Spill The Ginger Tea Podcast

Light Language - Alycia Steele

Angel Amy and Lila Season 1 Episode 12

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Alycia Steele, an Intuitive Channel, of Grounding Light Healing joins us to talk about unique modality of Light Language. Light Language is a channeled frequency language that speaks through vibration directly to the soul.
We had a fun conversation about how light language can help heal and Alycia even channels for us!

Alycia can be reached on Instagram at  https://www.instagram.com/groundinglight_healing/

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Hey, everybody. I'm Angel, Amy. Hi, Amy. Hi, everyone. I'm Lila. Hey, Lila. So today we are going to talk all about light language. And I would say this is the most unique healing modality that we've talked about yet. And so I just cannot wait for all islands faces gonna make. So I learned about light language many years ago, and I had experienced it through someone online. And it really uplifts my soul. So I thought it would be great to bring on a very seasoned practitioner to discuss this and learn more about it. And so today, we have the beautiful Alicia Steele, who is an intuitive channel, and we're going to discuss all about light language. So thank you for being here, Alicia. Yeah, thank you for having me, I'm really excited to talk about this and maybe weird some people out. I know, I can't wait to get into it. So let's start here is everyone knows I roll really real, you're either going to think this is really weird and bizarre, and we're still going to love you, okay, or this is going to speak to you. And I feel it's because the vibration of planet Earth is shifting and changing. So there are some here that are ready for this. And there are some that are not and that's okay, in one isn't better than the other. And so and you might be a little bit of column A and column B. And I might think it's weird. And yet I'm totally open to it. Yeah. So when I first learned tapping, I heard about it three times before I ever booked a session with a practitioner. And I was like, Okay, I talked to like dead people in this. Right. And I couldn't even believe the results I got from. And so I do feel this way about light language. So let's first just have Alicia explain if you could, a little bit of anything that comes to you about it. Yeah. Light language, I would describe it as a frequency first language. So when it comes through, it comes through in such a way where our logical minds can understand it. So it bypasses the ego, it bypasses the logical mind. So you can't put this language in a box. And in turn, what happens is your body is able to receive the pure vibration from soul to soul. And that's what's so healing about it, it just, it cuts right through and hits you right where it needs to. And it's always coming through with the highest and best intention for whatever it is that you're needing in that moment. So that's how I channel it. Wow, yeah, that D is really, so it's basically a vibration that Alicia is tuning into, in the vibration is connected to the dimensions. And so we have to remember that we live in third dimension Lila, this is planet Earth, right. And this is where we use all our senses. And this is the only dimension that you can touch. And we're going to talk about touching a little bit. And then we start to go into fourth dimension fifth all the way up to 20 Probably something dimensions are more and light language is actually filtered through a different universe. Is that correct? Alicia to know. I don't know, actually. Okay, this is this is more dimensions than I knew. I'm like, wow, there's that many dimensions. I don't have like a number. Yeah, I'm sure I could pull something. But yeah, you know, so just know that. Our other side I use I'm Christian. So I always use the word heaven is, you know, a collection of space. And it vibrates higher than Earth than third dimension. But outside of our universe, or a heaven or our other side. There are other worlds I believe this right? Yep. Yep, there's been so in the light language realm because I follow some other light language channels on social media and things. And there are some who claim to specifically channel like Lemuria and light language for example. So like that language is coming from the dimension or world that is Lemuria. And then, for me personally, I can I'd have channel, whatever is wanting to come through and I don't try to put a name on it because my mind and logical mind will get in the way. So I just don't even ask. I'm just like, I'm trusting that whatever this is, is exactly what is needed in this moment. But there are other channels who can pinpoint like, Oh, it's coming from this realm. It's coming from this being it's coming from, you know, XYZ. So I So Alicia, I'm, as you know, I'm someone that knows who she's pulling from when like, I know when I have a loved one, all specific loved ones and who they are. I know when I've Jesus, I know when I have Melchizedek and I definitely know when I've angels are an elemental. And I have heard Alicia channel light language into me it feels very, very high vibrating angelic. Alright, I never would have had you come on. Marriott, meaning I would but if it wasn't from a good space, yeah, yeah. I obviously we would not have you. Appreciate it. So it just in let me clarify, that just wouldn't resonate for me as Angel Amy, if it was from like a dark source, it just doesn't resonate. So there's a very light feeling to this that feels fluid and flowy and colorful and vibrant. And it to me when I tune into it, because you don't know what she's saying, everybody, we have no idea I don't. It's about the vibration, not the words, per se. It feels like a collective consciousness of light beings. That's what it feels like for me. So I get a felt sense in my body when it's coming through. People will ask me What are you saying? And I'm like, I don't have a direct translation. But I have this experience in my body that I'm feeling and sometimes I will get some visuals that can help give some context as to what type of energy is coming through and what the purpose of it is. Yeah, so you feel about this. Like I definitely want the thoughts. I mean, I think it's so interesting. You know, it's it sounds phenomenal. I'm wondering like how we put that in the context of helping someone heal? Yeah, yep. So how that works? Yeah. The best way I can explain how light language helps heal, it can I mean, it can really help with I would say just about anything. I think it could help with physical ailments with emotional ailments, anxiety, any number of things because what Russian depression Yeah. So what's happening is when you think about when I think about energy healing, I think about tuning forks, right. So like, and the concept of entrainment in physics, I had to think of the word entrainment. So big word. Yeah, we used a big word. Really? Yeah. And now this is a big word. Yeah. entrainment so. And what what entrainment is, is if you have two tuning forks, and they're sitting next to each other, and they're both still there at the same frequency, right? You hit one of them, and one of them is vibrating now at a higher frequency than the other one, but you hold them next to each other. And through the concept of entrainment, what happens is the one that is not vibrating begins to vibrate, because it is in training to that higher vibration of the one next to it. And the same thing happens with human beings because we are energetic beings. So the way light language comes into play is the light language itself has such a high pure frequency that even just being in the presence of it helps and train the body to lift up to that frequency. Does that make sense? Yeah, it does to me in and I'm gonna put my own language to describe that beautifully, is that we have the soul inside the body, and we have the ego. And when we are born, we kind of learn how to survive in our first families atmosphere. And part of that is you're born fully, mostly fully in your soul. And you kind of start to move over into the ego for survival. And some people go into teenage years 20s 30s And so on, and live 80 to 90% in their ego and they don't they're not aware of this. And then when we live in the ego, it's all the low emotions and the low vibrations. And we walk around creating things like a dark cloud above us and losing job and money and things that make us feel will save or love. And when that happens, humans go into depression and anxiety in start to create dis ease in the physical body. And so light language is a beautiful way to uplift your vibration. Uplift your yourself out of the ego back into your soul. So when when myself or any spiritual teacher starts to talk about living in your truth, what that means is you're living in your soul. So the truth about you could be that you're compassionate and loving, and so are a million different, beautiful, positive attributes, and you start to light language helps push you back to your truth and your soul. So you start to then through the law of attraction, attract positive things back into your life. And that's my little deeper interpretation of the tuning for yep, yep, that was beautiful. Thank you for making that connection to between the, like, how we actually go through life as a human being and connecting it to that shift in vibration that yeah, that makes a lot of sense. So I've actually worked with some clients that have had some very serious depression where I've actually contemplated calling, you know, help for them like suicide cases in I have referred them to someone in Beverly that does light language. I think you know who she is. She's lovely. Yeah, yeah, in so it's just something that I feel is so helpful. And the beautiful thing about Alicia Lila is she do it while she's massaging. Let's talk about that. Yeah, the I know, we're not ready yet. Well, I was digesting that. So like, we've associated energy heal. And so like stored energy, either generational, which we've learned about or, you know, from when you were a child, and that energy then coming bleeding out of the cell, yes. And creating, you know, pain or a physical ailment of some kind, which it doesn't always have to do, it can also be like, you know, anxiety or depression. So I guess, light language would get into that same realm of the energy of those cells to repair at that level. Yeah. So what, what, when Amy was just speaking, what came to me as well as that, when I'm, when I'm speaking light language, what I'm actually really doing as I am speaking, directly from my soul to the person on the tables, to their soul, like to their essence. Yeah. And so what it does, it's like, it's like an invitation of, of waking up and touching the soul in such a way where it's like, this invitation for it to really express and come forward. And I will say, I've had multiple clients who have told me they were like, I have no idea what that is, but sure, I'm open to you doing it. And I would start speaking light language and, and I would have my hand on their heart or on their body somewhere, and they would just burst into tears. And they're just like, I don't know what you're saying, but my soul does. Like, and they weren't even necessarily really deeply spiritual people. So it's more it's like an experience, I think that that you have to have, but it comes in so in to come back to your question about you know, specific ailments or something in the body. If, if someone comes to me and says, specifically, you know, I'm having this back pain, can you help me and I were to use light language in order to assist them with that, what I would do is check in with their body, I usually, you know, have my hands on the body in some way. And I just kind of feel into it. And, you know, as an intuitive channel, I'll get information sometimes about the underlying cause of that energy, whether it be you know, grief, anxiety, whatever it is, that's underlying. Yeah, yeah. Yep. And I will ask and tune in to what is needed to help the body release that and then I will channel whatever comes through, and that's that light language will come in and help break up and move that energy so that it can shift so she's doing the same thing I do with like, mediumship. So Lila is mother is on the other side. If I was going to channel Lila is Mother, I would basically think about her mother, her her mother, and her mother would start to appear to me just from pure thought I You just naturally know where to go to find her mom. Yeah, just like you naturally know where to go to find this language. Yeah. And it's like, if I go to the angels, I naturally know where to go to get wisdom from the angels. So some there's just some people born with the ability to feel like it. Yeah, I mean it. Yeah, I know that part. But you, you definitely hit on. Like how, you know, light language can be like, very, very uplifting. Yep. In the thing with these modalities, I realized that one of the things Lila and I do with the with the practitioner that comes on, is we asked them to be ready to kind of explain the client's experience. But I do not have to be counter intuitive over here with by saying that some things with energy work isn't always explained. Yeah. And the mystery behind it. I'm really a lover lover of that. Yeah. In the, there's there is a form of trust that I think some people have that know it's the right thing for them. Right, or it's not the right thing for them. So, yeah. Do you feel it that? Is there anyone that maybe shouldn't get light language? Um, no, I don't think so. The I mean, I am 100% aware that there are definitely people out there who would, you know, hear me speak light language and be like, What the heck is happening? Like, tell the story? Absolutely. Okay. So I so let's see, this is we're in February, February of 2022. So this was like October of 2021. I had two girlfriends over. And we have been friends for 35 years, at least. And so they they're they think this spiritual button that's questionable. And I mean, that was I mean, that was while we learn as we go, and so we connect a lot on humor. Right? And so we're like a bottle and a half of wine. And so mind you that was involved in I decided to great idea to take these two friends and have them here, Alicia. Light language. This is hilarious. I've never heard this story. I've never told Alicia so I you heard me had made a video. Yeah. On on maybe my Instagram. Yeah. And so I turn it on. And you come over my kitchen speaker. And instantly one of my girlfriend's goes, she started to go into panic mode. Shut it off. Shut it off. She was so I don't like it. I don't like it. She started I don't like yeah, and, and so I shut it off. Yeah. And then my other friend joined in with her because that gets catchy. I don't like it either. So I didn't say this to them. But they was looking at me. They weren't evil. And I mean this with love to connect to the vibration of it. So some people are just not ready yet. But then there are amazing people. I'm seeing one of them right after this. Yeah. So I love them. Yeah, and right. Yeah, let's talk about this. The realness behind Yeah, it's really I mean, it is not for everyone. It's really because it comes through in. I also want to say sometimes it comes through as singing sometimes it comes through as like, really deep speaking. So I'm speaking in a language that just, it's not English. It's not any language on this planet that I'm aware of. But like, it really freaks some people out. People are like, what is this? What is this? But remember in 1970? No one did yoga. Yeah. And in 1980 when Shirley MacLaine talked about the chakras my mom told me she was a lunatic. And my mom would clear her chakras in a heartbeat Yeah, like okay, so I feel like I have enough following on this podcast for you all trust me. It is. I am gifted in vibrational activity. So if something feels uplifting Angel, Amy's on board and when it feels really low vibe, I am so out. I do not do haunted houses. I do not watch Freddy Krueger. I don't watch anything murder ever. Yeah, why do people do? I mean, I know why they do. But I'm the same way. I'm like, I don't want to feel like that. I just I latch on to the vibration of things. Almost to the point where if I go home in my husband watches a haunted movie, scary movie, I can feel it and I usually come out on it and he's like That's messed up that you know I want and I get pissed I start opening like blinds and I'm like now I got to energy clear the whole Andrew we call him Andy but when I get mad at like the Andrew, right now I watch him. That's about it. I love the real you. You watch it. You can separate yourself. I feel like I'm the victim I in it. Oh, no, no, especially like a haunted, you know, like conjuring type thing or something like that. Like it doesn't it doesn't faze me at all. I you know, like true crime stuff. That one's trickier for me, especially, you know, when you get into like horrible stories about kids. And, you know, it's always some poor woman getting murdered, right? You're like, Oh, God, this is really kind of awful. But you know, I mean, I will certainly have it on. I mean, I've watched a million datelines I can tell you, right. And it totally made me I guess a little more aware of my surroundings. Yeah, I don't know. I get like, absorbed energetically into whatever I'm watching. Like, I'm like, I'm in it, whatever it is, whether it's good or bad, whatever. So I tried to really stick to the happy thing. This is it doesn't it doesn't bother you. Now. This is why I don't do murder cases anymore. I medium, right? Because I become the victim. So I'm, like, stabbed I've been. That's how I figure out what happened. Yeah, it's very low vibe Lowry. It's not for me. So I have that on my marketing that says I do not work with on homicide cases. Wow. And I'm also not first with little children. Either, meaning I work with children, like that are alive here on Earth. Yeah. But children that have passed on? I do not as well. Yeah. Because they're, the proof that I would give would probably be from their last life. Not so much this like oh, okay, that makes proof the proof like the person and show mediumship so like, I you know, if it was a six month old baby, the baby hasn't really developed. Like in mediumship. You usually tune into like personality. Yep. Yep. Which we know as spiritualist is actually fake personality. Yeah. But that's how we give proof that it's, it's like that person. Yeah. Because if I tell you like your mom comes through hysterically funny. In like this and that and you were like, well, she was very miserable. It's like, yeah, yeah, you didn't really give him my mom. Right. Okay, so where do we go from here? Alicia, did you? Is this something you always knew you had the ability to do? Absolutely not. Okay. This is actually within the last year and a half. I opened up to that. So I actually had a teacher myself who ran a class where we did attunements for the light language, you don't need to be attuned to speak light language. Like you know, with Reiki, you have to get an attunement, you have to go to a Reiki Master and have them attune your energy field in order to then be open to the energy. It's not like that necessarily with light language as far as I know. But can I share my first experience of hearing light language? Yeah, so I, I came across like language, probably in a similar way to you, Amy, where I followed this woman on social media who was offering recorded meditations for manifestation. And I was like, Sure, let's try this. And I bought one of them. And in it, she spoke light language. And I had never heard it before. I had no idea what the heck she was saying. And it there was part of me there was like a little part of me that was freaked out a little bit. But then the feeling in my body that I got was so expansive, that I was like, No, this is good. Like, this is, this is good. I can feel my whole body shifting, like it could feel the energy in my body shifting and I was like, This is so powerful. What is this? And how like, I was like, does she? Does she know what she's saying? Like had all the questions that other people asked me now? Like, does she know what she's saying? How did she learn how to speak this? Like, did she did she, like have to learn this language? So it wasn't it was always like kind of in the back of my mind. And I would I would listen to the meditations frequently because of the big shift that it was only a 10 minute long meditation but after I would listen to it, I would feel just like so vibrant. I was like, This is amazing. And so fast forward two years later, probably I Follow this group called the rainbow soul collective, which is like a collective of different spiritual teachers. And they offer different classes. And I saw that they were offering a light language class and I was like, Oh my gosh, this is amazing. Yeah. So I signed up for it. And in the first class, we did, like I said, we did an attunement where we, we essentially, like, did a meditation where we were guided to see a certain symbol, and that symbol would be put into our heart. And that would be our, our light language symbol that we would tune into anytime we would speak the light language. And you know, she, the instructor was like, you may feel comfortable channeling right away, you may not nothing may come through, just like trust that whatever comes through, it's going to come through and I was like, okay. So I was I wasn't, I didn't have high expectations. I was like something I really am good at getting in my own way. So like, I might not experience anything, nothing might come through. And I'm sitting there. Come out of the head. Yeah. into the, into the body. Yeah. But with this, I, I started, you know, I did the meditation. And I'm like, okay, is anything coming through and all of a sudden, I start blurting out this joyful language, and it sounded like Japanese or something. And I just had this image of this little happy, joyful, old man, that and I swear, I say Japanese, I don't know if it was actually Japanese. But that's, that's the impression that I got this ancient wise master, and he was just so happy. And I was like, Oh, my gosh, and it's just flowing out of my mouth. And I was like, what is happening? This is amazing. And so after that first class, it was like, for the next week, I was on cloud nine. In my day to day life. I was just like, life is amazing. Nothing can stop me. And it was like, My soul was waiting for me to like, remember and reopen to this. This gift. So I while I have not always done it. My soul was like waiting for me to open this up. And once it was open, it was like the floodgates are open. Let's do this. Like I've been doing this for lifetimes. Yeah, when you were talking about a symbol in the beginning of that, yeah, it was seeing a gold plate that had an L on it. Like, at first I thought it was light language, but like L but it's actually love. Oh, I just had to tell you. That's beautiful. I used to I was like, oh, there's a there's a golden hour. Yeah, my friend of mine calls it love language on accident all the time. She's like, I know. It's like language, but like love language. Yeah. It For Me, someone that can read energy. It feels like a warm blanket. Yeah, it feels like a really warm blanket. No, can we just talk about this. So today is I don't even know, February what? We're in the middle of February 11. And it is 50 something. So it's 211. I love the number 11. And it's 50 something degrees out here in Massachusetts. And the sun is shining and it feels like a beach day. And so when it's over 50 In Massachusetts, it's an official beach day. But today feels like how light language would feel. Oh, and then Lila had a bird. An owl is lucky right? Owl is debatable. We've yet to get the real deal on whether lucky or not. But yeah. I feel like today's vibes. Can you lean into this Lila? Can you give me this one thing? Absolutely. Appeal, of course. Well, you know, I would say to you in a different context of language, you know, when it's light and it's bright, and it's warm outside and I'm not, you know, my teeth don't hurt if I open my mouth. Like you feel like a million dollars. Like if you went into any grocery store today or something. Everybody's smiling. Everybody's so true. And so just in a different language of using it. It's like this beautiful weather this beautiful sun that we haven't seen, you know, so you know what I'm saying? Yeah, slightly different way of kind of divert but I love that. That's you're right on in. I just love the synchronicity with Alicia here today and the weather because it feels the same. The whole thing. I could see that. Yeah, especially when it's been so cold. Oh, yeah. I know bitter cold. But yeah, the sunshine. And it is it's like the equivalent of Like even when I'm channeling for someone else, the feeling is going through me and it feels so bright like this bright, sunny, warm day. Like, Alicia does all these cool things everybody she does massage. And I want I really like to tell them all about your art. She's an artist. What else do you do? I wear many hats. Yeah, I am. I'm not a shamanic practitioner. I've never done a training and shamanic. I've never done like a shamanic practitioner training. But I am so deeply called to the drum and shamanic drumming. So I I feel like I intuitively channel drumming as well, so I don't even know how to explain. So listen, Alicia and I have the same spiritual mentor. And I met Alicia through her in a class years ago. And I remember our mentor gave you the drum I witnessed the You sure did. You did. Remember, Alicia, so my very best friend that I talk about all the time on here. Vita was in that group. And Alicia had to go around in drum, the sounds of our soul. And VITAS was like Sophia is like a very masculine, beautiful, gorgeous goddess see woman, but she's powerful. And like, you know, when she enters the raw 100 It was like, boom, boom, boom. And then you got to me and it was like oh, it was like so dead on. You didn't even know us. I have no idea what I was doing. I had no idea. It's when we don't know that we actually do. Yeah, yeah, right. Yeah. Ellen's like, okay, take the drum. And now I want you to drum for every person. I was like, Okay, next time we're gonna have you drum for Lila soul. Oh, that'd be fun. You might thought about bringing it and then I was like, they already had someone drum. I don't bring it. Go, I could channel light language at some point, if you want me to. Yeah. That's what I'm here for. Are you doing it? I just want to ask one. So totally, always do light language in conjunction with one of these other modalities? Or can it be its own thing? It can be its own thing I haven't. I haven't done a healing session with just light language yet, but I have ideas for workshops and things that I want to do. And one of them is actually to do a group light language. Healing transmission. actually signed me up. Yeah, yeah. So my and my idea is to just everyone would basically just get to you lay down and get comfy. I might have a singing bowl too. Yeah. And so it would be kind of a generalized healing for everyone. But then, you know, as is what happens with any healing session, sometimes you get called to certain people that would get more individual channeling or maybe, you know, placing hands on the body, if everyone's okay with that. So that is something that I plan on doing in the future. But as of right now, I do it mostly. So I'm a body worker, as well. I'm a massage therapist. And that's usually where I speak the light language. I will. There are certain clients, like I'll check in and see, you know, will this person be comfortable with this? And then I'll ask them, there are certain clients, I know that they're just there for body work, they're not ready for the energy work, and that's totally fine. 100% Yeah. 100% I'm in it and drink wine with Yep, absolutely. Yeah. But I do have certain clients where I will the body work with the light language together. I personally find really powerful because I am able to also move the energy in the body physically with my hands. It's like I can like help it along. If that makes sense. Yeah, you follow that? Yeah. So like, there'll be some sometimes they'll do some shaking of the body, you know, gentle shaking. I'm not like you know, waving their arm around like a noodle but just, you know, gentle, you know, shifting inviting that energy to move. I do speak the light language. I like when I'm drumming. Oh my gosh, mean. Me and Katie, if I can mention her, one of the other guests you had. We were just having fun one day drumming together. And all of a sudden I just started like belting out the singing light language and like I like almost started crying. It was amazing. Wow. Yeah. So it comes. It comes when it wants. Yeah. It's it's it's on freedom. Everybody. When you feel that free. When you feel free inside your body, the energy just flows through. Yeah, yeah, it's really true. That's another thing I actually do plan on running some intuitive movement. workshops like dance almost type of thing. And I'll probably incorporate light language into some of that as well at the beginning. Yeah, to just loosen up, open up the energy before everyone starts moving, so it can really fit in anywhere. Yeah, definitely do it. Okay, okay, okay, I'm getting cozy. Let me just adjust and tune in for a second. So I am going to out loud, just speak what I am tuning into and what I'm calling in. And first of all, I'm going to call in Archangel Michael, to hold the space and ensure that the only energies that are allowed to come through are those that vibrate at the frequency of divine love or higher. And I'm tuning in to whatever energy and language is exactly perfect for this space in which Lila Amy and I sit together and whatever wishes to come forward for the best and highest good of all of us. eggs on the Hannity Skia ha Ascona he is so the HANA TC Arkona Hana dia has a Kona Hana sia ha Tosi Anahola e taka and Ohana te a Kasana Tosi Anna Hannah t equals here Salahi Salahi sola has on the here tassa econo Hana t as an officer aikana Hana aihole corner he taseko Eakes on HANA Tia Tosi to Santa Ana, eco Santa is on the HANA de casa. He taught. He taught hippo hito. And they're ending there. What did you think? Lila? Thank you, Felicia. That was beautiful. That was very nice. Thank you. You're welcome. That the energy of that felt very. I was seeing the color purple. And I want to say this really, like beautiful African woman was in in like, the energy felt. Oh my god, how do you put words to this? Sometimes it's so hard. Listen, I wish I legit Did you? Can I tell you? Yes. Did you experience Okay, so I'm, so I'm like, Okay, I just went into my place I go to before I connect, but I also lean into receiving so it's not like I'm not working. So I'm in the receiving mode. And all of a sudden I start to see Donald Duck. Lie. And so Donald Duck is just like, like, think about that personality. He's kinda like, like a jokester. Yep. But also like, funny, right? So then all of a sudden, I'm at the Magic Kingdom and I'm looking at like, I opened my eyes and while you're doing it, in this beautiful being that you were channeling, she laughed in the middle of it. Yep, she right and I swear it's right when I realized I was in Disneyworld. But let's think about this everybody. Disney World. Let's face it. rice rice list. I need a song that I sing when Lila looks at me like I'm cray cray. I'm just waiting for you to bring disney world into it. Okay. Disney World is is a I didn't I did not go as a child. Okay. And it was always a dream. And I didn't go till I was 25 and could pay my own way at but Disney World represents let's talk about it. It's playful. It's imaginative. It's it's very forward thinking when you think about it. In so Walt Disney was was the one of the best imagine Imagineers ever. Yeah. And so I think that there is a message here of hope. And that there are new things on the horizon. And their high vibrating playful thing. And that's totally what my vision. Yeah, it felt it felt very like the way the way forward is through, play and enjoy, like feeling our joy. Yes. And learning how to embody that like how do we embody our joy? What can we do to bring joy into our lives in our bodies, and that's like, really the way forward is kind of kind of what I was feeling like paving the way for, for that to happen. And also just a message of, of comfort and an uplifting like yes, like, Have fun guys. Yeah, I think we're gonna stay high when our at our best we stay high when people go low and give them the chance to come back up again in sometimes. All the time humor does that Yeah, like that playful, funny. It brings people back up again. Yep. When they go down to the depths of Hell yeah, so I did I was at Disney while you were channeling. And it was just like, Oh, this feels so good. Like I want to go get what's that dole whip? I want to do Oh, yeah. Have you done it? Oh, whip it does. I mean, you only go to Magic Kingdom when you're 46 this was great. Dispose. Yes. Thank you so much, Alicia. Yeah, are coming and telling us all about it. How can people reach you if they are interested in a class or Yeah, I have an Instagram. my up and coming business is called grounding, light healing. So grounding light. So on Instagram, if you look up grounding light underscore healing, you'll find me there. You can just, you know, if you're looking for classes, or anything you can I'll post them on there when they come up. Yeah, we can all do the light language class together in the intuitive movement. Yeah. Yeah. Love that. Yep. Yeah. And you can message you there if anybody absolutely specific. Yeah. Or I can also I don't again, I don't have a website right now. But I am offering through Instagram, personalized light language, healings and meditations to that. So people can just message me directly if they want something like that. Yes. And anyone that knows Angel, Amy, if you want to hook up with Alicia in, you can reach out to me too. And I'll connect the two of you. Perfect. Yeah. Wonderful. Well, thank you for having me on. This is fun. This was so fun. And so yeah, we're on Instagram at spill the ginger tea podcast. So if you have any questions or comments or ideas for future shows, please message us there. Thank you for joining us, and until next time, be well

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