature because it's about drawing up the energy, the healing energy from the earth and working with the energy and connecting it with the non ordinary reality, which is the spirit world, but there are a whole teams of spirit guides because in shamanism, you go you you do a journey, it's which is when you go into like a meditation, like a trance, and you go and you meet your spirit guides. And you have to ask who they are for different kinds of healings. And there's even like a diagnostic guide where that's the guy that you meet with first to be like, okay, so am I the person that can help Lila you know, and they say yes, or they say no. And you have to do what they say, you journey with me. Right, and I train in my session, make sure we talk about that right now. All right. So I so for those listening, a little gingersnaps jus Julie didn't know really anything about me. She she definitely knew I was Angel, Amy. But we I walk in and Julie's like, oh, I pulled you a card. And you know, I love that. And it was the Jesus card and out of there had to invent 50 cards in that deck. And I was like, Oh, this is amazing. Because I know that shamans aren't necessarily Christ based. Right, right. But my my lineage definitely pulls through that Christ energy, which I think I shared with you. Yes. And once that card came out. And so I remember that that created, definitely the spirit guides had that card pulled because then it kind of put my authentic energy on the same playing field with yours, but also created this safe space for me. Because shamanic energy is very different than the energy I work with. And it's as equally beautiful everybody, it's just so beautiful. You know, that's kind of how we began. And then we had a light conversation and you you know, I shared some things because I was there from my lower back pain. And some things came up about in childhood. And that's where you had used some mediumship your abilities and that was on the money. And then we did move to the table. And we started the journey. And that's when my spirit animal came. Right. Not right away. But yeah, because we you know, I'm going to start talking because I need my let us share some stuff. But you have this. No, no. See, mine was completely different. Yeah. So I love that. I do too. Okay, so So did you go on the table with Julie I did not. Oh, what was it called for now? Oh, this is so nice. Okay. My energy. You nailed it because other healers have told me this too. It rises. And then it waits. And it waits until something until maybe my higher self releases? I'm not really sure what. But the rattle came out. I don't expect you to remember this. But Julie, had this. I call it the rattle. And the rattle energy the minute I heard it, it I heard that like, I'm sorry, it's not like a sound is that? Yeah, yeah. So it's meant to shake the energy to move to move the energy. Just like with a with a shamans drum is supposed to mimic the heartbeat of the earth. So yep, I wasn't really letting her in. Let's just be real. Let's and yeah, I wasn't letting her in. And, and it's not a mind thing. My my energy was resisting. And so these are tools that shamans have in their toolbox to help create a safe space for the person's energy to feel safe enough to let these high vibrations in. And so I I hear hear the rattle I think Did you drum first are in your might not remember. But there was a drum. And then I know the rattle came. And I had a psychic flash of glass. Almost like there was a layer of glass all over my physical body. And all of a sudden after maybe you use the rattle for a while, like I'm a stubborn mule. Was that your spirit animals? Right. Quite the contrary. And the the rattle comes in all of a sudden the glass shattered, I saw ice this is what I saw was was shattering glass. And I'm like, doing it just go with it. So and then I just lean into the this much more peaceful, harmonious type of letting go energy now. Not everyone we have to remember, I am a psychic medium. So if you lay there, and you're not quite feeling anything, it doesn't mean it's not working. I just have been gifted with behind the scenes abilities. And so just know that there that it is working. And Julie consents or our healer consents when you are resisting, and when you're all the way in, right, right? 100% Because it's because it can be you know, people come in to see us and they're super, super vulnerable, right? So you want to make sure that they feel safe and loved and cared for. And that's absolutely the situation when somebody comes, you know, into my space anyway, it's like, okay, you know, just relax. Just take it easy. And, you know, I appreciate everybody who walks in because they're, they're giving me their trust, you know, and they don't even know me, but they're coming in and they're trusting me enough to come in and be vulnerable enough to be like, you know, I need help and I don't know what to do. So can you please help me so it's like, then sure, help on my table. So, you know, drum rattle, what is this woman doing? You know, but, but I, part of my process, when I open up anyway, is to call in all of my ancestors and spirit guides and everyone and I mean, it could also end up being like a full Tarot session sometimes. Do you know what I mean? And so it really depends, but when someone's on the table, like who's feeling a little resistant? It's definitely like, okay, so I don't remember like, because I'm pretty much at a trance state every time I do a session, but I do remember some things and I'll know if somebody's really having a hard time just like wow, my arm is starting to hurt. Shake in the round, you know, but we get there. You know, we get there and it does take time to unfold. For sure. Um, but it's important the more vulnerable and the more you can let go like somebody's like oh I don't want to cry I'm like No Cry Cry scream yell like let it out that's part of the healing right that's part of the release right? Yeah, I so Well done Amy. Thank you. Thank you and then i You did say I had Mother Mary at my head and then then you started the journey and so Julie tells you about the journey at the end so you basically go Nighty night night, and just enjoy the peace and the calm and the you know, close your eyes while she has like a feather over you whatever it is, right. It was a feather and, and then you had said that my spirit animal appeared which was on the money because I have picked up on my spirit animal myself. Which what which is a black panther. And this black allow there appeared? Do you want to speak to what the Black Panther mean? Right? So um, so your spirit animal or your power animal? Regardless that having a Black Panther or a jaguar is they're considered. They're the ones who go through the forest and eat up all the debris, right? So there's this thing called dismemberment that happens in shamanism when you go and you're doing a journey and you're you see your your physical body, like your arms sticking out where your head should be. It's like an actual it sounds really gory and zombie like, but then Black Panther can come in and either rearrange it or or eat up the mess. And that's like that's considered. Yeah, exactly. Specifically, it was yellow, goopy. Oh, all in my solar plexus, which totally resonates. Okay, this yellow, goopy, disgusting Uzi. I'm just gonna say burger like, because that's what I'm saying. Math. Well, I don't mince words. So yeah, that's good. Yeah, you gotta be clear. Yeah, absolutely. So then a black panther would come and kind of eat that up, which would mean eating up that kind of energy. And, you know, putting that energy somewhere else where it can turn into something good, like, use it as compost somewhere. But that's what the Black Panther will do. Its very powerful. Adam. Ah, yeah. So your spirit guides went from the lower world, all the way up to the top world. But you had said like, usually you stop in the middle. And with me, you did not. Which was fascinating, right? Yeah, he's talking about that Lila, the world. Yeah. So so there's a lower in shamanic work, there's the Middle World, the lower world and the upper world, or the non non ordinary reality. And then the ordinary reality, which is the middle world, it's like it's our starting place, right? Typically, then we would find a portal to go down into the lower world, where we would find our animals or spirit animals or power animals. And then if we would go then when we journey to the upper world, that's where we see our other compassionate spirit guides. It's where we would swear we find all of our other guides, like our diagnostic guides, our ancestral healing guides, our soul retrieval guides, whatever guides are are typically we would find them up in the upper world. Now again, that said, you will be brought to wherever you need to go. So everything okay, I'm going to I'm starting in the middle world, I'm going to call my animal to bring me up to the upper worlds. That's That's my process. That doesn't happen with everybody but I go up to the upper world, and then sometimes, boom, just turn right back around and down back into the Middle World. I'm showing my portal to go down to the lower worlds and to do the work there, then whatever animals I have down there, come and greet me and I ask questions like, What am I doing here? What does this person need? Show me how to help them, etc. So can I ask when when you go back down you see the animals? Are those your spirit guide animals, or are they the persons well if the intention is for me to go down into find someone's spirit animal, my my, my animals will greet me and help me or typically do like I could also just go through the motions with the person for them to find their own animal. It's a whole process. So when I first laid on the table, this big massive eagle came in this was me using my abilities, not Julie telling me Julie did tell me about the Panther, which I knew he he's been around me for a while. I've sent him for a while. But this ginormous eagle came in it created I'd like this neutrality that I felt, but this was before I really let you in. It was me grounding into the table, and just kind of settling into my own energy and the energies in the room in preparing for what was about to happen. So Amy had her own session before she Yeah, let me thanks. Did you see any animals? Lila? No. No, my dog. I know that. Like me that with our dogs before I ever went into the room never saw the dog. 30 pound amazing dog that I'm just obsessed with. And I'm afraid of dogs. I told you that I'm right. Yeah, he's a few dogs. Yeah, he's very, very, very special. It's so sweet. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So was yours more talking session? Mine was I would call it more of like a channeling session. It was definitely things that I needed to be told things that I should do. I was being told guidance. Yes, exactly. By guidance. Were there things you don't have to be specific things that you just didn't want to hear? That will help you move forward? Because that's where the real magic happens. Lila? Well, I mean, so mine was a little different, because it encompassed other people in my family. So a lot of the messages. I felt like my message had sort of already come to me and it was reiterated like, yes, you're right, like, you need to be over here. And then there was messages coming for, for around a family situation. Situation. Okay. Yeah. Because, because a lot of times in a session like Lila is, it's like, I can just open my mouth and talk for 90 minutes straight and then be done. You know, so it's, like, if you have a question, make sure you get my attention because I'm like, you know, but a lot of that can be just knowing just really being given that permission to to take the time that we need for ourselves and to animate saying, This is what happened in your session. But in a session like that, it's very psychic channeling mediumship it's very up here like in the ethers kind of. And it's, it's, it's a time when we can really feel validated in our life's decisions. And then with that, you gain a lot of confidence and clarity, and clarity and boundaries and all of these things that we need to live our best life on this planet. Right. I didn't want to take away from your story. So now Yeah, so helps provide tools in your toolbox. Absolutely. Definitely. And there was just a lot of validation of like, Oh, I think this and you know, it was it was very much but I did get I did get tarot cards. Oh, that's cool. Yeah, I don't know how to read tarot. I have no idea how to do that's cool. Yeah, yeah, love cards. I need to look hard. Like a lazy medium. So it should be easier than to read cards. I would think like I read them as a psychic medium. So it's like all kinds of stuff comes up when I do a Tarot reading. Yeah. So what do you do readers know I just I look in my eye look in in feel. And then I just I it's easier for me to just look at the angels and have them tell me what to say. Got it then for me to look at a card and that because then I would just go to the angel so like my abilities don't work that way as I guess what I'm saying? I do have cards, but their angel and then the eight Yeah. So they just we all work different and cool. I had one question for Lila was Did Did your session with Julie help you have a deeper understanding of how to play out your life this family situation? Well definitely. So the with the situation definitely and one of the things I had said to Julius I feel like I need to come back after I kind of get past a little bit of this and then focus more on like where I'm going right instead of kind of where I'm stuck right now. Right. Okay, where am I gonna go was phase one. Exactly. Right. Right. Like right some groundwork. Yeah, for some things to happen and then Okay. All right. I understand. I do have to tell you that your session although, and I think this is great for people to hear, did not heal my back pain. It was definitely the set the groundwork for me attracting in the FX and I'm hoping it's not time I'm sorry, but the fix for then giving me some relief for this back pain. So it definitely just like cleared the pathway. Right? For that, which was amazing. Right? Well, that's great. I'm glad to hear that. Right. So I think people need to understand, right that it's not just you're gonna walk away and be like, Well, I'm in no pain. Right back's been hurting me for 20 years. 45 minutes with Julie Yeah. Right. Yeah, it just felt that way. On occasion. There are people that feel like that I in my own sessions when I was doing hands on healing. I had a couple of times someone was like, wow, my show I've my shoulder has not hurt since I saw you. But I do want to say that's rare mean. There's usually its energy. So it's like, it's now moving the energy so life can shift and change and move in a new direction. Yes. And I've often felt you that sense of relief while you're there. And maybe it doesn't always last, but there's some part of it that you're hanging on to Yeah. And then that's, that, for me is how I know like, I'm on the right track. Yeah, you know, yeah. And sometimes you have to put a little more work into it. Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. How did you get into this? Well, I mean, it just kind of happened over a period of, like, years. It's like, like I said before, I never remember being not this way. But, you know, it's, it can be like when I was younger, okay? You got to go to school, you got to get a job, right? You got to support yourself. You know, I mean, my parents weren't even really excited about me wanting to be a writer. It's like, oh, well, I can't get insurance being a writer. You know, so I mean, I love them. They're lovely people waiting on a fifth. Right? Exactly. So it's kind of like, you know, anything else out of the ordinary wouldn't would have been just, you know, forget about it not supported fine. But that doesn't mean that like, these abilities, these feelings, these sensations, or whatever ever went away, you know, it kind of turned into this thing of like, oh, yeah, that Julie, she's got a really good judge of character. No, yeah, she, she's got good instincts. You know, so it was like, that's how that's how I was kind of like letting out my, my things, you know, my abilities, you know, what I came to learn to be where my abilities so and again, like seeing all different kinds of energy healers all throughout my whole life, you know, just really, it was it was just like instinctual. It's like, you know, this is what this is the kind of person I need to say, this is, this is the person I need to, you know, be healed from it. And it's, and it's worked. So I think that a lot of my stuff really exploded. When I had kids. I had my first kid and 2011 and I postpartum, pretty bad with both kids, I had 2011. And 2013 was my second kid. And it was, you know, it's just being in that extra vulnerable states of having this baby and not knowing my first one away, not knowing what to do. And then my second one, I had a boy versus girl like, as a boys, there's like, you might as well not have any kid because there's, there's so different boys and girls are so different. And so but just being in a really vulnerable space about being a new parent, and then having a toddler and then then an infant. And I started seeing more, I started seeing more like, friends of mine who have passed, or relatives of mine who have passed, it's down on my apartments. And things were just exploding and things were getting louder and louder and louder until it's like alright, I need to find a channel for this. I need to find a container for this in the beginning. Julie, did you find it hard to be confident in you know, what you were feeling or seeing? Yes, initially, yeah. I mean, I was scared to death. You know, it, I was like I was I stayed in that closet, the wound closet, I did not come out until much later, you know, because I was concerned with you know, well, what will my family think what will my in laws think? What will you know? Anybody think you know, and that's, that's a real that's a big deal. You know, especially when you're struggling with postpartum depression. And you know, trying to and we were also living on the opposite side of the country. That's when we were on the West Coast. I grew up on the East Coast. Different completely different worlds. So I didn't have like my friend group. Brown me and all of the normal support systems I would normally have. But ya know, I was totally, totally scared. I'm like, they're just gonna think I'm a wacko, they're gonna think I'm nuts. You know? And thank goodness, I didn't pay attention to that. You know, it just must have found some like minded people everywhere. Yep, I definitely did. Everyone thought I was crazy, too, just so you know. Yeah. Well, in your art, you are a little crazy. Yeah. And, like, people were like, like family members and stuff. Now they're also into it. But yes, the only thing that kept me going, Julie was basically my mentor came off the street. And she was like, you're way off track, she was a stranger. And you're way off track. And basically, the spirit guide sent me in to rescue you out of corporate America. And there was just something about that. That kept me going. Because, you know, I came out when there wasn't anybody doing this, right. It was like, me and Deborah, and I hope you listen to this, Deborah and girl, because you were like my hero. You came up before me? Yeah, so yeah, no good teacher can change everything. Yes, for sure, too. Because that confidence is vital. And because if you're not confident that you're not going to be able to live your purpose, right, and I, there's no turning back. Now, right now, for the rest of my days, this is what it's going to be right. And you know, the way that I do, it may change and evolve as I change and evolve and the whole thing, but, you know, we're here to live our purpose. And that's how we make the world a better place. By living our purpose by finding out what it is and being brave enough and confident enough to step out and do what it is we are meant to be doing. Right? Yes. And if you're, if you're a little gingersnaps, listen, listen into this. And your friends and family think your passions are nuts. You put them on a shelf, we're not here to promote, like cutting people out of your life unless it needs needs to be right. Unless it's the very unsafe situation. But you put them on a shelf and you go find your people. That's what I say. Right? under percent lay. And if you're if you're not supported, then it's not gonna work. Yeah. So So make it make it a space where you can be supported. It doesn't mean like you just said you don't have to ostracize everybody's like, I still have the same family. Really? Yeah. And they're great. And everybody knows what I do. It's not a secret. They may, some of them may not understand it, but that's okay. They can still respect it. Yeah, like, you know, they want us to pull the lottery numbers and, you know, just doesn't work that way. Do you get that one too? Goodness. For the record, I could totally see people say, Do you want me to pull the lottery number? I'm okay with it, though. But the really is really is cringing. I'm okay with it, you know, within your family, you know, in addition to maybe coming out as a psychic medium, and people saying like, Oh my God, but you have to remember like, and a lot of family structures, you know, dating this person also draws the same sort of judgment and criticism. Like it's very hard to avoid that in most scenarios. Something. Yeah. Some ways are just more socially unacceptable than others. Right. So, yeah, it's just always something. Yeah. So you just choose you, everybody. Choose Yourself. You do you I chose you. Do you? Yeah. I love that. I chose me out of self love. I did. Because I think about the ripple effect. And like the stone is heavy and it's thrown into that. That pond or that lake and then all the beautiful ripples happen and how many people you've helped. Yeah, exactly. Exactly. You lose all your family and friends psychic medium. Julie and I are going to be a family. Free mom hugs free mom hugs. The reality is it probably would have happened on a variety of choices. They would he wasn't psychic it would have been. Yeah. So I know. And I think about like, then there are the people like my old friends that I've been friends with for almost 40 years. Like, ah, that tracks. I remember my friend Amy. I'm friends with Amy for 40 years. And she goes they call me Fox. That's my media name, Fox. That track. You've always been holy cow. That was her interpretation of it. That's hilarious. No, I don't. Nobody said anything like that. To me. It's like they say congratulations or that's great or how are you doing? And like these kinds of things. And if there was somebody around to I mean, your friend wasn't speaking negatively. But if somebody I've heard of some people speaking negatively of about the things that I do. It's just like, you know, that's okay. Yeah, whatever. Right. Yeah. I mean, I mean, I don't know. I mean, it's, it's okay. It is just where they are right now. Exactly. And that's okay. And I'm here doing what I'm doing. And I know that I'm meant to be doing this. And I know that I am on this planet 150% sure to help other people help themselves, to live their life's purpose, to get as to is to start the healing journey to continue the healing journey to get into that space where you feel confident and grounded. And sure of yourself, you know, and it's a process, you know, and these are things that take time. So you have to put the investment in yourself to do it. Yeah. In learn how to live in your own personal power, you are all going to focus on your intentions, and not other people's reactions. So every time the record would scratch, I would you know, when someone would be like, aren't you afraid that that people are going to think you're crazy? I would just focus on my intention and say back, do you think I'm crazy? Because like this, look at me, I think I'm the most harmless person ever. But I'm pretty harmless to hang out with me is like pretty harmless. Right? Yeah. Like, do you think I'm crazy? I don't think you're great. No, no, but I have having been friends with you for a while and experienced a lot of Angel Ami. I know there are a lot of people that say a lot of really weird things. Like, are you bringing in bad spirits? Are you contaminating your soul by Yep. Which is good. What? Right, right. Right. Yeah. Because a lot of people that's a lot of shamanic work to is, you know, it's it's not the type of shamanic work that I do. But you know, there's this idea of attachments and people and it feeds fear, right? So it feeds people's fear of the unknown of what, of what isn't understood, right. So, I work and I know that like when we all put ourselves in this place of absolute divine love and light. That is how I work. That's the place that I come from is a place that I stay in. And that's what I share. When people are afraid of me. I'm like, It's okay. Right. But I don't mean that like condescending, right. It's like it makes me want to kind of know you more. Yeah, like, I feel like it's like, a little bit of fear. Yeah, it's a whole lot of Tell me, why don't you kind of sometimes want to turn into right? Yeah, my drama. Well, I think it's like, you know, Julie, I entered a different door than Lila did. So I had the pleasure of meeting this massive dog. Yes. And at first, I went into fear. So this would be like meeting me. Like, Let's just flip it around on something else. Complete terror terror I had. And then he's like, licking my face. And we're making out and I'm like, you're the best dog ever. How can I ever be afraid of you big huge could eat me and won't go. But yeah, maybe that's why you ended up coming through that door. Yeah. You think? Yeah, I attracted that right in? Yeah. And then he was like, sad when I left. Yes, member? Yes, I do. Remember. Oh, thanks. He's a whole healing session. Well, for me my energy within itself before you ever get to Julie. Well, I went in the correct door. There was an error or portals all over the place. I just can't be trusted. But just know that whichever one you enter is the one you're supposed to be and it's fine. You get a dog or a panther. Or, or an angel, an angel. Yeah. Yeah. It's all good. Yeah, it's all good. For sure. Julie, tell us a little bit more about who would benefit from coming to see you for a session. If if, if someone is feeling like they need some kind of direction in their life, if they feel stuck, if they feel like swampy if they feel like they have brain fog, if they feel like they're clumsy. If they feel like you know, they just can't walk a straight line and just need help. Feeling into who they are, why they're here. And like, What is my purpose? I mean, these are big questions, but like the day to day kinds of feeling of just a little anxious like persistent anxiety, persistent depression, and I'm not a trained doctor or clinical psychologist. Okay, so I'll just put that out. They're however, you know, but we can still feel these things. And what what we do for work can can help them feel better. So it really helps put somebody on track. I have a mentoring program where I mentor people who are at all different levels of their path anyway. So it's like so so anybody who, who needs to feel like they want to develop more their their spiritual wellness, their spiritual gifts, right, and learn, learn and have a deeper understanding of who they truly are. Yeah, that's great. So how can people find you, Julie, if they'd like to book a session? My website's Julie humphreys.com. And I'm also on Facebook and Instagram, and you can sign up for my monthly word on my websites. It's a monthly publication. It's stuff that I write about. And it's also events, anything coming up, like podcasts that I'm doing, or places that I'm going to be. And yeah, so and I write about different things is basically about living like a spiritually led life and things that happen in life. And I love that and then yeah, and it only comes out once a month. I don't do a lot of emailing I mean, maybe a couple times if I have like a special announcements like around the holidays or something. But you can go to my website and pretty much find everything that I do. Julie humphries.com, Facebook, Instagram, I also have a YouTube channel that has pretty old videos on there, but they're pretty funny, I'm sure. Awesome. So thank you, Julie. So you so much you guys are super fun. Yeah, we love hanging out. Feels good. So I just hope you all found this enlightening. And definitely be sure to subscribe to our podcasts. We can be found everywhere that you can get podcasts and we are on Instagram at spill the ginger tea podcast if you have any questions ideas for future shows you can message us there yeah Lila was great on that Instagram page by the way. And she's more on the Instagram and more on the Facebook page and a lot of you don't know that we have a spill the ginger tea right Facebook page. My sister I think is the only one that's so please help us change that. gingersnap we want to feel the love. Yeah, and you know you can all find me at my website, my angel amy.com And I'm Angel Amy 1123 on both Facebook and Instagram. So until next time, be well

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