Spill The Ginger Tea Podcast

Reverse Kundalini Awakening - Vita

Angel Amy and Lila Season 1 Episode 14

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Vita Limoli, a massage therapist and Yoga teacher shares with us her experience with a rare reverse Kundalini Awakening.
A Kundalini Awakening is the slow and graceful process of having the Kundalini, which is the divine feminine energy that lives at the base of the spine, rise through the Chakras to enlightenment.
Vita's reverse Kundalini Awakening was her Kundalini rose very quickly to enlightenment but because she wasn't ready it quickly came back down, and that left Vita in a very sad and dark place also known as the Dark Night of the Soul. Vita was determined to find out what happened to her and how to get herself back.
Vita shares her story to connect with others who have been in times of darkness, to let people know that there is a way though - there is hope and you can feel better!

Vita can be reached at vitalimoli@comcast.net

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Hi, everyone. Today's episode does contain some discussion regarding suicidal thoughts. And so we wanted to alert people of that in case that was triggering. Let people know that the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is available 24 hours seven days a week at 800-273-8255 also available as a chat feature at suicide prevention lifeline.org. And help is available. Hey, everybody, it's Angel, Amy. And hi, everyone. It's Lila. So today we are going to dive right in. Because we have a lot of content in this episode. And today, I'd love to introduce Miss Vita. And VITA is going to discuss her very unique reverse kundalini awakening. So welcome, Vita. Thank you so much, Amy. Thank you, Lila for having me today. Absolutely. So first, let's begin with Vita and I are going to explain to Lila what this big word Kundalini means. So to the average person, or most of you listening to this, you may not, that may not be a common word that you've heard before. Some of you may know. So it is a Hindu word. And it's a form of the divine feminine energy that is located in the base of the spine. So there's actually two coils at the base of the spine, and one is feminine, and one is masculine. And as you move through life, as a soul, having a human experience, the Kundalini gracefully, in most cases starts to rise in starts to heighten and when it gets to a certain point it you have an awakening, right vida? Yes, I mean, it takes a long time to basically reach, basically enlightenment. So you know, enlightenment is, you know, more like Jesus and all of those beautiful characters that we've heard about when you know, the character that love that when you know things and you feel things, and you have abilities outside of the human human senses, correct? Yeah. And so when this Kundalini starts to rise, it starts to move through what's known as the chakra system. And there are seven chakras in the energy body. And so yeah, so Vita went through an experience that caused a reverse kundalini awakening. And so Vita, what is the reverse part of it. So the reverse part of it is that basically when somebody is slowly getting closer to their own self, there's a process that happens that the Kundalini rises and each chakra that things that we need to learn about ourselves, and they'd be maybe situations that bring you closer to yourself. And it slowly rises, and this goes for everybody. And there's no one in particular, there's no special person, and you're consciously working on that. You're trying to get the Kundalini to rise. Well, I mean, some people are awake, and some people are asleep. And that's the way I title. I shouldn't say title people, but where I get a good feel of somebody who I'm getting to know or understand the process of. So it's a slow process that happens throughout your lifetime. Okay. But the reverse can happen. And what is that? So tell me what, what happens in the reverse kundalini awakening? Well, I mean, there are a lot of people, you know, through Hinduism or Yogi's or spiritualist socialists, yeah, that want to be enlightened quicker than they think. Okay. So there's this pressure of, you know, I want to be enlightened I want to be, you have to really go through the work, per se, to get to that point. And in the reverse of it. This Kundalini can shoot Write up through the chakra system and come back down, where you're forced to do the work. And, and that's what you what happened for you. Yes. So let me explain to everybody what the work is. So what happens is when someone wants to enhance or raise their Kundalini, they first feel this deep desire to know things or, or learn things about being human in relation to the the energetic body. And so we live our lives as humans, and then a person would start to maybe have problems or themes and patterns in their life, or feel really stressed out or have triggers like anger or sadness, or whatever the emotion may be. And a person might say, hmm, I don't really want to feel like this anymore, or I don't want to have this pain in my physical body anymore. And so what they do is, they would seek some kind of emotional, physical, energetic release. And then what happens in turn, is there there. When we do these things like maybe Reiki or emotional freedom technique, which is tapping, or it or meditation, it begins to actually release energies or emotions from the chakras. And when the energy is released from the chakras, then the Kundalini gracefully starts to heighten and then you become Mother Teresa. Yes. And so I just wanted us here because hers didn't happen gracefully. Like, it didn't, it basically beat us, he had to tell you it shot up, and then it shot back down. And when it shot back down, Vito went through something called dark night of the soul. And we're going to talk about that, but I may as well just give the definition while I'm here. Yeah. Okay. So dark night of the soul is when you're a human. And you're living life and you feel like you have more negative people's in situations or themes and patterns in your life. Or you feel like you have a dark cloud over your head. Or you're depressed, anxious, paranoid. everyone's out to get you this is all happening to me. My life sucks. And I basically don't want to be here anymore. Is dark night of the soul. So we are going to learn about what it felt like when Vita for before. Let's start with before kundalini awakening, tell us a little bit of how you will live in your life and what you felt like Yeah, yeah, I mean, I was living life and you know, the whole nine yards, married, you have kids, you have the white picket fence, and you're working, and you're just trying to balance all of it. And everything seemed to be fine. So do you didn't realize like that you were unhappy or that? No, no, I just was going through the motion. And, you know, trying to make ends meet and juggle all the balls that we all have to deal with. Right? I use on a daily basis, spiritual veto or religious? No, I'm, you know, I have a Catholic background. Was I a person that went to church every week? No. Did I have faith? Yes. Did I believe in God? Yes. But I didn't practice it. You know, it was just like, I know that there's something higher than us. And I have no idea what that is. So I just, you know, just went through life. And so then what started happening? So at one point, I, you know, as I said, we're here juggling life, and we're living in the white picket fence, and we're working and we're raising children. And, you know, I ended up I remember one day specifically, and this was what sticks into my mind is, you know, here I am, I just had, you know, graduated, massage school, and I got myself a job and, you know, I was coming home and I remember I had groceries in my hand walking up the stairs after, you know, working and doing five, six massages that day. And I stopped in the middle of a staircase and I said, This is it. This is it. Like this is it for me, right? Like, okay, I did what I was supposed to do. You know, I'm married. I'm happily married. I love my husband. I have two beautiful kids and we're doing we're just doing doing and I said, is that it? Like, there's gotta be more to life than us. Yeah. So in that moment, Vita, your soul had an energetic calling, there was a recipe in the atmosphere that called your soul. And when your soul felt called, it ignited the Divine Feminine inside of you in that base chakra, which is the Kundalini. That was the first start. So you were starting to feel something. So what happened next? So I didn't obviously didn't know the spiritual world as I do. Now, the feeling of you know, is this all there? Is? Did you feel like you had to act on that? Or did it just kind of go by you? Like, is this all there is? Or did it like nag at the back of your mind? Like, it did not get the back of my mind? So because you knew there was something more I knew there was something more? Yeah, you know, there there. You know, we tend to just go with the flow and do what we have to do. But deep down inside, I knew that there was more to life than just that. Yep. And I didn't know anything about it. I was just completely lost. I was just this last little lamb, right? You know, trying to figure it all out. Right. So that uneasiness that you know, like, but the universe had a whole different plants. Right. So you do there was something? Is this what you're saying? You knew there was something but you didn't know what to do? No. And you didn't know what it was? No. Okay, zero. It was just a feeling. And it wouldn't leave you alone. No. No. Because I always find that so interesting, right? Because you always just try to ignore that like, oh, no, that's not really happening. Like, yeah, everything's great. Right. Exactly. I mean, just push that back down. Right. Good. Impose painful do. Yeah, absolutely. So then, so then tell us more. So then what happened? So you're with this feeling? It's, it's poking at the back of your mind? Is there more, but I left it at that. Okay. I questioned it. Yeah. But I didn't understand any of it. Yeah. And I just, I left it my second. I don't know, you know, fine. Oh, actually, this is how it all began. My mother in law passed away in January of 2010. And it was a major loss for all of us. Yeah. Amazing woman, God rest her soul. You know, going through the grieving process, I ended up with a pneumonia over that same summer, and in bed for three months. Not knowing that that was actually grief that I was holding on to and then, you know, things started to unfold. I had to go back to work and try to get myself moving again. Because as we were spoke of is I gotta get to work. You know, we're raising a family here. Let's get moving. And I was still weak. And I and one of my colleagues at the time she looked at me and said, I think you need a massage. And I said I think I do too. So for those that don't know v that is a massage therapist. So at this time Vida you were practicing as massage therapists, yes, touching bodies, but you had taken time off. And now you know, I can't wait. You just said that the grief manifested itself at that at that time as pneumonia? Yes, it did. Yeah, it was it was a bad one. Yeah, I think I should have been hospitalized at that point. Because with the pneumonia Yeah, three rounds of different antibiotics. I still nothing. So yeah, it was it was difficult. It was difficult, but I got through it. Yeah. And I think I mean, it's it Amy I'm sure you you know obviously with grief. You see a lot of people but it a lot of people do get sick right during that time period, like physically, like cold. Yeah, sort of thing like when they're in that grief. Yes. And a lot of people think it's because it weakens the immune system. And that may be true. But from an energetic lens. Grief is a low vibration, which we all need to grieve when the time is right. That's a very human healthy thing to do and a healthy thing to release. It like comes knocking on your door. Like you're not releasing me, you're not the grief, you're not releasing the grief. So I'm going to help you push you right along. Right. And so it was the pneumonia was saying Vita you got a lot of gunk to release and you're not listening. Yeah, and I'm gonna slow you down enough. Yeah, you start to like maybe you'll see me right. But veto power. Through I powered through because that's what neither does. completely determined. I'm gonna find the other side for sure. So, when we leave off so this woman offered you a massage, right, okay, woman offered me a massage. And I was a little sketchy about it, because I didn't like her vibration. But he has another thing that I learned that you always have to listen to your own gut intuition. Yeah. And so I went forward with it made an appointment with her and being polite. Oh, workers exactly react to it. So at the time, you don't really know what a vibration is. So describe to me how she felt to you, just so people can know what to look for. Yeah, I mean, I'm, I was always a very intuitive person, as even as a child. And I didn't really understand all of the vibrations and, you know, grief and all of the stuff that I was going through. And I think a lot of people go through this and not understand what it is in. At the time, I just like you said, Lila, you know, you're, you're being polite. You're being respectful. And you know, right. You don't want to hurt her yelling, exactly. offering them. Exactly. So I said, You know what, I'm just gonna go with it. I really needed one and right, she offered it to me and I went forward with it. So deep in your gut, though, now that you're you're a highly intuitive person, would you say that? Like she felt heavy? Or did she like, can you describe that feeling that you didn't listen to? It was? I'm sorry, because it might help someone when they feel in that feeling in that gut? Yeah, it was it was a gut, it was a gut feeling of this woman is very odd. Yeah. And I don't mean that in a respectful way, at the time, it was a feeling. It was an icky feeling in my solar plex. And I just like, I knew deep down inside that it wasn't for me, but so. So this is what we call discernment. And at the time, Vita had really beautiful, clear discernment, but it was untrained. So at no fault of yours. So discernment is when we feel gut feelings. And we mix it with perception in the absence of judgment. So not judgment by perceiving. And when you perceive, and you have these gut feelings, and they come together, that is discernment. So when everyone is doing the same thing, and you discern, and you say, Hmm, it's not right for me, and you go in a different direction. That's listening to your inner discernment. Now, when someone knows why, specifically, they shouldn't do the thing, that's when it's psychic ability. So I just wanted to clarify discernment. Yeah. So at this point, you ignore the discernment, which most people do, and I was just at a dinner party, actually. And I think there was seven of us there. And I said, we were talking about whatever. And I said, when you have that gut feeling, doesn't matter who it is, you go into a dentist's office, you go wherever. And you just get that feeling like you don't know what it is, or whatever. But you're like, I don't want to be here. Like, I mean, obviously, dentists bad because no one really actually wants to be there. But you get that feeling. Yeah. And I said to this group, seven women I said, Who would leave? Like, who would actually get up and say, like, I'm not gonna be one. One. All of us said, we would just, like, go about it. Go into it. Yeah. And say, like, I'm just never coming back here again, or for all those like those crazy reasons. Like, I don't want to be rude. You know, I don't want to start an argument. I don't, whatever. So I'm just gonna, isn't that interesting? Very, very interesting. Yeah. I mean, we all do it. We all do it. We do. And I think it's super super important to just Yeah, excuse yourself and no hard fail absolute or just, you know, just run out. I just got a call and run out the door. Nice thing is your bot, like you're disrespecting your, your body's telling you your soul. You're being all the energy of your body's saying, like, you don't belong here. Right? Exactly. And you're like, No, it's fine. I'll be polite, it will all work. Right? And then in your experience, Vita, what happens? Same thing, same thing happened. I'm like, Okay, well, I'm gonna go forward with this. I really could use one. And I, you know, I sat with her and I explained where I was feeling some aches and pains and, you know, muscular system and she's like, sure, sure. Sure. Sure. Sure. And she started me facedown. And I literally just felt hands on me. I didn't get into the muscular system. So I was like, okay. It's not what I was looking for. It didn't feel like a real massage. No, absolutely not. Okay. And during the massage in my, I didn't eat that didn't listen to my gut instinct. Okay, because I didn't want to just get up and leave. Right? Yep. And be rude. I'm like, legit be just suck it up and get through it. Yeah, totally. And I did. And by the time I left, it was okay, fine. Thank you. It was great. Moving on, I was driving home and I didn't feel like myself at all. How did you feel Vita? It, it felt very. I want to get the right words for this. I didn't feel like I was in my body. I felt like there was something dividing me from my body. So you go on in, you live your life for how long? A couple of weeks went by, and I was, you know, noticing different things about myself. The things that I wasn't doing, that I usually do, or even watching a movie and feeling like the same sensations that you I used to, it just didn't feel right. So you would say the biggest change for you was the emotional body. Yes, that's what where I caught on to it. Okay. The two weeks went by. And then I finally said, I need to know something else. Because this is not who I am. Because it's not getting better. No, not at all. I gave it a shot and like, oh, I don't know, this is weird. Maybe we'll just move forward, something will come my way to make me understand why I feel this way. And I reached out to people more. Actually, a friend of mines friend was a card reader. And I said, You know what, let me just give it a shot and see if she may know something. I don't know, read my cards. Like, tell me what's wrong with me. Tell me all my problems? I don't know. Yeah. What are you picking up here? Yeah, you know, I know what that's like. So I sat down with her and she read my cards. And I explained to her what I was feeling. And she left it at that she didn't move forward just yet. And hotel, like complained enough. And I knew she knew something that I didn't. It's just that gut feeling again. So here I am moving forward with her. And she basically told me, you know, let's meet up. I you know, I would love to see you. And we sat down at the kitchen table and she opened up a window, she cracked up a window about a couple inches and she had this concoction at the table and she's you know, doing her thing and I'm like, have no idea what she's doing. So this is in the second visit a second bit. Yeah, she's making like, was it herbal? Was it? What I remember? I think it was Himalayan salt. Oh yeah. Don't you love VITAS so polite? She still doesn't even say like, what are you doing over there? No, he just sits there. Nope. So polite. I was aware of my surroundings. I knew something was in the air, but I wasn't sure what. She puts it in the ziplock bag and she gives it to me. She says I want you to rub it over your heart center. And for a few minutes and she's looking at me and she's staring at me and she's talking to me and I'm saying okay. All right. So those you can't see our VITAS rubbing it on our high right now. Yeah. And she took the bag for me and she stood beside me and she placed it on the back of my heart center. And she was Robin, same thing. She was looking at me and talking to me. And I said, Okay, great. All of a sudden, she hits me in the back of my back. Oh, she gives you an Italian love slap. Yeah. It was like a nice little smack off the back. Yeah. And all of a sudden, I felt this overwhelming feeling of relief and lightness that I had no idea what happened. And she and does she say anything to you? Yeah. She looked at me and she said, There it goes. I said, What? Their guts what goes right? What What are you talking about? And I said, What just happened? I said it's this is amazing. And she says, Well, you had an entity and you're a male entity in your body, and I just removed him. And I see she says a nice saw him fly right out the window. Yeah. And had you not felt better? You probably would have been like, oh, good okey. Exactly. But you felt bad I felt the difference. Yeah. I felt lighter. I felt my, my emotional body again. And it went into a, I want to say to a place of bliss. I felt that I needed to be outdoors. I saw the green the trees, the grass, it was the colors were very, very vibrant for me. So you really felt better. Like you were like, oh my god, like I feel it was beyond better. Yeah. Better. So like, was it right when you went home? Was it the following day? No, it was at that moment that split second Wow. went right into the evening. I needed to leave the house to go outside. I needed nature. I needed to feel and breathe it all in. Yep. So at this point, your your five senses were heightened? Yes. When the five senses are heightened. We reach enlightenment and bliss. So you feel this for how long? I would say that happened like about three o'clock in the afternoon. I felt it throughout the evening. And then the next morning when I woke up. My whole life changed. So when you came home that night, I'm just curious. Did you like say to anybody, you're never gonna believe what just happened to me. I went to this card reader and she told me I had a male entity. She sent it on its way and it flew out the window and I feel fantastic. Absolutely not. You just quietly said like, this is fantastic. Yeah, whatever it is. I'll take it. Yeah. Yeah. I just I how many people would look at you and say, Are you okay, right. Right. Yeah. Okay, so then the next day, I kept it to myself. And the next morning I woke up with this burning, burning, burning, like really burning sensation in my solar plexus, which is the third chakra. Okay, so it's like Sun Valley, everybody. Yeah, top of the valley Lexus yet. And it was in, that's when my whole life turned upside down. And I couldn't understand what was happening. I ended up calling her and I said, Listen, this is what's happening. Why do I feel this way? I went from feeling amazing. And feeling this bliss in this beauty in front of my eyes to you know, the complete total opposite. Can you like get out of bed? Like does your body hurt? Are you are you functioning? So my body was functioning? My energy level was skyrocketed. Oh, my energy level was I mean, I was how can I? I mean, I was cleaning chandeliers and walls and you know, wow. I mean, it was like an energy that I needed to get out of my body. Yeah. So just think of, you know, four or five caffeinated coffees tenfold. Because, you know, it was a very, very high vibration that I couldn't sustain. Okay, now that I know that but at the time I didn't write right. So at that time, so So now you're feeling like really energetic? And how else do you feel? Now I'm I know that something's different about myself. And I didn't know what it could be. And as the days went on, things started to shift there was fogginess in my mind anxiousness vibration, very high, my body would tweak. It would jolt it would shake. Like I said, there was just this huge fog over my head and my eyes. I could not focus. I could not decide anything. There was massive confusion. I heard buzzing in my ears like they were bees beside my ears. Were you sad? I wasn't sad just yet. So that eventually started to happen after all of these symptoms where I was like, Okay, maybe this will be over in one day. I don't know what to think. And as the days went on, it would progress. One thing after another, it just happened in all of those symptoms. was that I couldn't understand and put my finger on. Where just it was so heavy that I could when when I couldn't understand what it was. That's when it started to get me anxious. Nervous, angry. Frustrated, very frustrated. I only know because I worked with you, but we'll get to that. Yes. And do the people around you, your family, like your husband, your children? Are they noticing? Like, what is going on with you? Are people asking you like, hey, vida, are you? Okay? Well, my, my husband, I actually sat down with him. And I explained what happened to me at that time, because now I am like, have no, I don't have control over this. Right? So I need help, right? Because this is impacting everything. Now. It's impacting my life. Okay, you know. So I move forward with you know, going on to internet and all right, is this depression? Is this anxiety? Right? Is this, I didn't know, what was happening, like, is this a medical condition is a medical condition, right? Because I at the time, a friend of mine was like, Well, maybe you should just go to the doctors and you know, see what I'm like, I am not going to the doctors, they're going to look at me and say that I am completely crazy. And I refused it. Because I knew I knew deep down inside, that a person's life cannot change from one day to the next in that way. Okay. And I had this determination inside of me that I was going to figure it out. And I did not go to the doctors because I knew that they would have medicated me, which I knew I didn't want medication. There was another explanation deep down inside that I knew that I needed to find. And that's when I searched. So the medical community has its place. Absolutely. And for for some for some people in times of trauma. And they would treat this as from the mental body. But what VITA is explaining and from helping Vita through this is that you had an innate knowing that this had to do with the emotional body in this the energetic body. Not so much the mental body. Correct. Okay. And so you went how long like this. So as I moved forward, and I really had no direction to go. And I said to myself, this something wrong with me, and I cannot understand why. And this is why I'm gonna go take a yoga class, I'm just going to see if I can relax my body, get myself out of my mind a little bit, and maybe something will shift if I get take the nervous system down. So I did I took a class. And luckily, there was only one other person in that classroom, went through the whole class and went into Shavasana. shavasana was a corpse pose at the end. Yeah, so she knew that everybody knew lay there everybody and go Nighty night night. Yeah, it's time for a nap. Yeah. And the minute I laid into Shavasana, my whole body just started to the only way I could explain it like a fish out of water flat, flat flat. What does that word lightly? Yeah, like the whale like a fishy? Yeah, yes, was I was jolting and just couldn't control it. I had no idea what was happening to me. And luckily, luckily, the woman that taught the class looked at me and she tried to relax my body. And it was just uncontrollable. The other woman in the class. God bless her. I scared her. I'm sure. She ran out of there real quick. But I had something to do it right. I'm never going back. The instructor looked at me and she said to me, it's okay. And she said, I know somebody that can help you. And I looked at her and I said, what is happening to me? She wrote down a name and a number. How good did that feel? Vita. I was someone said, I just got chills. I know what's happening. Like, did you just feel so hopeful at that moment? That point? Yes. I'm like somebody has answers for me. And I'm so grateful that this just happened. Yeah. Can we pause here for a moment? Absolutely. So those of us that have had a C section when you're given drugs And they tie your arms down. I hope I'm not scaring anyone that needs a C section coming up. But this is the truth. Tell your arms down. Yeah, yeah. Like this. Oh, yeah, you're like a T. Did you have a C section? No. Oh, we got to talk about this. Yeah, I did have a C section the year right? You start to Flint flail is that the word you shake. And the medical community is correct, that you shake us because of the drugs. But from the energetic standpoint, you are shaking because you have an innate knowing that you're about to be cut with a Kundalini is and you're also birthing a beautiful baby that is coming out of that area. And so when I was shaking during my C section, I'm like, Oh, we're about to open up my Kundalini. And it was very, very, very psychic moment for me. I've told some stories on here before. Did they tell you that that was gonna happen? No, they tell you nothing. So I tell friends when they get pregnant. I'm not here to scare you. But the C section is no joke. And they don't tell you. Everyone shakes. Oh, okay. The 10 They never knew that. Yeah, so your arms in you know it is because you're on a lot of drugs. And if someone is in the medical community and wants to comment on here and tell us more why Lila and I are so open about it. But I wanted to give you an energetic interpretation of like, the Kundalini is basically at the base of the spine. And that's where they're opening you up. And you're also birthing so yeah, you It awakens the Kundalini and helps you be have intuition and heightened your mama intuition to know how to help your baby. Yeah. So from near vida, you, so we left off where you're just about, oh, she says, I know how to help you. And we had a she said you it's like Dorothy and the Wizard of Oz. Yeah, we hit the Scarecrow. Yeah. That moment when somebody asks you like, I can fix? Yeah. Yes, it was. It was. It was very, it was very helpful. Yeah. You know, at least somebody knew something. Right. So meanwhile, behind the scenes spirit is sending helpers to help theatre Correct. Okay, so what's the first stop? So the first stop was with a woman in I don't want to mention any names, because I don't know if I can. And she sat down with me and basically told me that I had an kundalini awakening. Now, she has a background of you know, she's a yogi. So I, and I looked at her and I said, what that half is, like, right? What is that? Yeah. Like? Do you understand what I'm just what I've been going through here? Like, you need to explain from A to Z, exactly what's happening, right? And she did this little stick picture of, how do I say that? A stick figure in the chakras and she's drawing all over this paper and she's like, You got to do the work. So exactly what we explained in the beginning, was she she explained to you Vita, that we all have a Kundalini at the base of our spine, and it's a coil. And when the entity was removed, it it caused your Kundalini to rise all the way to the crown chakra everyone that's at the top of your head. And is this the bliss that that Vita experience? Yeah, okay, so the crown chakra completely opens and Vita was probably highly psychic for those few hours, if not day, and she reached enlightenment. But what happened was the physical body carries the emotional body because the emotions live in the cells of the body. And the emotions were out of balance, where there was more negative emotions and beat his body than positive at that time. Correct. And so what it caused was the physical body and the emotional body in the spiritual body couldn't hold the enlightenment. So the Kundalini shot back down, and when the Kundalini shoots back down, we go into what Angel AMI calls dark night of the soul, and you start to feel depressed Everything I described a little bit ago. And that's what happened to you. Is that correct? Yes. Okay. Yeah. So So you meet this woman. And now she wants you to do what? Why he really didn't lead me anything, but she gave me the title of what was happening. Got it like what you could do? Yes. And then figure out what resonates. It really wasn't that much help. But what she the way she explained it to me made sense. Okay, but I still needed to search for more, because I still didn't know what I needed to do when she said, like, you have to do the work. Did she tell you what that was going to entail? No, no, I had no idea what the word meant is the work. Yeah, I looked at her and says, I'm going to do all the work that I need to do. You need to tell me what the work is. Right? And, and that's Aveda. She like she would 100 She's in 150%. Like, I'll do it. And yet no one's telling you what know what. Exactly. So she was just an ingredient in the recipe, but an important one absolute. So she gave you that ingredient. And that was up to you. Now I Doris either go down the yellow brick road, right? Yeah. Okay. And I needed to search more. Yeah. And I searched and I searched and another amazing woman came into my life. And she I don't even remember how it happened. But I'm just gonna leave it at she came into my life at the right time. And she said, and I explained my story to her because I knew she knew what I was talking about. And she so happened to purchase this course online, that her and her partner were actually educating themselves on. Okay. And sure enough, it had to do with all of my symptoms. Wow. And what so what symptoms are those beta, the symptoms were as we, as time went on, it was just very, very high energy, the buzzing of the ears. But then it also started to get into the depression piece of it. And then I started to or not, it was just so angry. I couldn't understand why this was happening to me. And all the confusion, the confusion, and fog was very, very heavy in my head. And the I couldn't grasp things like you would tell me something in two minutes later, I would completely forget what you said, Wow. I couldn't focus. Just a lot of different things. A lot of how long did this go on for? And then I have another question. It went that went on for my months and months and months. I so I think I saw you probably like seven months into it. Okay, I didn't realize like, it was a long period of time because my Yeah, I couldn't find Yeah, happening. So So you were having this dark night of the soul? Of course, you don't know. That's what it is. But you're getting out of bed. Most days or every day. Okay. Because I was determined. And then you're in your you weren't. So you were you were functioning, but you weren't functioning at full capacity. Correct. Oh, you were functioning from this very depressed? Yes. State? Yes. Or depressed and angry. And, like a lot of really negative emotions. Completely lost. Yeah. Okay. But I was functioning. Yeah. Because of my determination of getting up and figuring out exactly what was happening to me. Because all I kept thinking, Where are my babies? And I needed to be here for my babies. There was no way in hell, I was going down. For those that don't know, I'm gonna cry. Vita has two children and Lila has two children. And I'm a mom too. And sometimes these kids are given as gifts to help us keep going. Right? Absolutely. Absolutely. So then I know that if you're Dorothy, I'm kind of liking this metaphor to lighten things a little bit. I know your story. And you go and you see the Scarecrow and then you see the tin man. And then you make it to the lion. Right? And they were friendly people along the journey, but and they came with you right like skin Yeah, sang song, but do you know and then eventually, the Lion said, You need to go see Glinda right. When I think they know who. So before I jump into what we did, because it's fascinating. Do you want to tell anything? Did I leave anything out? I do want to just add to that real quick about the symptoms and the motions and everything that I was feeling it was. I had to distance myself from people because I wasn't who I was. And a very close friend of mine noticed that there was something up. And when she looked at me, and I didn't explain anything to her, because I don't didn't think she would understand any of it. But she looked me in the face, and she said Wii U. She looked me deep in the eyes and say, there's a complete void there. Where are you? Oh, wow. So that's what it looks like. Yeah, you know, there's a there's another perspective of it, or another view of it. So, you know, really looking deep into somebody's somebody's eyes and noticing that there's a complete void. Like they're there, but they're really not. Yeah, that makes sense. Yes, it does. So you, you were when someone has a void, they're living 95% in the ego. And they're only like, a very small percentage in their soul. So what that means is like, when you feel depressed, or angry, or sad, or abandoned, or guilty, or whatever it is, blame shame, you're those are all emotions housed in the ego. And you only have those so you can learn from them. And they can very easily be released from the body so that you don't, they don't trigger or trigger in some way. And then the soul houses all like the peace, the joy, the love, harmony, hope, and freedom. And so the goal is, is that if we want to feel present, and we want that Kundalini to rise peacefully, we begin to work on the patterns and themes. And this is what Vita and I did when she finally came to see Glinda. And we, you work on those patterns and themes. But before I go there, let's kind of jump to when you came to me. So a friend. Can I add one more? Yes, please do. Because you may have a better explanation of this. I felt like I was hovering over my body. Yeah, you know, I didn't feel like I was in my body. But I was moving through the motions and trying to do what I needed to do on my daily for my family and my loved ones and I couldn't get into my body was just a complete. So I think you have something about how that feeling of hovering over the body. Better definite definition. Well, it's living in authentically is one way to say it. But it's also like disassociation, because you weren't able to connect to the emotions that are in your soul, you were only able to connect to the ones that were over in the ego. So it disassociate you from the physical body. And you feel like you're hovering over. Yeah. And so that was basically the recipe I used in your sessions. So Vita ended up at the chiropractor, I'm quickly telling her story. She's my very best friend. So I can do this. And there's a woman that was there that we both know, that whispered to you, you're having an awakening, right? And you looked big with big eyes, and you're like, how do you know? Yeah, well, I was I was in such a deep state, that that's all I did was cry, right? And she literally she was doing an exam on my back. And she looked at me and she peeked over and looked me in the face and said, you're having an awakening. And I looked at her and I said, what, what did you just say? Like, how did you know I was oblivious to all of this? Right? And so yeah, and then she gave me Amy's number. She actually gave you someone else. And so the Scarecrow sent you to the tin man. Yeah. And then the Tin Man, whatever. So somehow we ended up as Glinda right. Okay. So so at this point, you're in dark night of the soul. We just outline you're depressed, you're anxious. You but you're determined that this doesn't just happen to someone overnight. So there's more to this. Yes. And you had kind of figured out well, maybe not to saw me that it's the one I told you. It's the emotional body and in the in the energetic body. Okay. Vita comes into my office, and I felt her energy and was like, I had you Tell me your story of how I can help you. And you tell me I think you told me about the entity and I haven't been the same sense. And VITAS energy was so heavy and so dark. I wasn't sure quite where to begin. So I don't necessarily see auras, but I can see energy around the physical body in VITAS in it's like a feeling like I take the scene with the feeling. And I'm seeing like dark color with heavy, which means depressed, anxious, right? Lost in so Vita wasn't necessarily disagreeing with me, right at this point. And you all you can about was like, Do you know what you can do to fix it? Yeah, yeah. No, at this point, Vita just thought I was going to be Glinda with my magic watch. I really did think that was not looking for that. Yeah. And we would just kind of do the magic wand in 45 minutes, and then poof, VITAS kind of Vivi. And she's gonna know things and feel things and have her little intuitive psychic ability, but no. So I tell Vita, that if we go on this journey together, we need to go into your inner child in go into childhood, and I explain why. Because it's connected to the emotional and energetic body. And that's why you feel this way. And VITAS response was what? My childhood was perfect. Of course, and I say to myself, Oh, no, she's never coming back again. I was like, No. And so let me just say, one question, because this one totally resonates with me. Because of course, I was always like, just fix my back, like, stop asking me about when I was eight. Like, I'm not interested, like the backer Lila work with me doing like Lila back when you were eight? And it's like, no, no, I mean, my back hurts now, love. So I'm just wondering for you, did you feel that same sort of like when Amy starts talking, like, we gotta go back? We gotta dig all this stuff out, are you? And you say like, oh, you know, my childhood was was perfect. Like, there was no problem like, did you? Like, was there any part of you that was like, maybe it wasn't, I had no idea where she was going with us. I had zero. I mean, now. Now, here I am going through this experience, the spiritual experience, right. And I'm forced into the spiritual world, and she's thrown all these things at me. I'm like, I don't care what you have to do. Just let me just help me like, but after that first session, I noticed the shift. And that's when I just I'm like, I finally found someone that could help me because now, rewinding here for a second, I saw many, many different healers, because I knew that was the route I needed to take. But I was determined, I don't know 1015 Different healers, nobody could help me. And that split moment when you know, that woman actually sent me to Amy up there was hope because I felt a shift I felt a difference in the biggest thing I can say is yes, we did Emotional Freedom Technique, and we tapped but there's something more I want to talk about. That may help people that helped you know, the thing that helped you. But before I do, we did tap and we did release. But when we tied together the energetics of your current day life with how it connected emotionally to when you were little, and then released it and then give giving you tips and tools on now how to play out your current day life with those themes and patterns differently. And you actually followed what I would tell you in feel it inside your body, that it resonated. That's when you started to shift quicker. Yeah. Did that make sense? Lila Yeah, totally. Totally. Yeah. And I saw you for two years. For two years. She would come in with stories this happened to me and I don't like it. And I don't like the way I'm acting angry me. I want to punch this person in the face. And now is this all current day stuff? This we You would use current day to then go into past. And then I would use sometimes psychic ability, when she wasn't able to connect it. And then all of a sudden, she burst into tears. And I knew I was on the money. And sometimes she would come in and want to work on one thing. And the angels would have me take her in a completely different direction. And then she would feel 1,000% Better. And the things I have to say about you VITA is you were relentless in finding the path to peace, love and harmony, the journey back to you. You never gave up. The determination was off the charts. But the other thing is you 1,000% trusted me and respected me. And even when you will, like any, we got it, we got to jump and I'd say no, we need to lay down. you'd listen. Or when you'd say we got to lay down and be like Vita today with jumping. Right? Yeah. Because whatever you helped me with, I felt the difference inside. You know, I mean, like I said, I went to many different healers, and they would make me do things that I had no idea what they you know, and there was no change, there was no shift. But when I saw Amy, from the first day, there was a shift, and I'm like, oh, okay, I caught on to it. And I was like I said, I was relentless. And there was no stopping me. I remember, my babies were my priority. Yeah, they were my priority here on Earth. But if that's true in then your souls priority, yes. Is to take you back to love and compassion. Absolutely. But at the time, yeah, that's what making me. And that's that. So anyone listening to this, whatever motivates you to get to the finish line, listen, and go for it, you're worth it, whether it's your babies, or it's a job where people rely on you, or whatever it takes to get you to, you know, to look at you and keep going. Right, yeah, and all of those protections around those emotions, especially if they come up, when you're a child, your body does that to protect you, it comes up like you have to get rid of it that's kind of along those lines of clearing the energy and facing what happened. You know, you can word it however way you want to. But it's also important to remember that you created it out of protection, because you needed it. And so your body was we're gonna get you got you. You'll forget about this. Yeah, I mean, there's a whole you know, we're all here for a reason, you know, and we go through our childhood the way it's supposed to unfold. And then eventually we reconnect with that, and you know, along the years along your journey, and it's super important to remember who you are, and bring those pieces of puzzle back together again, to the spectacular human being that you are, and the more people can all connect to this, the more we can all help each other. And why frantically, authentically love one another? So beautiful Vita and Yeah, can you tell everybody how you feel now? I feel amazing, I feel free. I feel light you know, the ability to see a person in front of you and actually see, the beautiful soul that's within this human being. It's a beautiful place to actually not have judgment or, you know, discriminate or all of the negatives that come with it. And it's a beautiful, fulfilling feeling within your heart. It's a it's a, I'm trying to explain just the huge, heartfelt you know, it's my heart is full. You know, do we still learn things throughout our journey? Absolutely. things creep up and say, Well, I got more work to do. Yeah, you know, but you have the tools right. So I do you know, I do have the tools V that thank you so much for coming on and sharing. Thank you so much for having me. I really appreciate it. And I hope that I bring light to people that are struggling and having a difficult time and that there is hope. There's always somebody out there to help you. Absolutely. So Vita VITA is an amazing massage. therapist and yoga instructor and where can people find you if they'd like to talk to you about what they're experiencing or take one of your classes? Sure, sure. You can reach me at vita, vi ta Lima Li Li m o li@comcast.net. You can just give shoot me an email and if I can help you, I'd be more than happy to help and if I can't, I'll find someone to help you. Beautiful. And for those that are listening, you can follow me on ANGEL ami 1123 on both Facebook and Instagram, you can check out my ongoing classes at my angel ami.com And I have a monthly VIP Angel club that I'd love to have you in. And you can follow us at spill the ginger tea podcast on Instagram. If you want to send us any comments, messages if you have any thoughts for future shows, if you need some help finding Vita or any of our other guests. You can you can reach us there if you are enjoying the podcast which we hope that you are. If you could subscribe and share with a friend we would very much appreciate that. And until next time, be well

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