Spill The Ginger Tea Podcast

Vibrational Sound Healing - Natoyia Nicole

Angel Amy and Lila Season 1 Episode 18

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Natoyia Nicole, a licensed vibrational sound healer who specializes in sound bathing for survivors of childhood sexual abuse joins to to discuss sound healing. Sound healing has so many benefits, we talk about who can benefit from sound healing, and how the process works. We are also treated to a short sound session!

Natoyia Nicole can be found here: https://linktr.ee/NaToyiaNicole
and on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/natoyianicole/

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Hi, everyone. I'm Lila. Hey everybody. I'm Angela Amy. And today we are super excited because we are going to have a chat with Troy. And she is a licensed vibrational sound therapist in her work is super beautiful. And we really appreciate you coming on to talk with us today toy. Thank you so much for having me. Thank you so very much. Yeah, so welcome. So why don't you tell us a little bit toy about who you are and how you got into this beautiful sound bathing, healing? Absolutely. So such a long story. And so just as like, just an acknowledgement, sound healing is really my second career. So if I can back up, I am a licensed vibrational sound therapist. And I specialize in sound bathing survivors of childhood sexual abuse. And I do that by employing sound and vibration to stimulate physical, emotional, mental and spiritual self healing. I got into sound healing, it was around the time that I was leaving the church. So I used to be involved in church as a young girl and I was a Christian by way of family ties. And so that Exodus kind of led me on a different path. So from there, I think it was early 2000s, about 2005 or 2006. There was a group of mock. So we're here on Tibetan monks in our area. Are you familiar? Yeah. Yes. So you know, they go on these tours, and I was very interested in I wanted to explore a little bit more. And that was when I was introduced to a more solidified position and the way that I was already living my life. So my life was more of a Buddhist Buddhist lifestyle, but I did not apply that, you know, term to my life. And so during that month, that Tibetan monk tour, I purchased my first singing bow, and I just loved it, I fell in love with it. I've practiced it, and played with it. But it wasn't until 2011 and, you know, in the midst of COVID, that I decided to go ahead and get a license for a vibrational sound therapy, and I started my private practice 2020 What was that? Two? What year was that? 20 Yeah, 2020 Why excuse? I think I said 2011. So we knew what you meant. So we so Lila and I both have a Christian background. And as Angel Amy, I personally feel that the Buddhist way of life is, is the way that teaches you how to live it, like how to live spiritually, or how to live as a whole person, mind, body and soul. So I love that you found this as well. And so how does that link into the sound bathing? So when did the sound bathing come into play? So the sound bathing came into play, I would say, I've always participated in them. However, I do own my own company called Food arts culture. And so back in 2016, I started to host these wellness retreats rooted in South kick self care, health and wellness. And so it was then that I had brought in, you know, different modalities of healing. So, I've had yoga, I've had Tai Chi I've had, what else can I think of what other modalities and nothing else comes to mind. But through those health and wellness retreats, I started to also do sound healing. And from there, it just sparked, you know, a more private practice because people although you have these public displays of health and wellness, some people really still hold back, you know, some of those more private experiences and what I've learned is that most of them are typically just health related crisis. So some of those entered G, this type of energy that has turned itself into physical ailments that people do not want to discuss publicly. So it spiraled into a private practice. I will give you a little bit of background. So when it comes to sound healing, I'm not sure if you all, you know, come from a musical family, but I've had women in my lives who introduced me to music at a very early age. So it wasn't a stretch for me to get involved in, you know, sound healing, because I'm not sure what your relationship with music is. Oh, I love music. How about you Lila? Absolutely. So my my grandmother actually sang with Arthur Fiedler in the Boston Pops when she was 17. So she she was a singer. She was a figure skater but so music kind of runs through you know my soul and for like a white girl I move like this body this body on the dance floor toy. I move. Have you seen we've seen you in our real I have no shame. I will shake this body. I yeah, I they can't see me but I'm kind of moving in my chair now. Yeah. And I can make my my mom for that. My mama. She moved from your mama. Oh, yeah. That's beautiful. Yeah. So you know how, how music is moving? You know? I mean, it teaches me. Yeah, the vibration and energy that run through you and it connects right into your soul. Anxiety into your soul. Right? Absolutely. Just imagine that lead High School breakup that you needed to kind of get over it. You put on them Mary Jace, the Mayor de Blasio, right? Not gonna cry. Yeah. So toy tell us a little bit about what a session looks like, like, how does that go? Wow. So I have a couple of different offerings. So you know, we do the just like yesterday, I hosted at one of our community healing spaces, a community sound bath. And so that is what is considered an off the body session. Okay, so the off the body sessions, it typically includes different tools that can range from quartz crystal singing bowls, tuning forks, chimes, and we can go into those actual tools later, ocean drums, it just depends. So as far as like my sessions are concerned, the one I conducted yesterday, it's an off the body. And so what happens is that you come in, and usually, clients or attendees are sitting on yoga mats, and they have their weighted blankets and eyemask. And whatever else that makes you feel comfortable, you know, like, I really want to put you to sleep. To put you to sleep, and so on the body is a little different. So on the body, you use a different set of tools, because they are specifically made for the body. So you can't put a quartz crystal bowl on somebody's persons, because it's one made of glass. And it's not very stable when you put it on the body. So you run the risk of dropping it, you know, and you don't want to be disruptive during the session. So off the body, I use Therapeutic Grade singing bowls, and these singing bowls. They have a vibrational light resonance that can last for up to a minute, you know, so it's really penetrating the sales. So when I strike these bowls, while it's on the body, placed in different areas, like you experienced that sense of like deep relaxation, that you don't necessarily get from off the body. Okay, does that make sense? Yeah, it does. So, yeah, some of my Therapeutic Grade singing bowls, they are comprised of copper and tin. And they weigh anywhere from about like 300 to, I think my my heaviest one is 2000. I have a 2000 and it's weight in grams. And so these bowls are placed strategically on different areas of the body like the sternum, the cervix, the thoracic areas like that. And so, once you localize that particular bow on that area, that needs attention, and you strike it, what happens to that is since these vibrations throughout the body, that releases the muscle, it releases the tension, and then allows the vibrations to travel through the body which promotes circulation. It promotes energy flow, it promotes rejuvenation. So it's very, it's very fascinating, very fascinating. Yeah, so I, I find that when a human listens to something auditory, it has a certain vibration that then connects into the physical body. And we have talked a bunch of times on this podcast about how the emotional component, or the emotions live in the cells inside the body. And then yeah, and then the emotions, it's all in the fascia, which is linked to the muscles. So when a human it will, let's say it this way, this is such a beautiful, non invasive way to move energy. So if someone feels stuck in their life, or they're in a pattern, or a theme, that they just can't move from, this would be really great for you to try. Because the vibration of the sound, your your body naturally knows how to pick it up and become one with it. And so then the vibration is what offers you the healing in any of those emotions are stuck energy start to be released from the fascia or released from the cells in Mother Earth is the thing that collects that energy. So this is why I'm just so into the environment, but Mother Earth will collect the sadness, or the anger or the fear or the trauma, right, we're going to talk more about trauma. And so this is a beautiful, non invasive way to to heal. Doesn't it sound great? Sounds so great. Yeah. And I would just say, having listened to a little bit of toys work on Instagram. It is it is just It's mesmerizing captivating. Yeah, you can go through all these reels, and then you stop and hear it. And it just calls out to you like, listen, the idea of being under weighted blanket on the mat. And I'm asleep already. It sounds awesome. And I love this. And I would say to if if if someone hasn't tried many different alternative methods of healing, this is a beautiful first thing to try. Or if you're someone like Lila and I and you've pretty much done at all. It's a grip. It's great at any time, but I just thought I'd mention it. It could be good for beginners as well. Yeah, the idea is on the body. That's fascinating to me, because that I hadn't heard of before. Oh, yes, yes, it's fantastic. It really is. And it goes to your point and Angel, how non invasive it is. Because the on the body approach, the client is fully dressed, which to me, especially for my clientele, they feel a lot more comfortable being dressed, because these are individuals who have been subjected to unwanted touch to begin with, you know, and so for them to be allowed that space where they are fully clothed, but they're also experiencing a relaxation method that's very close to just a general massage, you know. So I love the idea that my you know, my clients can come to me for a specialized treatment, where they still feel protected, where they don't feel like they have to be on alert when they're experiencing a service, you know. So yeah, it's a non invasive approach. My clients are fully clothed. That is what on the body. vibrational sound therapy is about. And as far as my fee, I think you also mentioned I want to go back to one of your points as far as the the synchronizing, you know, the vibrations, it actually synchronizes with the brain waves, you know, and so, once you Yeah, once you put the bolts on the body, or even if it's off the body, it activates a distress response in the body. And the distress response is releasing that tension from the muscles. Because when your muscles are tense, it crowds your nerves, you know, it pinches your nerves and the nerves is what sends signals of pain throughout the body discomfort throughout the body. And so, I just love the idea of being able to treat people in a way where they feel comfortable, you know, because I've had massages where I'm like, okay, was that supposed to happen? I'm like, I don't know. thought that way? And so, you know, right. So it's a beautiful safe modality has, have you worked with anyone that has addiction? Like I'm even thinking maybe smoking people that struggle with smoking or are drinking or feel urges that they don't feel like they have full control over? Yeah, absolutely. I've worked with individuals of several different I want to call them limitations. And so addiction is one of them. And I know, personally, you know, there are different groups, you know, the have various groups that help individuals with those who are living with addictions. And at times, it seems like there can be a tone that you don't have control, you know, over your situation, when in fact, you actually do. And so, in these meetings, I've heard individuals feel as though the reasons that they have started, the path of addiction is due to their family construct, you know, they didn't fit in, they experienced trauma that they needed to cope with. And so once you get to those root causes as to why there is, you know, and underlining the addiction, you can start to work on the addiction itself is just a manifestation of root cause issues. Amen, sister. Yeah. So I as Angelina, I also offer my whole practices basically built off of angels, and inner child work. And so everything I do comes back to the inner child. And so I could see that how the sound bathing could be this, this beautiful, non invasive way to speak to someone's inner child, even if they're not even share that that's what's happening to them. So that's, that's really, really beautiful. Absolutely, absolutely. When you think about, for instance, in my practice, you know, I specialize in sunbathing survivors of childhood sexual abuse. And so when you think about the chakras that have been impacted in childhood sexual abuse, one is the root chakra. And that is the, you know, it's located in the complex. And so the Root Chakra is largely responsible for how safe we feel how rooted and grounded, we feel, and connected, we feel with ourselves, our family, our loved ones, you know, it's a sense of community. And so typically, when you have an individual who has been affected by childhood sexual abuse, in the perpetrator, about 90% of the time, is a person that they know and trust. And so your trust has been broken. So your judgment is off, like you don't know how to articulate what has happened to you, you don't know how to voice you know, your, your boundaries, and so your throat chakra is affected. And so those are some of the root causes that occur when you're sexually abused, along with the sacral chakra, and the sacral chakra is connected to our reproductive system, you know, that is this, obviously, the one that is most effective when you are sexually abused. So we want to get to the root cause of those issues as to why they have to subject themselves to coping mechanisms. And I think Furthermore, when you think about addiction, I think we always look at certain vices, not necessarily patterns of behavior, you know, the way in which we eat you know, how we respond to certain you know, complications of life, we typically look at drugs and alcohol as the default you know, addiction where we are addicted to so many. Your phone, right? Yeah. Absolutely. So do you place the bowls on the body toy along the chakras? Is that where you're placing them? So absolutely, when it depends on what the person is coming in for so if my client is coming in specifically because they're still having, you know, complications around childhood sexual abuse, so I will place it on the the coccyx to where the root chakra is located. I will place it on the sacral chakra which is two inches below the navel. So I will place it in that area. I will also place it and place it in the And of course, I can't put it on the throat. However, I can also play a throat to my throat chakra bone for them to be able to open up that chakra. There are different chakras along the body, other than the seven main energy centers that you can place these bowls. But when they come in for a specialized treatment, I tried to make sure I placed it on those areas of the body that will open up that particular chakra. Can you do this over zoom? So you can absolutely do this over zoom? Absolutely. However, I will say it's better to do it in person first, at least once so that you're because what happens is your muscles have memory, your cells have memory, your body has memory. So that way, once you do it on the body, the body can capture, you know, the feel of the vibration, the sound of the note, the type of bow that was on the body. And so when you plant over zoom, or if you hear it on you to your body remembers that, you know, just like your body remembers. Yeah, so we're Where are you located? Where are Lila and I coming to fly? Like we're gonna fly? Are we flying? I can't remember. Yeah, so I am in Kansas City right now. I was Yeah. I went through my licensing while living in Chicago. And yeah, so I also traveled for sound healing, too. So I do retreats. I do private sessions. I offer you know, home based, you know, spa days and girls nights, you know, things like that. So good. Yeah, I know, I love that. I know, you come to Boston, we could definitely fill a room for you easily. Yeah, I'm gonna hold you to that, like I corporate wellness, I also do corporate wellness. So yeah, corporate America needs you toy big time. Big time in hospitals, the medical community is, absolutely, I'd actually like to speak to something that you brought up a little bit ago. And it has to do with the the emotions and being routed where we were discussing addiction and how addiction is really rooted in something different, or even childhood sexual abuse, usually, you know, happens early on from someone that you now when I move through life as Angelina, and if someone is angry at me, or sad, or instantly in my body, I say, okay, they have a wound. And I actually start to talk to them from a place of love my heart center, which then which is love, and compassion, which then connects to their inner child. So I actually talk to people that are upset through whether it's angry, sadness, whatever it may be, through their inner child without the maybe knowing. And I find that it de escalates the situation, where time, right, so not not in mirroring their own pain. And so anyone listening to this, if you have loved ones that are that are going through depression, or they're sad right now, or whatever it may be, that is all rooted in something so much deeper. And I think the world needs to hear this because we need to hold space for other people's wounds. And many times we get triggered. And so I've personally done a lot of inner child work on my own triggers. And anytime that I get a trigger, I tend to say, Ooh, what's that really about? And then I work on it that way. But we need to start to see more and more people get into this inner child work and start to realize that humans are carrying around deep seated wounds, and it's not happening to you, everybody. It's happening for you. And it's happening for you to see something about yourself. And so I'm so glad you touched upon that. It's just really beautiful. Yeah, yeah, I would I tend to do the same thing. And I also, you know, I'm still doing inner work on my own. Samia joy. It's like the Hair Club for Men like I am. I am a client I'm seeing for healers right now everybody so Yeah, I just call it Life work, you know, I call it Life, this is something that we're gonna have to work on until eternity. And so when you know, you have somebody who's angry or sad or whatever, overwhelming emotion that they're dealing with, I look at that as coming from an unhealed space, you know, and I also come from unhealed spaces every now and again to I am 40 years old, and I have just literally, I have committed to therapy, I would say within the last six months, because I use therapy as just a dumping ground, and I will leave walk out the door and never come back. Yeah, I love that. Yeah, I have. I have a few clients that actually pay me monthly just to listen. Like there's tons that pay me for advice and wisdom in summer. Like, I actually just feel safe with you Anjali me and just want you to listen to me, it just feels good to get it all out. So I could see that. Yeah, absolutely. Well, sometimes that process of preparing, what you're going to say to someone is, it's the first part of of healing it figuring out like, you know, if you're gonna go talk to what am I going to talk about with Amy? Oh, because I keep picking the wrong person to have a relationship with, like, you've begun the process acceptance, right for you even and then kind of thinking about it, you know, fix sentence that then turns into ownership. Yeah. Right. I'm so glad that you pointed that out. Which is, you know, one thing that I always you have to step where you are, in order to make any adjustments in life in order to acknowledge the hurt the pain and where you are, you have to accept where you are. And then at that point, you can start to make adjustments. It's so difficult, when you are in a situation that you know, should be, it should look different, you know, you're in a situation, it should look different. You don't know where to start, or how to go about, you know, seeking therapy or any other healing modality. That's when you reflect inward? Because that's where that's where the answer lies. Yeah. inward, it's inward. And so when people come to me about, you know, their circumstances, and happenstances I always make them aware that, you know, I'm a licensed vibrational sound therapist, I'm not an actual doctor, I'm not a therapist in that sense. And so, just so you know, I cannot practice outside of my scope, you know, but I am here to listen. But I, you know, there's there's, that will be doing myself and yourself a disservice if I tried to perform outside of my scope of practice. But some people just need that space, you know, and so that's what you've given them. That's what you've provided them a safe space. pieces of the puzzle, right? Yeah. Parts of the recipe. Yeah. That secret sauce, you gotta love it. She's been listening everybody. Secret songs? Definitely, I would say that I would think sound healing for people, especially people that say, like, oh, I can't meditate, or I can't relax, giving, you know, the sound of it sort of mesmerizes you into that relaxation, and allows you to get to that quiet mind that you want to a little easier, maybe than sitting in silence and trying to, you know, yeah, I think so. But absolutely, it does. And so if even if you can't, a couple of things I would like to say to that point is just commit to sit and breathing, you know, is a start, you know, if you just inhale and exhale about three deep breaths, just within a one minute span, you know, that's meditative. Take a moment to yourself and go to the restroom, or lock yourself in a closet and just inhale, wherever you can get that space. You know, just inhale and exhale. And you will find that it's, it's not that difficult. I think there's a misconception that meditation means that your mind is completely empty. You know, you're not thinking about anything. In fact, you're super aware. You know, you're extremely aware. It's just that you're not holding on to any thoughts. Yeah, like I'm allowing this thought to just pass by. So I'm not going to hold on to it. And so you know what? happens in a session is that, you know, you relax, like you relax in ways that allows your body to just recalibrate, you know, you know sound healing is relaxation therapy. So we have, you know, parasympathetic nervous system, a sympathetic nervous system, you guys are aware. Yes, yes, yeah. Okay. So when you have a session, such as on the body or off the body, or, you know, Gong wash, whatever term you want to put to it, your parasympathetic nervous system is activated. And so your parasympathetic nervous system is ultimately your rest and digest system, it allows the body to just rest. And so typically, as humans are operating in the sympathetic nervous system, which is our fight or flight response, and that's where we operate in most the parasympathetic nervous system, it actually compresses the sympathetic nervous system, and allows the body to rest. like free stuff. Fascinating, isn't it? It really is. Yeah. And it, you know, I always like to kind of defend slightly the stress response, because it's a really amazing thing that your body is doing. Like, we don't want to be trapped there as we are all the time. But it's pretty awesome. When you look at what's happening in your body to prepare you to run, or fight. Or this phrase to humans, it's absolutely necessary. Yeah, humans have adapted to freeze mode. And that's common, that's when you maybe have like a stack of bills, and you you know, you have to pay them, but you can't bring yourself to do it. Or you're packing to move and you know, you need to pay I thought that was denial. Oh, it's on its own. But there's a root cause right? Toys. Pretty, you know, what is the root cause it's unpredictable, equals unsafe. So when someone comes in for a session with me, and we can use this with toy as well, in their in freeze mode, and they're like, I need to move and I have to move in two days, and nothing's packed. Because I can't I can't get off the couch, then we start to quickly work on unpredictable equals unsafe. So fear of change. Yeah. So and that stems from childhood inner child, right? Absolutely. Yeah. And that one, I think, is also sort of, you know, universally thought of as a truth, right? Like, so rarely do people say like, oh, it's all gonna work out. In the end. Everybody's like, Oh, you have to move. Oh, no. Like, what a wonderful opportunity for something amazing to happen. Well, we're socially conditioned to think that change is bad. But listen, people win the lottery out of the blue, everybody. Unpredictable, can equal adventure. Exactly. Go on unpredictable adventures. Yeah, having a lot of fun laughter and shenanigans in the process, right? Absolutely. Absolutely. So in Yeah, like when when we are in though this space of like the fight or flight, you know, we have these, this like rush of hormones, you know, that tells us how to react like it sends our body on this like high alertness. And it increases like your heart rate. And so when you have that state of being constantly like your your body, the downside is that your body is in this constant state of alert. And it does not allow the body to recalibrate. And so that is what is so significant about making sure that you even rest outside of sleeping, you know, you have to be able to reset yourself throughout the day. One of the biggest limiting beliefs that humans carry is I can't handle it. And when we cross over on the other side, one of the first things that you realize is how powerful your words and your thoughts are energetically. Yeah. And then secondly, you realize how much you could have done while you were here. How much you can handle everything. And so it's fascinating. Yeah, I'm remembering that the woman who founded Windrush who we just had on was on the belief that you are capable of more than you think it's just such a beautiful thought. Yeah. And it helps all kinds of children. It's just so beautiful. Yes, yes. Absolutely, absolutely you say we listen to some of this beautiful yes sound do you want a sound session? Well give me a moment here. Okay, I might get cozy in my chair. Lila Absolutely. guide you right through it. Okay. I have some chakras that needs some work toy. I'm gonna give you a little taste I'll probably narrowed down to two minutes, three minutes that okay, whatever you offer us, thank you, okay, if we can start by just closing our eyes breathing in through the nose and out through the mouth. Inhale and exhale? Come back to us remind yourself that you are in a safe space that you are cared for. And you are loved. You're protected. Just gently open your eyes and find that gentle stretch that makes you wake up in the morning continue to be gentle with yourself throughout the day. Thank you, Troy. Yes, thank you. So Troy, in addition to survivors of childhood sexual abuse, what other clients do you see? Well, I must say that, you know, although I specialized and, you know, survivors of childhood sexual abuse, excuse me, we are all survivors of something Therefore anyone could benefit from sound healing. So I see clients who have been diagnosed with chronic conditions, autoimmune diseases. My most frequent clients come in form, stress, you know, stress that has manifested itself physically. And typically that those physical ailments are muscle tension, back pain, and specifically like lower back pain and also anxiety. Join me with that. Wow, she turned back at me joy whipped around and made a point of fear. Yes, and so when you talk about individuals with that, I don't mean diseases a lot of times some of the common symptoms are like achiness fatigue, trouble concentrating anxiety. And so what happens is like when you experience a sound bath, you know your stress is lower lowered, you have decreased like mood swings, lowered blood pressure, the inflammation that the body experiences is reduced quite significantly, you have reduced anxiety, you have improved sleep. And so these are all things that anyone could benefit from. So those are a few of the individuals and clients that I see. And do people see you multiple times dupe is that generally a certain amount of of appointments they would have with you. So it typically depends on their needs. You know, I have people that come in for maintenance, you know, once a month, and then sometimes there are individuals that are in high stress situations, and they need twice a week. I do not recommend any more than twice a week, that can get a little intense. How about however, it depends on their particular needs. So even those with my depression, PTSD, like it is very helpful for those individuals who have suffered in that space. Beautiful. So Troy, this was so enlightening today, and we appreciate you taking the time to talk with us. And if someone wants to schedule a session or follow you on social media, where can they learn more about you? Well, I am on Instagram at the toy in a comb. That's na TOYIA and IC o l e. And I also take bookings through Calendly. And that's on my Instagram page as well. And then feel free to email me and Latoya Nicole at Gmail. That's great. Thank you so much for coming on. We really appreciate it. Thank you very much for having me. And thank you, everyone, for listening. We hope you found this enlightening. Please be sure to subscribe to the podcast we can be found everywhere you get your podcasts. And we're on Instagram at spill the ginger tea podcast. So if you have any questions or comments, or ideas for future shows, please message us there. You can follow me at Angel at 1123 on both Facebook and Instagram, or check out my website for sessions at my angel ami.com And thank you all so much for joining us today. And thank you once again Troy and until next time, be well

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