Spill The Ginger Tea Podcast

Nuero-linguistic Program Coaching & Hypnotherapy - Mylene Hendrick

Angel Amy and Lila Season 1 Episode 10

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We talk with Mylene about hypnotherapy and neuro-linguistic  programming  what is actually is how it can help you and why you don't have to be worried about quacking like a duck.

Also we get into whether corporate America will change to become people first and create safe spaces for creativity at work.

Books we discuss this episode:
7 1/2 Lesson About the Brain by Lisa Feldman Barrett

Permission to Feel by Marc Brackett

Mylene can be reached at https://www.holisticlifecommunity.com/mylene-hendrick

Spill the Ginger Tea on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/spillthegingerteapodcast/

Angel Amy Instagram https://www.instagram.com/angelamy1123/
Angel Amy Angel VIP Club https://www.myangelamy.com/aligning-with-the-angels/

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Hi, y'all. I'm Lila and I began my healing journey looking for relief from physical pain. And I'm always willing to try something new to feel better and improve myself. Hi, I'm Angel, Amy, and I am a psychic medium, and a life coach. And we welcome all of you here today. So I am about three and a half weeks post COVID. So if you hear a little cough come out of Amy, or if I feel a little nasally just kind of bear with me in this episode. So thank you. And I just want to let everyone know some exciting news. I started to do psychic readings again. So I had put something out on Instagram, that I would do psychic readings for 10 people. And I left my phone for 18 minutes and I had 30 Something people sign up. So I figured there's a need for this. Yeah, why not just bring it back during the piano. And we will just see how this goes. I just will do them until I burn out again, I suppose. So if you're looking for a psychic reading, I'd love to do one for you. Now switching gears today we have a very, very special guest. And she happens to be a personal friend of mine. So I'm really excited to have her here today. So we're going to chat a little bit Lila with Myleene Hendrick. She's a mentor guide, in a trusted advisor. And we're going to be discussing hypnosis today. Which I have done my lien, and I can't wait to tell you what I think about it. Perfect. Yeah, I really you Hello, it is so nice to be here. And it's so nice to be with both of you. Thank you. You're welcome. So why don't we begin by you telling us a little bit about either yourself or how you got into hypnosis. So as you know, I am a huge fan of understanding what motivates people. I think that's been the common thread I've had throughout my career in different disciplines, verticals, industries, you name it, always fascinated about what are the choices that we make, as humans call it souls in a human body? And what are the impacts outcomes of such choices? So for me, I got into hypnosis as I when I left my corporate career, and then said, Okay, if I keep doing what I've been doing, I'm going to keep getting what I've been getting. So I was like, alright, so okay, I was like universe, Spirit, God, what's next? And I came across, really, what got me to hypnosis was neuro linguistic programming or NLP, which really is about how your how safe your body feels, the language that you use, which gives an insight into what's happening in your mind. And even behind the behind the scenes. Oh, yes, because I struggle with the safety issue. And so I love that you mentioned safety, like I know myself really, really well. And growing up in an alcoholic home. It has been thematic for me, and I tend to like repetition. So the older I get i i have a mindfulness for adventure. In Lila is very adventurous. By we, you know, hang out, because you know you like do really cool adventurous things, especially before the piano, right. Yeah. Kind of put the kibosh on everything right? Which is awesome, because you're actually working with your brain, the brain actually loves repetition. So it's, I'll get back to your original question. But yeah. So the brain loves repetition. And so it's awesome that you're working with your brain, call it partnering, call it co creating called collaborating. Because that then helps your brain feel like Oh, awesome. My job or the brains job in protecting and preserving you. It makes it easier. That's the number one prerogative responsibility of the brain is to protect and preserve you. I just read something recently that blew my mind because it really almost changes how I thought about how the brain is comprised. So There isn't really a reptilian brain, there isn't really, it's really just the brain as a function is saying, Okay, I have this body. I have these nutrients, glucose, fats, lipids, you name it, how do I regulate those body to protect and preserve it. And so as you can see, I have things that helped me. So everyone, we're looking at some beautiful stones that she brought with her to help her body regulate, because then it helps my mind and my brain then say, Okay, I'm safe. I don't need to be I don't need to go into survival mode. I can actually just be open and enjoy this experience as I'm having it. That's great. Yeah. So the repetition thing, is that sort of the theory behind you know, people that repeat a mantra or repeat an affirmation? Yes. So cool. Yeah. So yeah, brain loves repetition. Because I mean, think about habits, right. Even as we think about the concept of the body regulating coffee drinkers, Oh, yeah. That's my drug of choice. So your Nespresso machine, that thing breaks. And that's a crisis we had. We had. No, no, yeah, we literally had a crisis. It broke down. Yeah. And I I'm hyperventilating, that's on a timer. So I don't even like I get up in the very first thing. And I was like, because it hadn't rained. So so. So think about that as a story, like your brain was used to knowing that a certain time if you drink caffeine, so actually, the brain also is a very predictive organ. And so it really knows before you even pick up that cup and start to drink it that, Okay, at this point, it's actually already changing your physiology to actually ingest and imbibe that. Oh, wow. So when you when your coffee breaks down, and all of a sudden your brains like it's time for the caffeine. So what what's going on? Right, all of a sudden, you've like messed up with a predictability of it. And then it says, Oh, no. is Lyle in danger? Do I need to reallocate? Everyone else was in danger? Do I need to reallocate resources? Now what Right, right, so so it's it's very similar to like the habit thing, right? And so if you can help your brain predict and have flexibility with options, and that really is resiliency? Yeah, I love that. So my lean before we go a little deeper into like, exactly what you do. And like what a session is, like, I have to tell you, up until I had a hypnosis session, I thought it was like someone with the like you see on TV? Can we talk about how totally, that's what the average person thinks? are afraid after you leave, you're going to like rob a bank? Yes, like so. So it's gonna be reprogrammed in a bad way. Someone's gonna say bananas. And you're, for those that don't know, what we're talking about is that for years in movies and TV, we've seen people get hypnotized by looking at like a clock or looking at like a swinging pendulum into someone would say, Anjali me, because I'm chubby. Right? So Angel, me, have you tried hypnosis for weight loss? And I'd say why not? I have not because what really, I was a skeptic. But I'm a believer. Yeah. And it has nothing to do with a swing pendulum. It's not so so. So it's actually a great segue. Because again, think about the predictability that our brain does as its function. So the brain has seen, like you've mentioned in movies, you're at a county Country Fair, your shows about like, these hypnotists. And you've got these people going up there. And they're like, oh, maybe like quacking like a duck. So the brain your brain was like, Oh, so that's what I've noticed this. So every time you think about hypnosis, it's really predicting that that's what's going to happen, right? Because that's your reference point. Exactly. It's your reference, probably was like Humphrey Bogart and like, my grandpa, grandparent, right. And I was like, Oh, I'm never gonna do that. Because who wants to be like, control? Exactly. Just so so? Let's talk about Okay, so, hypnosis, you wanna do a quick demo? Yeah, we can do anything you want. Okay, just like, settle down. Just have your feet on the ground. I have no shoes. Have your hands on your lap. And just close your eyes. Don't forget to breathe. That'll help your brain know that it's safe. Just bring Then, and breathe out. Okay, open your eyes I feel calm. Yeah, right. Hypnosis is them like is really no one, no matter how good of a hypnotherapist they are can do anything that is against your moral code that resides within you. Again, think about how the brain's number one prerogative is to protect and preserve you. Part of it is if you feel like internally, there's something that's going against what you know is to be true for you or what you feel is good. Snap out of it. And really, hypnosis is a very deep state of relaxation. The reason why people feel like, Oh, I'm either falling asleep, or what if he tell me something is because they're in such a deep state of relaxation, that they might not have had that feeling before or their brains like, Wait? How can I be in this deep state of relaxation with someone just talking to me? They might have a different mental model about what relaxation is, right? Right. So and people are like, well, I fall asleep was like, no, no, you're just in a very deep state. The reason why people sometimes have a hard time coming is because their body's like, oh my god, this feels so good. Why would I want to come out? So as you know, I teach a lot about freewill. And that's what you're speaking about when you had us close our eyes and go inside our body. And remember, Lila in a previous episode, I asked you about if you can kind of like observe from inside your body. Like how you're feeling? Yeah. And that's exactly what Eileen just took us to, you know, people I used to think people use hypnosis for like quitting smoking or like Amy said, yes, so still, right. So there's there's still there's there's definitely different programs that offer hypnosis, because what hypnosis actually does is it bypasses your conscious mind, okay? And then the critical faculty that sits sits between your conscious mind and your, your unconscious mind. And the I use what's called NLP hypnotherapy which uses very specific language that you're it's actually your language that I'm embedding within the guided visualization or meditation, which really is what hypnosis is. But it just gets you into a deeper state. So I'm actually talking directly to your unconscious mind, which is actually the goal getter. It's the one that says, Oh, this is what you want. Okay. It just has a very different language. Right? So conscious is words, unconscious, feelings, symbolism, imagery. And it's a bullshit we tell ourselves. Yeah. The background, the background noise, right. So, so yeah, like the first session I have, it really is just Hypno. Hypnotherapy is really just to let people know, hey, here's what hypnosis is. And here's what it isn't. You hear every single word I say, you might not just be conscious of it. And that's okay. I'm actually not, I'm not not talking to your consciousness. I'm talking to your unconscious mind. So listen, everybody. I've actually I've done like four sessions. And I was a complete skeptic in someone offered to work with me, and I loved it. And this is what I loved about it. So first, we worked on we talked about an issue that I have. And so I'm sorry, you went for a specific reason? I did. Okay. Yep. And so she basically wrote down or my own language off of that she she had some probing questions, and I would answer her back authentically. Yeah. And then, you know, that was that was probably like a good 20 minutes. And then we moved to the table and I was snuggly warm. Yeah. And beautiful music. And then I, after so many minutes would go into a deep sleep. And we've talked on here that I'm a snore. And I didn't have any fear of snoring because I felt comfortable with her. And yeah, I loved it. I. So here's another thing Myleene I would actually get drowsy driving there, like my body was sensing it, because it's predicting it right. It's predicting Ooh, I'm going to hypnotherapy or hypnosis session. Oh, when I go to hypnosis. I get so relaxed. Your body is like ooh, already getting ready for it like shavasana with like, can we? I mean, Some people might call it anchoring, right? Yes. Where you can anchor the hand anchor but like you've anchored your body and your brain has predicted that when you go to hypnosis session, you can to this very relaxed states often it's like, just breathe super relaxed, and it was helpful. It was helpful. Very helpful. Yeah, I suggest it. Yes. And people people respond differently. Right. Some people are awake the whole time. Or like, feel like they're conscious. Some people lights out. Some people actually snore. Yeah, right. Snoring drawings. Yeah, totally, totally allowed. It really is. What how I like to think about is like, I'm really just your guide. But you're doing the work, you're having that conversation with yourself in order to get what you want. Absolutely. And when were in that relaxed state, the five senses doll in The Sixth Sense, heightens Yeah. And then you start to move through the dementia. Or as as all my angel incursions, you start like we live in third dimension, this is earth. And when you daydream, meditate, sleep, you actually move into or use your imagination, you move into fourth dimension. And then when you of course, you pass away, you go to fourth dimension or higher outside the physical body. But while you're asleep, you move through the dimensions in the realms. And you you meet up with your higher self, which is all the beauty contains all the beautiful qualities about you, right and beautiful attributes, and you collect parts of your recipe and bring them back with you when you return to an awakened state. So if my lien such a gentle soul, or anyone that you feel drawn to that does hypnosis, while you're in this relaxed, peaceful, hypnotic state is saying positive things to you, you're aligning in that moment with those parts of you, with your higher self in the higher dimensions, and then you're able to bring it back with you. And it's almost like going back to your internal source. Yes, right. Where there aren't any filters or layers or whatever that are hiding or maybe masking what it is that your heart or your soul, or your heart and soul wants for you, which is only aligning you for your highest and the greatest good. Lila, what would be your biggest fear having this done? You're like the realist? I think it would be like, you know, it would be the control thing. The idea that my lien would implant something in my head, like I said, like a word or phrase. Yeah. tissues. Lila, can you tell? Ya know, I tell everyone that I've worked with like, I nor anyone else can not embed anything in your psyche that you morally have an issue with? Do you have an innate guidance system protector that is always within you. And I second that, so that you get it from two of us. I call it like a barometer, right? Like, you know, like, you know, I'm very real with my little Boston accent, like it's a bullshit bra. So if I'm laying there, I trust my soul. That if someone's whispering something, my my bullshit meter. Right. And it's good to hear a couple different ways. Yeah, it's going to open up and be like, this doesn't align with me. And rejection, like you're you're you are more as humans were more powerful than we thought. Yeah. And so so people will often ask, Well, what about what about the people they have seen who go up on stage, right? Get all crazy and crap, like a doctor or whatever it is, right? Yeah, what so what's going on with them? So let me so so anyway, back to the other side and I struggle with so Also think about think about that setting. You're in a show, okay. And you know, they haven't Hypno hypnosis person is saying, Hey, who wants to come up and experienced this? And you've got people were like, ooh, Pick Me Pick Me Pick pick me. Already. There's an openness and a willingness and if you pay attention, you'll notice that that person that knows this person is not picking everyone. He's he or she is only picking the ones that he's like, okay, this person is open to doing whatever it is whether it's hamming it up Whatever it is, they're open. Right? Like, you'll notice like he'll, he or she will be like, Oh, no, thank you so much. I've actually already got enough people. Okay, because part of it is also being in tune with the other person like we calibrate to each other. Right? So very experienced hypnotherapy person or hypnosis person will know if someone's really just trying to like out to prove you being wrong. Yeah. Like, like, I know when you know when there's like you could do them. The person's mother's first or last name, the most ridiculous last name ever and they still won't finish right? You looked me up on the Yeah. Yeah. Which goes back to like mental models, right. So you know what I like to tell people like, this is not for me. What exactly it is for you. For you to be able to get it is that you want, right? I am that I love about you my name because it's so heart centered. So finally, what sort of things do people come to you for? Like? So? Most obvious ones are like anxiety and stress. Okay. I have done people with weight loss. But what I have found and why I have branched out more than just hypnotherapy is sometimes people come to me for like, the problem isn't really the problem. Okay, so I like to think about okay, great. So you come from my side. Okay, so what's going on? What's under the under? And then we and then i? And then we think about? Okay, so here's actually the protocol. Right? What I also like to let people know, like, for example, if if you've come to me, and maybe this has been a pattern that you've had for, oh, I'll just call out myself. 45 years. Can't expect that one session. Right, right. Bam, it's gone. Like, you've had this for 45 years. Give me a few sessions. Like, yeah, he'll the layers of the onion, right, like, what's underneath? Yeah, was under the under. Alright, so. So that really is just another way to help, you know, your brain be like, oh, there's a different way that I can actually preserve this body better. Yeah. Right. And sometimes it's a very, sometimes a delicate balance, like, I will not know that something might trigger someone. And so that is, again, that like, trusting relationship where it's like, if something comes up, let me know. Because maybe that is actually that piece of the puzzle that lets us understand what's underneath, under. So you get to the root cause of so. So it's like a lot of anxiety and stress. But like, what's what Where did data? Where's it coming from? Yeah, right. So is that something you think that people are finding for themselves in this relaxed state? Is this like, something they're bringing back? Yes, cuz it's all fun. But I was like, because, you know, I'm not speak from my personal experience, like, having these uncomfortable feelings. uncomfortable, right? Eight like, gosh, Angel Amy knows this. Are the things I mastered was like, oh, uncomfortable feeling. Six foot pole, right? This is before COVID. I was like, oh, social distancing, right, sweeping under the rug. But really, everything that's coming from our body are just messengers. There's no part of us that's trying to harm us. It's only trying to send us a message and give alert as to what to pay attention to. So even something like anger. Okay, sometimes that underlying anger, what's underneath the anger is actually sadness. And what's its highest intention? The highest intention, sadness might be like, I want you to feel loved. So if we can focus on what's it What's this emotions highest intention? Versus Oh, God, it sucks. Yeah, it totally sucks when you know, your feelings and carnal feelings. And it's like, you're like, I really feel like I'm going to be a piece of class that's about to shatter into 1000 pieces. Right? So I might have said this on here before, but most adults are in tune with three emotions. Oh, yeah. Have I said this love anger? And what was the third one? Maybe disappointment. But there are so they're like, I don't know. 40 something? I'm gonna Google it while we talk. Yeah, how many emotions and you know, most adults don't know. Like, I'm feeling shameful. Like shame is a big one right? ate. And really again, like, we think about shame, okay, if we, if we were if we were to talk to shame, right? Because a lot of these emotions really just want to be seen. And you say hi. Because they vanished, right? There's 27 different categories of emotion. That's categories. Yeah. So but it takes an awful lot of practice for someone to get to the place where they can really sort through. Yeah. And find, you know, that. I call it like, emotional granularity, where, what it actually is, right, and I'm gonna while we talk, I'm gonna look up a book, like my team, who always just says, board, right? Is more on board. Okay, so what what is what is poor, its highest intention for her. Oh, that, you know, maybe the board board as an emotion is saying, hey, I want you to have more joy in your life. Right? That's its highest intention. It's really just trying to be like, Okay, you haven't had enough joy in your life. And it's hard for some people to make that connection up. So that's when you would go see someone like my lane like a feeler. Another thing you can try on your own everybody is, there's a book Lila and I've talked about this one, by Mark Brackett and it's ma RC bracket, b, r a c k e TT, permission to feel. And Mark has devoted his life to he's a doctor, he has devoted his life to helping people feel the emotions, and he teaches you how to go in and like really do that. So that's a good follow up for this podcast, too. Because a lot of this stuff exists in yourself. So my lane is, again, that sort of tour guide that we're looking for where she's going to help you find you. Like I am, I'm playing your mirror. So I might be showing you things that one you haven't seen. And that includes your wisdom, and your power and your beauty and your strength. You know, we're so used to seeing the things we don't like about each other. Worse, yeah, right. It's, it's easier because again, part of its negative emotions, that's a very magnetic magnetics. I like negative emotions are pretty magnetic. So it's easier to go that way. So what we don't like in someone is a reflection of ourselves. And it sounds harsh, but there's something inside of you, if you really dig will resonate. So meaning if you don't like something in someone, it it's a reflection of what's happening inside of you. But also the positive is true to like, like what you love or like about someone or admire about someone is also a reflection of the rat. Yeah. So it's like a magnet. Yeah, we're drawn to people for a reason. Right. And so, you know, again, speaking from personal experience, I think one of the things that I have loved to lean into is this curiosity piece, right? So say I was feeling bored. I can ask what else could this mean? And then when judgment starts to join the conversation, I say, hey, judgment. I'm not trying to act on a theme. I'm just curious, right? Step aside. Yeah. I was like, I was like, I was like, You know what? Don't worry. I'll call you in when I need shots. Right. I love the little handbook. When you need it, you need it exactly. Right now. I'm just curious. What else? Yeah. Another thing that I do for me is like, I'll even say like, what do I need today? Yes. Like, I'm feeling this like, or if when I don't know what something means. And I'm trying to like figure it out. Because I work deep on myself, just like my lean does. I'll be like, what? Like, what do I just need today? I don't need to figure it out today. But today, I mean, like, an extra cup of espresso. Day. And that, you know, and I think that you know, for a lot of people aren't taking the time to pause and think through kind of some of these, you know, we're very reactive, we just react and so you don't ever you know, if you can slow yourself down to get to the place like my Lane says and and think like, what, what am I actually thinking about? Why? Why am I thinking I mean, going back to the brain is just a predictor, right? When you're thirsty, and you know, you're thirsty, not just hungry, right? And you drink water. And also you're like, ah, thirst quenched? Your body actually doesn't process So that you've drunk that water until 20 minutes later in the brain is a powerful brain, the brains like oh, yeah, you drank water. Okay. Well, drinking water means that you feel great. You feel great, right? But again, think about like the body itself takes 20 minutes, right? So we only use what, like three or 5% of our brains? Yeah, there's so many. It's if there's so many well, so. So metabolically, though, we talk about like the brain. And as a budgeter of our resources, metabolically, our brain is the one that uses the most energy. Oh, so I love that I believe that, I believe that I use a an additional part of my brain to be able to connect to the other side. Yeah, and if you're using, it's almost like your brain, you can think about as like airports and hubs, right? You've got New York, LaGuardia got Atlanta as a hub. You've, through your experiences in the way that you've allowed your brain to predict how to best take care of you. Your hubs are operating really efficiently, efficiently and elegantly. Why thanks? You make me sound. And all of a sudden, because it's operating and your your brains like oh, sweet systems, systems are good. Systems are good. I say that I have my own interpretation of that. You that I just paid my dues and past lives, and I've suffered. Like, I think I've been I've suffered? I do, I think it's a combo. Yeah. Well, I think it goes back to sort of like, what do you believe? Right? And what resonates? I think it's a little a bow, right? Like, I like to think about making deposits into my well being bank. Yeah. Especially when I feel good. Because guess what, there is no other bank out there that has this kind of an interest rate. Right? You make deposits into your own well being bank, then when it is that you need to make withdrawal. You're gonna be like, I'm not I'm not gonna run out. Right, this gas, and there's gas. And you know, what? I have accrued so much interest compounded even? Guess what? It's good to get a lot. Yeah. Yeah. I love that. So originally, my lien was drawn to me, Angel, Amy. Because I have a background in corporate America. People might not know that. And so we've had these, like, really deep conversations about how corporate America is slowly starting to merge into this self help realm. How when you're in corporate America, in you sit in these cubicles, and you're on top of everybody, and you work with different personalities, we have to have different tools in our toolbox to be successful in corporate America. And also, we're starting to see more companies start to lean into a corporate climate that is in more alignment with what's some good language, my lean? I think so the way that I like to think about as like, really companies who practice what they preach, right? It's not just values you put on a wall and say, check, I got values, but really embody those values of taking care of its employees. Right people first because again, without the people guess what? You don't have right, don't think it from the top, though. I love well, and I was gonna say, you know, we, the phrase that always comes to my mind regarding is, you know, that work life balance. Yeah. Everybody wants to talk about that as though you're, you're not your life has not happened while you're in work. Right. But yeah, I think that that sort of, you know, especially if you had upper management or, you know, upper leader that, you know, was aware of things like this, and, you know, aside from just the happiness of your employees, I'm sure that they're much more productive if they're not sitting there wishing they were. So think about it as when you have an environment, right? I mean, again, I think about this, it's almost like okay, what did you learn in kindergarten, how to play well with each other in the sandbox, right? No different but somehow along the line along the way, we forget that as adults, it's similar principles. So you're in the sandbox, and you're like, oh, how do we how do I, how do we play with each other so that one we're having fun? Be we trust each Other, and when we have a safe space, then guess what? That's where the innovation comes. Because now we're not worried about challenge might be too strong or but we're not worried about asking questions about an idea that came up. But it's those asking those questions in a safe space that all of a sudden it's like, oh, this connects to this dot. But how would you say that? That sort of idea meshes with sort of the inherent competition that is there, right. So there's only so many jobs, there's only so many upper level jobs. So if I let my lien take all the credit for our idea, I'm out. It's really I love that question of it takes me back to sort of like, what's your mental model? It's all it almost takes me back to Okay. Do you believe that universe is friendly? Right? And if you do, okay, then what is a friendly universe mean? Again, going underneath under, what do you believe? If you believe it is about competition, then perhaps that will is what your experience is going to be? I like to think about, I love your show, because you're highlighting all these different options and healers. And, for me, that is a symbol of abundance, and how much we have to share, and how we are all unique, we get to sing our own songs in our own tune, right? We each like have our own recipe, right? And that's the thing, right? It's a learning find, you find what works for you, you find what resonates for you. And it's okay to change your mind. Because certain things might resonate for you at certain stages of your life. Right. And so going back to the corporate America thing, that fault that now is very rings very true in corporate America, in companies that understand this are going to thrive in makeups. And companies that don't are going to struggle, because people are not going to stay at their jobs. Yeah. I mean, I think there's this it's, it's almost like, we're at this intersection point where, you know, the way that I like to think about it, like, we usually will upgrade our phones once a year now. Right? Yeah, me every couple. But yeah, fairly soon. When was the last time we upgraded, updated? The way that corporate systems and structures operate? I ever like Yeah. Like, I think it's just so archaic to me. Right? Right. So I think it's, it's almost like, yes, we have all these articles about the great resignation, and mental health and well writing, I think this is forcing the conversation. And like you said, the companies who recognize that they have to change their way of be in doing so this is so interesting to me, because I'm just coming back to a conversation that Amy had, where she talked about the Gen Z, and the change the disruption of the pandemic, and the disruption of everything. And I think, you know, I'm an older person, you're so old. But you're ingrained in a different way. Right. So you, you know, the idea of like, your, your workplace, you know, basically given a shit about you. Right, kind of a foreign concept. But I think about how, like some younger people, and especially the Gen Z are going to come up and they're just not going to do it. They're not gonna nod their roar at it, they're not going to tolerate exactly on the money Lila in so now this is why it's starting to shift in. Also, if we go if if everyone goes back to the podcast on me predicting the year there I mentioned in it, that there's a lot of infrastructure and processes that are going to break down. It's heavy corporate America, its hospitals. It is we'll even see more in the police that the way these operate these big, you know, corporations or big groups would operate just doesn't stick with stand ending, right? Well, I mean, it follows the whole like, it starts from within, right, it starts with me first and then. Right, you're right and so like this, the within to me is feelings in creating a company where you're allowed to communicate and express your feelings or express what's coming going on with you. And I think that is the first stage in mastering the mental health crisis in this country, right? I think it's, you know, one of the concepts I love about a book I just read, by Lisa Feldman Barrett, called Seven Habits of the brain highly recommend is this concept of, and for me, this is what oneness is already. It's almost coming from this. As babies as humans, we're really kind of like the only mammals who are so dependent on someone else having to take care of us. We can think about other animals being born. And gosh, what a horse just kind of like pops and just stands up and starts living as a baby. Right? We are, we are so dependent on who is taking care of us. Yeah. And so you think about that ecosystem. And you think about okay, so awesome. Well, hopefully, we have really good caretakers who are doing the best they can in any given moment. But sometimes that's not the case. Exactly. But you had mentioned on your podcast episode feels like that is when the seeds of maybe how our brain starts to predict get planted. Right. Right. Yeah. And so, yes, I love that we live in a country where it is about free speech and choice and options and possiblys. But along that comes responsibility. Anxiety, like, the words that we share, speak, say, yes, you can say whatever you want, but also know how that can impact someone else. Like news nowadays. Hopefully, we'll get to the point where advertisers actually not paying for fear based news, right? We're actually we're advertisers actually paying for positive news, yes. Because if if we can train and help our brains better predict how to take care of us. We can also train it to be different, we can do differently and then have differently, but when you think about companies are using that very information to sort of manipulate you in an opposite way. Not necessarily physical. Yeah. Well, you know, like, I always think social media. Right, right. I was gonna name one name. Yeah, like, like the algorithm. Yeah. That is like, no, no, no, no, no. Right. That is gonna tank something. And they say that inside of that, like that, you they show you more of, of what you don't like, or what's opposite to, because you tend to because you rent it with that more. Like negative emotions. Yeah. A bigger pole. Yeah. bigger magnet. All right, man. Yeah. But again, I think it's it's part of this, the way that we have taught our brains or the way that grew up in terms of what's magnetic, right, we need to get myelin in a room with some high level of social media and teach them how to go inside themselves and feel the 40 Something emotions. And let's have a lovely platform where we can actually just share some photos of our dog. Yeah, I mean, going back to little baby to hypnosis, hypnosis is very much just like a trance. But one can argue that we're all in a trance constant constantly. Yes. But we forget that we can choose which trance we want to be part of. Yes. And to take it one step further. I always say everything you've ever wanted, has already happened. Because this is the only dimension that has time. So third dimension is the dimension that is time once we get to fourth dimension, there's no more time. That's why you daydream through fourth dimension, or meditate through fourth dimension. So in the same respect, as my lien just said, if you tune into what is for your greater good, or get clear on what exactly you want for your greater good, it's already happened for you. So that's like the first step in manifesting is just believing that it's out there. It's happened. You just have to align with it. And you do it through your thoughts and your words, and your actions. And you live it right, the best of your ability, right? I mean, I'm in the book that I just mentioned that one of the things that she says is the best thing that can ever happen to her A person is another human being the worst thing that can happen to a person, because I know. Right, right, right. But But that, but that is that again, we can choose who we want to be. To help humanity. Exactly. And we need to support those people that, you know, that we like, I'm just gonna say like with a period, yeah, right. Yeah. Cuz I mean, again, like we are all part of this is, again this whole oneness and interconnectedness like we are all interconnected that way. We are right. Yeah. So like the one we can choose, we can choose who we want to be with the people who actually make us better human beings. And also choose not to be with humans who maybe don't bring out the best in us. Right, but it's our choice. I yesterday, I had nine deer surround my house. And I was like today, I just want to be with the deer. I don't care if they have ticks. No. They're, they're the peace symbol, and they make me feel peaceful. And guess what? You're helping your brain regulate your body. So every time I see a deer I go into this peaceful state. It's crazy. Yeah, you're you're making deposits in your well being a lot of it. This was so lovely. Myleene, thank you tell us where people can find you. Yes. So I you can find me at Holistic Life Community, which is located here in Wakefield, so holistic life community.com And just reach out I've got you can check me out on my about page and just reach out to me via text or email. Great. Great. Thank you so much, Miley. Oh, thank you. And thank you, everyone, for listening. We hope you found this enlightening. Please be sure to subscribe to our podcast. We can be found wherever you get your podcasts. And we're on Instagram at spill the ginger tea podcast. If you have any questions, comments or ideas for future shows, please message us there. If you'd like to get in touch with my lien, you can message us there and we'll connect to you. Also, you can follow me at Angel ami 1123 on Instagram. And if you're interested in joining my VIP Angel club, I'd love to have you you can look that up on my angel ami.com. So thank you all for joining us. And until next time, be well

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